I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 1191 - Change Of Plans

Chapter 1191 - Change Of Plans

Landon grumbled deeply while thinking of the system's words.

The system was definitely trying to set him up for failure.

If this eye-witcher did exist, then what other extraordinary blessings did others receive?

If he attacked Morgany head-on, maybe this eye-witcher might've been able to spit their lives from a distance away and turned things around too.

In war, any advantage the enemy has could potentially end in their loss.

So it was best for them to know all they could talk about the enemy instead.

Also, surprise-attacking such an enemy would be too difficult.

It looked like he was suitable to deal with Morgany last.

Additionally, the system said that within each continent, there were several blessed people. So who knew what others were there with other blessings?

Even within the continent of Lampe, he wouldn't be surprised if the Adonis leader himself had a blessing as well. Maybe it was because of all this that they seemed to believe in some Adonis God, wanting to conquer the entire world for him.

Well, Landon was keeping all these things in mind for the long battle ahead.

But in the meantime, there was something more crucial for him to worry about.

The Witches!



As Landon drove off, he began to ȧssimilate the data he recorded about them.

Basically, these witches came from the continent of Tenola and worshiped a fake Goddess called Goddess Avodart, the Goddess of Witchcraft & Sorcery.

At present, their head witch was someone called Jamila, a 39-year-old, luscious red-haired lady, who indeed looked far younger than her actual age.

They believed that women should rule the world and men should be slaves.

That's right. Their goal is to enslave or kill all males.

Even the males 'accidentally' birthed to them were treated as garbage and thrown away into the vicious cycle of being slaves within their secret bases.

The men never left the bases and had been told all their lives that women were the true rulers of the world.

Thus, they were indeed more obedient and were also willing to die when selected to be sacrificed.

Of course, at times, the witches would catch other men and lock them up in the dungeons until it was time for the sacrifice ceremonies to begin.

For men that were born and bred within the organization, they would be allowed to work or even clean the floors and areas around the hideouts... That is, until the day they were going to get sacrificed.

Even If they were 6 years old, they would get sacrificed.


Anyway, these Witches believed that a woman should be the only person in this world meant to walk about freely.

Men were only there for breeding.

Even though they hated men, these women realized that men were needed to continue humanity, or else even if they gathered their dystopian world of all-female power, they might actually end up wiping out civilization instead.

Imagine if they finally managed to kill all the men in this world?

For sure, not long after, all women would age, grow old and die, making humans extinct.

Thus, men were only there to ɨmprėġnȧtė.

But the women were the ones who would take full control of things after trying the men with their limbs apart. 

And after getting pregnant, all girls would be trained as Witches, and all boys would live their lives far worse than slaves until it was time for them to get sacrificed.

All in all, men typically got sacrificed no later than 38 years old... That is, if they lasted long enough from all the workload poured on them over the years.

Again, if they fell too ill, they would also be put to death as well.

In short, there were so many reasons why men were put to death by the witches, but the biggest reason was for the numerous sacrifices they held every now and then.

For one, they held Beauty sacrifices, believing that eating the flesh and inner parts of a man, as well as drinking his blood, would make these ladies turn younger and even more attractive and beautiful than they were.

During the sacrifice, they would chant and kill their victims with stones or daggers, slicing off the pieces of flesh or parts they wanted.

One might think that they would be bloodied after attacking their victims in such gruesome ways.

However, with their killing skills, as well as the fact that they detested men, they were always able to avoid the blood from spraying on carelessness and whatnot.

Hey. If it touched them, they would quickly rush off and clean themselves for fear of being tainted by dirty blood.

Yes. They did drink men's blood but didn't allow it to touch their outer faces and other specific body parts.

To them, it was okay for their hands, lips and feet to come in contact with dirty blood. But other body parts were a no-no.


Landon received the general info about these people and was taken aback.

So they truly believed that drinking and eating the flesh of men would make them younger?

Heh... No matter how he saw this, it was cannibalism!

Landon squinted his eyes thoughtfully. It looks like the female Prison would welcome a few more people after this. But, they would have to keep away from the other prisoners.

These Witches were cannibals, okay?

And even though so far, they had only been eating the flesh of men, who was to say that they wouldn't start attacking other female prisoners?

 These witches were a dangerous bunch that had highly skilled female warriors and ȧssassins within them. 

So Landon didn't dare to take them lightly.

It was just that something had been bugging him since he got the warning sounds.

For this surprise visit from the Witches, Landom was indeed very confused.

Eh? Was he missing something here?

He had never visited or had any conflicts with those from the Continent of Tenola.

So why were these Witches taking action within the Baymardian Capital city? If not, then could it be that they came here to solve a personal issue with a particular Baymardian here?

Landon truly had no clue what was going on here, and the system wouldn't even tell him the purpose of their visit.

The system only gave Landon brief and general background information about the witches.

Nothing too deep about the Witches was mentioned. 

So no matter how hard Landon tried to wrap his brain around things, he still couldn't understand why these Witches were here.

The wedding was fast approaching, with countless people getting excited about it all.

Yet here these Witches were, planning to take the bride away before the big day.



Landon drove as fast as he could while deeply thinking of the entire situation.

It was all just too strange.

Who exactly were they after?... Or, in simpler terms, what exactly is their goal?


Landon's mind was now in a mess!

Meanwhile, within one of the Motels within District G, a cold set of greenish eyes peered out through one of the hotel room windows, vigilant watching the road and streets below in silence.

The stunning pair of eyes darting in several directions, left, right, up, down, maniacally.

And soon, the pair of eyes disappeared altogether, before the blinds were used my closed tight.


The owner of those stunning pairs of green eyes then turned around to face the massive crowd within the room.

The crowd all wore similar clothing to her, and all kept stern expressions on their faces too.

Everyone one of them looked like they were standing on shit.

Before coming to Baymard, they didn't think of this place all that much, thinking that maybe someone hyped it greatly.

But after coming here, they realized how drastic things were.

No! How can a man come up with all this?


Women were the only brains in this world. It was true that even within poser, some of the ideas men put forth were whispered into their ears after lovemaking. 

And when the time for rewards came, men would claim all the rewards and won't even think about the women who fed the ideas into their minds.

At the same time, the thoughts fed into their minds would sometimes mislead them too, causing them to blunder or mistrust their people, which was all the work of manipulation by women.

That's why indirectly, these witches believed that it should be a woman who came up with all these ideas that this majesty Landon stole.

So could that woman be Princess Lucy?

Yes! It was most likely to be her. After all, even though her b**ch of a mother was their enemy, it was undeniable that the woman was brainy.

Hence, Lucy must've inherited her brains.

Heh. At first, they planned that after taking her to Tenola, they would offer her as a sacrifice to satisfy their rage and vengeance for her mother's actions.

But now, they wanted to harvest her knowledge to grow their Organization even bigger.

And soon, they would be able to enslave all men in this world


Good. It looks like now, their plans have changed.

As of now, no matter the cost, they must get the daughter of their enemy back.

As for the hostages… Kill.

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