I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 1283 - Anti-Gravitational Belts

Chapter 1283 – Anti-Gravitational Belts

The High-tier Machine Builder System.

In essence, it was the most complex gift amongst the 2.

For one, its features and possibilities could accomplish far more than what It was made for.

And this complex builder was in the form of a spider.

That’s right.

With its many arms, it could do so many tasks and functions within a few minutes.

And once many spiders are made and ȧssigned various tasks, they can build everything in the shortest time possible.

But the key point here was that before the spiders got to work, their systems had to be given all parameters and overall scope of what the final product would look like.

And from there, these spiders use several special detection features, as though they were wearing Iron man’s mask.

They can also scan and find out which parts needed maintenance or whether something was wrong during the building process or not.

Their spider eyes, which by the way were a lot, would constantly be accessing and working with supernatural strength as well.


Additionally, they also had inbuilt anti-gravitational systems, for when they had to fly with large parts and screw them in while suspended mid-air.

At this point, they could very well rip apart the planes back on earth and burst into them like superman brushing into a train.

And because of the many scanning systems in these bad boys, Landon was also super pleased because it was something straight out of a sci-fi movie.

Now, the port’s security systems would also have a tighter system that far exceeded earth’s. Additionally, he could also make Tony Stark glasses and so on.

But to him, his main excitement came from the anti-gravitational belts.


He could already see it now. The soldiers flying in the air while protected by an invisible spherical field.


The anti-gravitational belt mostly created a spherical vacuum around the wearer that eliminated gravity’s influence.

Just like how Buzz Lightyear or even the Jedis in star wars, Landon wanted to create a similar belt as well.

He also found that he would have to create wrist controls for directional purposes.

Well, this technology alone was such a giant leap for humankind.

That is, they haven’t even started making mobile phones or even gotten the satellites or rockets launched into space yet.

So wouldn’t the future historians be a tad bit confused here?


In truth, since he came to this world, his intentions had been haphazard, popping out in any format.

So what did he care if people thousands of years later found the order of things weird?


Inventions were inspirational. So what if the idea came up now rather than later?

Landon shook his head wryly, still immersed in the fact that he would be able to create anti-gravitational belts.

And just like the limit with the metal enhancer, he realized that the highest it could fly was 4-stories high and nothing more.

That is, the people from that D-rank planet had been able to achieve and sustain this much with their anti-gravitational function.

In some seasons, they would have to fly lower than 4-stories tall just for safety. And other seasons, things should be okay and good to go.

There were just so many calculations, physics, and many theorems to consider here.

And for the time being, Landon wasn’t trying to improve the anti-gravitational limit.

Where did he have the time to improve it when he still had to focus on improving the metal enhancer?

Please! He was already too busy dealing with the Virus.


As for how he would proceed to deal with these gifts, Landon decided to give a few reading materials for Tim and the overseers involved so that they begin studying A.S.A.P.

But thinking of the impending danger, he couldn’t help frowning deeply.

Just like during the World war where farmers and all sorts of people joined the army to fight, his situation also called for immediate actions too.

And even the women had to learn several things that they had never gotten used to in a blink of an eye.

So desperate times called for desperate measures.

And likewise, with the impending threat hovering over the world, the Baymardians too had no time to wait for them to fully understand things.

Now, Landon decided to revert to how they did things at the start of Baymard’s era of development.

That’s right.

They would follow the guidelines and do the same thing every single day for as long as it took until they could do it with their eyes closed.

Like well-oiled machines, they would do it over and over and over again for months after months.

And while doing this, inevitably, they would also pick up and understand things more and more as time went on.


So Landon decided that the moment he got awarded with knowledge on planes and whatnot, he would spend 5 whole months with everyone, teaching all he could about planes.

Simultaneously, from now till the period after his teachings, the Builder and metal enhancers should also be completed by then.

And by January the following year, the first batch of planes should emerge in just under a month.


He originally planned to spend close to a year on the building phase alone.

But if a large Boeing airplane could be built in a month, then helicopters should take shorter periods, and he should already have everything laid out properly.

One had to know that for people in D-rated planets, a large plane like the Boing was nothing as they were focused on building massive sci-fi-like spaceships instead.

So what was a tiny Boeing plane?


They could build it so swiftly as though they were only putting simple legos together, with the help of many spider builders that crawled, jumped, and flew over the place to get the job done with an incredible speed as though they were Stony Stark’s machines.

So yes.

He would indeed be able to reach his goals faster.

And soon, the airport will be open for business!

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