I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 1134 - Enter Little Sister

Chapter 1134 - Enter Little Sister

Where was she?


Swimming within Mother Kim's fluids, the young girl seemed to have sensed her situation.


Was she about to be delivered?

Then, didn't that mean that she died on her mission against the Bordous?

That's right.

She was from another world and frankly speaking, another era.

She came from a time similar to the Stone Age, which was way before the Bronze age, and also far away from the Iron age.

The bronze age was when copper, tin and other alloys were discovered and put to use... And of course, the Iron age was self-explanatory.

But she came from the stone age, all before this.

And during this age of man, the tribe chiefs and important clan members created a gluing paste and realized that they could build Stone homes and move out of their wooden ones.

This was perfect since their homes were permanently getting destroyed by massive beasts of all sorts.

And instead of using wooden clubs, they started making stone axes and stone spearheads and other weapons too.

They were now heavily dependent on stone.

And she lived in the late Stone Age period, which was similar to the Neolithic Stone period.

They created stone hoes, pickaxes and adzes for ploughing the soil.

They also learned stone sculpting techniques, discovered and understood poetry, stone art and whatnot.


As for her, she didn't have a real name.

Everyone just called her Blue hair Pollo.

The name of the Village Chief was Pollo.

So they took her family name as Pollo.

And coupled with her blue hair, they join the names like this.

One should know that it was very common for almost everyone to be an orphan from where she came from.

So each tribe lost people almost every day, especially the hunters, gatherers and even those who went to trade for salt and other items.

It was a chaotic time.

But what was even scarier was that according to the ancient books of her tribe, centuries ago before her birth, there was some disaster that almost destroyed the entire world.

Well, people back on earth would call it the Ice Age, which was around the first stage of the Stone period, also known as the Paleolithic period.

And after that, mid-stone age period, humans submerged, tucked up bones and continued the die of stone too.

And during the late-stone era that she was born into, things were at least picking up greatly, with people discovering that they could actually start planting things too.

Of course, even with the ice age, the creatures surviving were still overly big for them, as humans to fight against.

The a.d.u.l.t flies were the size of 3 fingers joined together, and they didn't have dogs yet... Just giant wolves.

And who knows... Maybe millions of years after evolution kicks in, they would get extinct or get smaller in size instead.

Anyway, she was most terrified about the weather since it almost wiped out the entire region once.

The storms they experienced were like tycoons, and their wooden homes or cave dwellings did no good.

So each tribe strived to at least have one public stony safe-house for all tribesmen to hide in during natural disasters.

Of course, if it collapsed and crushed them all, then that was the will of the Stone Gods.

Yes. Each tribe typically had their own God that they worshiped, like the Monde people who believed in the insect God or the Willow tribe that believed in their sacred Willow tree of life.

Back to her homelessness, those born with no parents always took the last name of the Tribe chief.

And he would bestow a name on them based on their appearance.

That was the real reason why she was called Blue Hair Pollo.

Of course, there were several other blue-haired orphans too. But they had distinctive features that the Tribe chief noticed, like Sleepy Pollo, Freckle Pollo and Sea blue Pollo.

And apart from the outside dangers, within the tribe, she hardly had any difficulties

Everyone helped each other, played their parts in either sewing or doing other things assigned by the village chief.

There was also a witch healer and bookkeepers that recorded everyday activities on leaves or cloth with animal blood... or recorded them on stone tablets instead.


The bookkeepers recorded the weather, how much food they got today, estimated how much they would need to get through the winter and so on.

And during winter, it was relatively easy to store food because they found that the ice preserved it.

So they would catch a lot of fish, wrap in inn cloth and place it under heaps of snow and pour water on it to icen it up and also block the smell from attacking small animals.

They also learnt about grinding herbs for slices and so on.

In fact, they all lived like one big open community, with the life expectancy being 23.

But of course, there were still many people who lived to 30... Especially if they were lucky enough to survive the weather, natural disasters, animal attacks, diseases, unexpectedly poisonous foods, hunts or even survive the numerous enemy attacks in the tribes.

Such a thing was rare, but a few people did survive that.

Even with all this going on, Blue Hair loved her life and her tribesmen dearly.

It was all she knew, after all.

She didn't even know that there would soon be the bronze age, iron age, medieval era and even the 21st century.

Her imagination could never have gone towards the galactic era of spacesh.i.p.s as well.

So what was there to complain about?

To her, the Stone Age was the most modern time of all.

Thus, she loved a better life than her predators in the early and middle Stone age eras.

At the age of 12 (half the life expectancy), she met her doom.


Blue Hair had just gotten engaged to one of the young 12-year-old warriors in the tribe.

She had no concept of love and had only gotten engaged because the hunter liked her sewing skills.

Yes. Skills were the foundation of love for her people.

So warriors chose people who could make their homes more comfortable.

That was all.

Only when cohabiting together in their later stages of life would they finally fall 'in love' and die old together.

So even though half of her life had already flashed by, she was still a kid and didn't get any real sense of emotional romance yet.

But, she knew that in marriage, one would have to give birth, raise the child, etc.

She knew that marriage was a joint effort.

Her husband would not only go out to hunt for the family but for the entire tribe too.

And she on the other hand would go out to sew and do other things for everyone else as well.

The only way they get rewarded is when everything got shared to all homes.

That was it.

But, if someone didn't pull their weight, they would be given less, which would look bad for their partners.

That said, raising the child was all there was since everything else was a joint trib effort.

So marriage to her was more of a duty which she was proud to do.

From the talks with the women growing up, this thing called marriage love only came around the age of 15 or higher.

They said she could never feel it now since she didn't even have a child or anything to create the love between herself and her fiance.

This seemed to be true because she had only spoken to him twice in her life and didn't even know him that well.

Not to talk to the fact that he was always busy and out, while she too had tribe duties to do.

So she hadn't even seen his face for 5 months now.

She typically rotated shifts and jobs, taking sewing duties, farming, well-water retrieving, and so on.

So she too had her own life to follow.


That said, she had just turned 12 years old a month ago, meaning her wedding/union would take ace once her betrothed came back from his mission in another Month's time.

He went on foot to a faraway village with the Tribe chief's son to trade dried backs of animal skin for more salt.

And while he was away, she started preparing for the union as tradition demanded.

She first made sandals and shoes from bamboo and wood... as well as also created Union bangles too.

But more importantly, she had to find her makeup by herself.

And that's where she made a fatal error.

She accidentally used poisonous berries rather than harmless ones.

Thus, she fell and died while picking and tasting a few.

The berries were meant to redden her lips over time and act as blush too.

But it ended up killing her before her wedding.

Well, to the 12-year old her, she had lived a fulfilling life.

But what was this?

She opened her eyes and poked around in a daze.

What sort of house was this?

What were those shiny things (metal)


Blink. Blink.

This... This...

This was definitely not her stony era!

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