I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 1009 - Creatures Within The Sh.i.p.s

Chapter 1009 - Creatures Within The Sh.i.p.s

'Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang.'

Back on the Temple sh.i.p.s, The loud constant banging at the door annoyed those within the room.

The moment the door opened, Jimosen lashed out in rage.

"How dare you disturb the sanctity of us, the temple Primates?

We still have about an hour and 40 minutes to go before we get to Baymard's shores.

So what is it?

Are the slaves revolting and refusing to paddle?

Well, don't just stand there with your mouth wide open. Are you a dog?

Speak Man!"

The Dragia (Temple warrior) felt aggrieved.

He really had something important to say, alright?

"Temple Primates, trouble seemed to be heading our way?"

Linvor raised his eyebrows calmly: "Trouble? Care to explain?"

"Yes. It's... It's... A flying ship."


Jimosen slapped the back of the pirate's head before apologizing to Linvor again.

"Linvor, old friend. I sincerely apologize for the stupidity of my men. If I had known that they were this stupid, I would've drowned them myself before now. How could sh.i.p.s fly?"

Linvor chuckled and waved his hands nonchalantly: "It's okay, Jimosen. First, let's assess the matter and properly hear him out. Who knows, there might be truth to the matter."

"Well, let's do that then.

You! Explain in detail. Are you an idiot?"



Both Jimosen and Linvor listened briefly before getting up hastily and dashed out of the room.

"So it's a ship smaller than ours that seems to be speeding so fast that it looks like it's flying?"

"Yes, Primate. That's exactly it.

We suspect that they might be using creatures to paddle their sh.i.p.s."

"Hmm... From the looks of it might belong to the Baymardians. But why didn't the spies not report it earlier?"

"Primates, from what we just saw, this ship came from the right."

"So they came from the area leasing out towards the vast seas?"

"Yes, Primates."

"Then they might've been hiding around those areas to drive pirates away.

Out that far, we can't see anything from here.

Which makes sense that the spies who paddled away from the sh.i.p.s towards Baymard didn't see them."

The pirate who delivered the news nodded his head in understanding as the Primates pieces everything together.

"Primates, many had speculated, and some had even said that these sh.i.p.s could only speed because they're using some sort of creature to do the job for them.

Many say that they saw these creatures paddling away, creating more speed for the sh.i.p.s.

Those who travelled by ship had also said that from their rooms, they could see a see-through room called a Control room.

It's said that these. baymardians fed food down the many tube holes here, feeding the countless creatures beneath.

Some even swear to have heard loud hunting noises sometimes while on board.

They say that the monster trapped beneath could eat 20 men whole!"

Jimosen and Linvor nodded calmly.

They already knew all this.

They speculated that Baymard might have more unknown creatures that are still unknown to many

Of course, they had their reasons for calculating these things.

Firstly, Baymard had mentioned a few creatures in their storybooks that existed in real life, but not around the Pyno continent.

The temple spies who had integrated within the Pirate organization after getting 'kidnapped', had sent reports of these strange beasts before.

Like the yellow-face Ape, the Swaying giant lizard, the giant pink Unda (Praying Mantis), and many more.

From the moment they saw some of these creatures, they automatically assumed that the rest were real too... Even the Kraken.

That said, with the countless tales from passengers who got onboard the Cruise sh.i.p.s, they knew that the Baymardians had some creatures down there, doing the work of paddlers.

They didn't know what creatures could be that smart.

Nonetheless, it would all soon belong to the temple.

As for the small ship, or should they say small boat heading their way... The creatures used there should be baby ones or some other mysterious ones.

Thinking like this, they all rushed towards the deck to see those on the ship.






Everyone on deck bowed respectfully as Linvor and Jimosen passed by.

Even those on the surrounding sh.i.p.s did the same when they saw the others bowing.

Trey, who saw this was slightly swayed into believing that they were royals

But when he observed the people more, he felt that his assumption was wrong.

They had no royal garments on, no official knight attire, and nothing he could recognize that showed nobility.

However, even though they weren't wearing any knight attire, they all work red with a square symbol and the letter 'D' in the middle.

Seeing the symbol through his binoculars, Trey's eyes widened in shock.

Wasn't this the symbol used by the Temple of Dragmus?

He and the rest had been told to stay alert, just in case these people came for revenge.

But how could these people figure things out so soon?

Could it be that they discovered that their true enemy was Baymard and not the pirate organization?

Or were they another group and not the temple of Dragmus?

No! The fact that these sh.i.p.s came now meant that these groups of people had no clue of the destruction that happened a few months ago.

Their travel time was too close to make it possible.

Well, whatever the case, he still needed to ask politely and find out why they were here.

Trey took a deep breath and dared not draw any conclusions.

"Windsor! Connect with Headquarters and give them the news."

"Yes, Admiral!"

Trey continued observing things while the others did as they were told.

And soon, after 2 minutes, they were already close enough to the fleet.

Of course, Jimosen and Linvor's sh.i.p.s were at the centre of the formation.

So the duo requested for the sh.i.p.s to part, creating a wide enough space for the Baymardian ship to go in.

Those on Trey's ship frowned.

"Admiral. I think it's a trap.

If we go in, then we will be surrounded by the formation."

"Admiral. He's right.

Our ship is smaller than theirs, so people might jump onto it and attack.

Going in is risky!"

Trey chuckled playfully: "Hmhm. It is. And that's why I need you to immediately contact headquarters and tell them to send forces right away. Items would've told the sh.i.p.s ahead to find out what we want. But they, on the other hand, are trying to trap us. Their move indeed shows their hostility. Nonetheless, this shouldn't be a problem for me. Take note! None of you should ever do what I'm about to do. If I ever find out that you did, you will be suspended indefinitely! Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Admiral!"

"Good. Now tell everyone to lock all doors going down, up, in or out.

It's time to Drift!"

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