I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 1149 - Giants or Weapons? Who Can Be Sure?

Chapter 1149 - Giants or Weapons? Who Can Be Sure?


The people at the very top of the sloop quickly nodded and turned to the weapons speedily.​​

It was also at this point that the Adonis warriors saw more and more people on the slope too.


Their pupils dilated as their previous uneasiness sprung back heavily.

Very quickly, Mikel gritted his teeth and promptly commanded: "Take Cover! Take Cover!"

Dammit! He didn't know why? But he felt like now, he shouldn't underestimate these beggars.

"Take Cover!"

Mikel and the other Battlefords hurriedly gave out their commands.

But sadly, it was a little too late for that.

His entire body felt like it was being eaten away by poisonous ants.

And just for a brief moment, his heart stopped beating in shock.

It wasn't just him, as everyone that saw the situation turned grim in horror as if they had seen several ghosts, making them freeze for a bit.


Everything happened in slow motion the more they watched the giant balls float in the air before them as if they weighed nothing.

Some of the balls were on fire, while others were not.

And in this brief moment, they also saw several super arrows heading their way too with incredulous speeds.

No! These arrows weren't the typical arrows.

Off the bat, they could tell that these arrows were bigger and thicker than the ones they had.

But how could this be possible?

Could it be that some of these Teriquens had changed in body size and were now giants?

What human could throw stones/boulders that big and mighty into the air like so?

And what sort of bow would be needed for such super arrows?

Obviously, one that was even longer and bigger than they were in length and size.

Or... Could it be that they had invented some sort of weapons that could launch these items out?

But how could that be possible?

This was Pyno, the people they looked down on!

This was also the land of the mush and brainless, as well as a savage world compared to their glorious civilization.

Be it economically, politically, borderline and so on... Their continent crushed Pyno hands down.

So what was going on here?

How come these stainless fools were able to create such Godly weapons?... Or could they have stolen them from Morgany or Veinitta?


Seeing all this coming their way like a slow-motion scene, Mikel and many others had countless thoughts pass through their minds like crazy and could only blame these Savages for seal attacking them like this.

Everyone's body was bubbling with rage as they felt more and more hate for these savages.

Good-for-nothing Savages!

How dare they surprise attack them like this?

Don't they know that their actions were too cowardly?

If they had the strength, then they should come out and fight... And not use such cheap tricks against them.

That's right.

These Adonis warriors thought that these Teriquens were very shameless and had already forgotten that they had been conquering several territories because of their surprise attacks.

They had also forgotten that not too long ago, it was they who wanted to sneak attack the Teriquens too.

But now that the tables have turned, and well... These savages now sounded shameless and uncultured to them.

'Bastards! Bastards! Bastards! Bastards!'

Everyone cursed silently while quickly regaining their senses and struggling to dodge the attacks.

"Everyone, take cover while charging ahead and don't lose heart! With Adonis on our side, we are sure to win!!"

"Holy Thamans, pray hard and levitate the stones! You can stop all this with your holy divination powers!"


"Take cover!"


"Take cover!"

"Charge ahead!"



Every Battleford for the many units all gave different orders to their men.

But they all basically commanded the same thing.

Retreating was never an option and was very disgraceful.

Yes! Once they reached the enemy, they would like to see how many more tricks these bastards could pull out their asses.

Only by getting to the top could they kill those controlling these bizarre weapons and then take control of the matter.

So of course, they decided to strategically dodge while advancing as speedily as they could without falling on this icy path.

Moreover, they had the Holy Thamans with them who would pray and call upon Adonis to give them hidden protection too.


If the Thamans could pray and confuse the enemy, then they should be able to pray and make the stones rise in the air and not attack them too, right?

Hmhm... It all seemed logical to them.

And in truth, these Adonis people believed it.

This was the middle ages where several scientific things were seen as miracles and manifestations of their Gods.

Of course, Gods and the heavens did exist, which represent good... And the demons and hell existed too.

If there was good, then there had to be bad.

And in truth, there were some true miracles that were done indirectly by the heavens.

But sadly, even if those truly did exist like the case with Lucia's people... these Adonis followers were actually Godless and believed in some non-existent entity.

Yes. They had thought their numerous glories over the ages were because of some divine intervention and blessing.

But it was just luck that they were better off.

No one can choose where they would be born, and no one can choose their empire or family.

So this was all just where they were supposed to be... Nothing more.

But they took their noble births and victories to suppress people with their greedy minds, all in the hopes of calling everyone to this non-existent God.

It's just that, unfortunately for them, no matter how these Thamans prayed, they were bound to be disappointed.

Because the giant stones won't float, and that was a fact!



~Rumble. Rumble.~~

The first giant boulder landed with a mighty force, causing the entire ground to tremble hard as the vibrations echoed underneath.

At the same time, the boulder's forceful move didn't just make the ground rumble but crushed or injured over 30 people too.

Some got directly crushed, having their heads turned Into minced meat, while others found their legs crippled instead.

They had been marching very closely like a pack of sardines, so a single boulder had not only fallen and killed or injured these people, but continued its work cutting down the people on the slippery slope, creating havoc to more and more.

Of course, this was just from one of the boulders.

Needless to say, with the rest coming in hot, the enemy was already in tears.

~Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom~

"Ahhhhh! My leg... My leg... Dammit! It's crushed!"

"No! No! No! I'm burning! I'm burning! The fiery stones are disastrous!"

"Quickly, we have to distance ourselves from them; the fire is quickly spreading on!"

"Oh no! Silas' chariot and horse have been mashed, but Silas is still alive; only the metal from the Chariot crushed him and stabbed his leg clean!"

"Quickly! Quickly! Put your swords back in their sheaths. We are losing men with some of you accidentally stabbing others!"

"Oh my Adonis! What is this? What is actually going on here? Why are these savages nothing like what was earlier described?"

"Ahhhh!~~ The pain! The pain!.... They're also shooting from the trees and woods too. Bloody savages! They have us all surrounded!"

"Boniface! Boniface! No!!... Boniface has been killed by the giant arrows, along with 5 others. The arrows directly pinned his neck and the other body parts of the rest as if picking meat! What the hell is this? Why isn't everything going according to plan?"


~Thup! Thup! Thup! Thup!~


Disorder quickly stepped in as several people within the massive army began to take several steps back instead instinctively.

Meaning, while some were advancing, others at once point retreated a bit.

But because they were all so close together like sardines, this move only made a few others stumble on one another, with others rolling down and hitting others like bowling pins.

But the scariest part of all to those already rolling was that some got directly shot with the arrows in the a.s.s... Meaning their asses were up and their heads were on the ground while rolling.

But that wasn't all.

The arrow passed through their b.u.t.t cheeks and managed to somehow hook either one of their balls or their little man, before picking others close to them like meat.

And then, after getting picked up and pinned together, one shouldn't forget that they were still upside down.

So as tall men, they found themselves in a very close range to the lower region of their comrades.



They want to protest!

They gritted their teeth as their b.u.t.t and you-know-what trembled nonstop in pain.

They had sliced off so many people's you-know-what… But even though they knew it was painful, they didn't realize it was this bad.

Almost immediately, their bodies released buckets of sweat that stung their eyes like vipers.

And the pain from down below felt like a never-ending nightmare

Why? They were the protagonists of this world

So why should they suffer like this?

They were allowed to do it to others. But as children of the highest God, why would they have to suffer?

This was the highest disgrace in their lives and, dare they say, the most painful thing they had ever experienced.

But they weren't the only ones, because likewise, some boulders had directly smashed others in the b.u.t.t, causing them to turn into minced meat while doing the splits.

At this point, their hate for these savages had reached its climax.


Why would these bastards target their generation?

Yes! Without these body parts, could they have more children?

This was directly cutting their family lines!

[Teriquens]:... Erm... Sorry bro, but we didn't really mean that one. But since you're our enemy, then go die!

~Boom! Boom! Boom!~

~Thup! Thup! Thup! Thup! Thup!

The first Siege battle was hell!

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