I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 1157 - Cleanup!

Chapter 1157 - Cleanup!

~Gallop. Gallop. Gallop. Gallop.~

The manes of several stallions danced mid-air as they left the city, advancing towards the battleground.

The men on the horses all had call expressions on their faces. But if one looked close enough, they would be able to see that their expressions were all soft.

That's right.

They too were happy about the sudden victory.

With the estimates and numbers reported earlier on, it should've been impossible for their city to deal with the enemy since they had fewer K. Soldiers when compared to the enemy.

Yes. The city's population was large. But ordinary people weren't warriors.

And even if they sent ordinary people to fight, they would just be sending them for slaughter too.

Some might survive and end up victorious, but he guessed that only the hunters or those with borderline ability might make it.

But then again, battle was more of strategy and was different when fighting a human being that could think and twist as flexibly as you are.

Additionally, the enemy should be superior in battle, so ordinary folks might not even stand a chance.

That said, their soldiers at hand were not as many when compared to the enemy.

Yes. They too needed to increase the number of Soldiers at hand.

He would have to send a letter to the Capital, talking about the war, their shortcomings, how they won, what they could improve on, and more importantly, he needed more people stationed here for the time being.

The coastal regions were the most viable to enemy attacks.

So, it was a good point to consider now.


At the same time, they would have to recruit and train those who were willing to be soldiers too.

In short, while they won... His report would drill and focus on their shortcomings or what the situation would've been like if the enemy did prepare if they knew about the Siege weapons.

Would they still have won by then? Or would they have lost instead?

And what improvements could they make on their attacks around the slopes? Do they even need to deepen the slopes or do anything more?

So if another enemy attacked within all the seasons, what and how would they disguise the siege weapons and attack?

Yes. They already had routines for how they expected things to go down.

But today's battle would undoubtedly change several aspects, making them realize whether they were wrong about something or if their previous plans were feasible or not.

Additionally, the Military weaponry and Research centre would continue their recreating more siege weapons and making adjustments to them too.

And any discoveries would be relayed back to the chief researchers within the Capital, who will in turn test and approve them before distributing the methods to the other regions too.

Breakthrough information would also be shared with the other empires. And vice versa.

Now, they began sharing their ideas like the Morgs had been doing with one another because no one could remain an island alone.

Today, what if the enemy had come with 5 or even 10 times the number of people they brought in?

By then, no siege weapons would be able to stop them from conquering this city.

Suppose the Baymardians could save the city faster than the backup troopers from the Capital arrive?

All this had to be considered.


~Gallop. Gallop. Gallop~


The horses finally stopped when they reached a small gathering of men above the 2nd slope.

"City Lord Ravenwood!"

The small gathering of soldiers gave a brief salute to Ravenwood, who was now getting off his horse.

"At ease!"

"Yes, sir!" They answered in unison, waiting for Ravenwood's next order.

"Prichard! Polten! Lombard! Twain! Yerga!"

You 5 took charge of the 1st slope, 2nd slope, the woods and the seas... Good job!"

"Thank you, sir!"

"Hmhm... You all did great. But as you know, things are far from over for us. So, later on, you'll send in your detailed reports to my office in no more than 3 days. Understood?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Alright. Even though I'll be getting your reports later on, I still want a brief summary as we walk on. Come... Let's go!"

With that, the men walked down the slope, passing by the countless dead bodies all around them.

Minced bodies, shattered parts, and blood all dyed the once pearly white snow.

And now, the entire place had turned into a nest for Crows.

~Flap. Flap. Flap. Flap.~

The crows feasted on the minced and scattered flesh, eating and carrying whatever body part they could take away.

Some pecked and grabbed the eyes of those stabbed by arrows, while others picked on the exposed livers and intestines Instead.

Indeed. This was Crow heaven.

The entire battle ground was covered in blood and gore.

And the stench was truly awful, as now, the bladders and bowels of the dead had opened greatly.


It has still been over 2 and a half hours since the battle officially ended

And as time went in, the stench only grew worse as the cold could no longer cover its foul odour.

~Ghawk! Ghawk! Ghawk! Ghawk!~

Amidst the painting crows, the soldiers carefully picked all armour, swords and weapons, as well as searched the bodies too.

Of course, those enemy sh.i.p.s that hadn't sunk were also searched, as all the loot and valuable information from them was also taken out as well.

But for the ones that sank, fear not for the Baymardians would handle them.

The Baymardians offered a service that could retrieve and search through any sunken sh.i.p.s around the coastlines too.

Firstly, the water was freezing cold, and the Teriquens didn't have any oxygen tanks or masks to keep them alive till they went down.

Not to talk of even adapting to the pressure.

But they wanted to search those sh.i.p.s that went down thoroughly.

Firstly, Ratum's private ship, and the sh.i.p.s of the Holy Generals, had all gone down.

So without a doubt, valuable information and items could be found there.

Not to talk of all the c.h.e.s.ts of money there too.

They also wanted to gather any chariots on there as well.

On the battlefield, one could see the crushed chariots.

So, one could also assume that some of these sh.i.p.s carried them too.

It is also because of this that in further, they would realize just how many slaves they drowned and would better work on their plans.

It was tragic but a life and battle lesson.


And another thing they wanted was for the Baymardians to assist them in getting those heavy boulders out of the sea region just before the docks.

After all, if they kept pulling up like that, at one point, they might scratch or scab incoming sh.i.p.s that want to dock.

Well, for these strange new horse types, they would gather them too.

And earlier on when some sh.i.p.s went down, they saw some horses escaped and swam towards the shores.

So they should be scattered somewhere in the woods.

They hoped to understand these strange new horses and maybe even breed them too.

Who knows, maybe these strange new horses will mate with regular horses?

Ravenwood walked around with the soldiers, discussing their next plan of action.

Thus, ended the Great Teriquen Siege Battle.

And in history, it would be recorded as the first Siege battle in Pyno!

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