Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 1655 - : It Seems Right Yet Wrong

Chapter 1655: It Seems Right Yet Wrong

Teacher Qiao paused for a moment and continued. “Therefore, on the surface, the game and movie look unrelated, but in fact, a dark line is connecting them tightly.”

“It expresses the two forms of fighting this invisible will, but both forms end in failure.”

“The game is actually introducing the format of the upper echelons. Whether it is the perseverance and change within Tengda Corporation or the external forces represented by the Resistance, they will only force the invisible will to change a carrier and owner in the end. However, it will quickly become stronger and come back.”

“The movie introduced the format of the lower level. Whether it was the alienation and striving of the poor protagonist, the perseverance and change of the young tycoon, or the obstruction and calculation of other tycoons, Tengda Corporation’s aloofness and ruthlessness could not be shaken in the end. The more people resist, the more invisible clones of will would be born in more carriers.”

“Everyone might be curious as to why the protagonist of the game is called Captain Lu De.”

“Captain Lu De’s full name is Lu De Yoke. If you only look at the name or surname, you might not have any associations. However, you will think of a famous event when you combine it. Lu De Sport.”

“One of the main places where the Lu De Sport took place was in county. At the same time, the coal mine strike in county was the last glory of the sport.”

“Lu De Sport is a spontaneous exercise that workers use as a means to destroy machines to resist. From the looks of the results, this exercise is sympathetic, but it is actually not very meaningful.”

“This is actually hinting that the Resistance is doing the same thing. They are indeed fighting and causing destruction. However, from the looks of the results, it is also sympathetic but meaningless.”

“Be it the game or the movie, they all fell into a seemingly unsolvable cycle in the end. No matter what form it took, that invisible will would find a new host and carrier and quickly make a comeback. Whether it was Captain Rude or the other protagonist, they were just hurried passers-by in this process.”

“From the perspective of the audience and players, their lives might be worth singing and crying, exciting and magnificent. However, from the perspective of the invisible will, they are actually not much different. They are just chess pieces on the board. It is not worth caring about which chess piece has contributed the most to them.”

“Looking at ‘My Property’ from this perspective, this movie will realize that it is actually explaining the same content.”

“However, ‘The Future You Choose’ is about the process of people fighting against this invisible will. ‘My Property’ is about this invisible will expanding as a human carrier and finally eliminating everyone’s ending.”

“I don’t think so when many people say ‘My Property’. Both parties are actually expressing the same connotation. They are just at different stages and show it in different ways.”

“‘My Property’ chose a more extreme situation, so its expression would be more eye-catching. If you don’t analyze it in depth, it would be difficult to find the deep connection between the game and movie that you chose, as well as the three characters of ‘My Property’.”

“That’s why I think that ‘My Property’ is very outstanding. At the same time, it is not a direct competitiveness with ‘The Future You Choose’. Instead, it is a complementary relationship. Its appearance only further proves what Boss Pei wants to express.”

“It’s completely meaningless for everyone to compare the two movies. It’s just like arguing about Chinese and mathematics which is more important. They are obviously necessary subjects to get high marks.”

“What we should really focus on is the true meaning behind these three works, as well as the deep connection they have with reality.”

“Let us listen to what Boss Pei said again.”

“Boss Pei said:

“Please don’t treat Tengda Corporation as your biggest friend. Instead, treat it as your biggest enemy.”

“The main goal of the game and movie project of ‘The Future You Choose’ is to let everyone clearly realize this. It has been achieved so far.”

“Please treat Tengda Corporation as the most evil company. Let’s attack it together and make it lose all its money.”

“What does Boss Pei mean?”

“Obviously, Boss Pei is not targeting one of Tengda Corporation’s employees or higher-ups, nor is he targeting the overall atmosphere of Tengda’s employees, much less himself. That’s because these are all within Boss Pei’s control.”

“In fact, Tengda Corporation has done these things almost perfectly in comparison to other companies. There is nothing to criticize.”

“Therefore, Boss Pei’s meaning is very clear. He is not targeting a tangible body of Tengda Corporation, but the invisible will that will ultimately appear above Tengda Corporation.”

“In fact, Boss Pei never saw the anti-Tengda Alliance as a danger. Instead, he saw it as an external support.”

“On one hand, Tengda Corporation is expanding rapidly and setting off new business models in various fields, providing better service to ordinary consumers. This will definitely attack the forces of the anti-Tengda Alliance, causing both sides to be naturally on opposite sides.”

“However, to Boss Pei, the anti-Tengda Alliance is not a threat to the business model at all. Naturally, there is no need to take it seriously.”

“However, on the other hand, as the influence of companies like the anti-Tengda Alliance continues to weaken, that invisible will will will finally find a better owner, Tengda Corporation. The moment the dragon slaying warrior picked up the treasure sword, the danger of becoming a dragon hovered above him.”

“Boss Pei has always been very vigilant.”

“Everyone must have been impressed by the empty seat at the end of the game ‘The Future You Choose’.

“In the game, all of Tengda Corporation’s decisions actually reflect the will of the entire company. It is constantly expanding and developing. The reason why it can still be defeated by the Resistance is because part of the will of the company reflected by the people in charge is the last good will. In other words, they did not let this will take over the company’s army and defense.”

“The throne in the game is empty, but there is someone on it in reality. That is Boss Pei.”

“This throne is not a form of power, but shackles.”

“Boss Pei, who is sitting on the throne, is not thinking about how to continue expanding his territory every day. Instead, he is thinking about how to not be controlled by this invisible will. He will not become its puppet, nor will he become the spokesperson of the invisible will in the world.”

“No one else can sense such danger.”

“Netizens feel that Tengda Corporation is thriving and elated. The people in charge also think that they are doing very meaningful things and constantly realizing their life value. However, only Boss Pei saw all of this from the highest point of view and realized a terrifying shadow gradually enveloping him.”

“Therefore, this work can be regarded as a warning letter from Boss Pei or as a denouncement.”

“He warned everyone to pay attention to the changes in Tengda Corporation at all times. He wanted to be good at Tengda Corporation at any time and become the most dangerous enemy. At the same time, he hoped to use the power of all netizens and all the employees of Tengda Corporation to trap this invisible will in a cage so that it would never become Tengda’s true master.”

“This is a very difficult task. It is impossible to complete it alone by Boss Pei. We need everyone to work together.”

“No one will remain on the throne forever, but it will live forever.”

“I think this is the most serious challenge to Boss Pei.”

“The reason why the title of the game and movie is ‘The Future You Choose’ is very clear.”

“It does not hint at a confirmed future. It does not mean that Tengda will definitely develop into a terrifying monopoly in the future. If such a terrifying monopoly really appears, it might not be Tengda Corporation.”

“This name implies a huge trend.”

“It can be interpreted as if if no one is vigilant, the scene in the game and movie might appear in the future. It might not be exactly the same but it would be similar at the core.”

“At the same time, it can be interpreted as in reality, how Tengda Corporation will develop depends on how everyone chooses the future.”

“This is the deep meaning that this game wants to express.”

“Of course, that’s just my opinion. There must be many immaturity points.”

“This time, I hope that everyone can complete this interpretation with me.”

“As a solver, I have analyzed many Tengda games and movies. There are also comrades like Senior He An who have fought side by side with me.”

“This time, I hope that everyone can join in this interpretation and solve the puzzle that Boss Pei left for us in virtual and reality. Together, they can do their best for Tengda Corporation’s next step.”

“Thank you everyone!”

Pei Qian was completely stunned after watching the video.

It could even be done this way?

Pei Qian had thought that he had blocked all of Teacher Qiao’s paths. The only thing that Teacher Qiao could do was to interpret his intentions and come to the last truth buried in Pei Qian’s heart.

However, he did not expect Teacher Qiao to be drifting in reverse. On the surface, he was following the path that Boss Pei had given him.

This was a mess!

Not only was the plot of the game ‘The future you choose’ and the movie very well combined, but it also brought ‘My Property’ along.

These three works, together with what Pei Qian had said before, pointed to reality together and gave a brand new meaning.

It did not seem to be a misunderstanding of Pei Qian’s original intentions.

There were many words in it, especially “Boss Pei views Tengda Corporation as his greatest enemy.” This sentence was quite right. “Boss Pei hopes that everyone can fight side by side with him to curb Tengda Corporation.” This sentence was quite right.

However, the specific interpretation seemed to be very ridiculous.

The interpretation seemed to be right, but not completely.

He had misunderstood, but the final outcome seemed to be not far from Pei Qian’s original expectations.

From Pei Qian’s perspective, Teacher Qiao’s words were a complete misunderstanding.

However, if Pei Qian did not take his own subjective view and evaluated Teacher Qiao’s video from the perspective of an objective person, he would feel that what Teacher Qiao said seemed to make sense. He would be convinced by Teacher Qiao.

From the looks of the results, if everyone could combine with what Teacher Qiao said and target Tengda Corporation and be wary of Tengda Corporation, it would not be a bad thing for Pei Qian’s loss-making business.

Pei Qian was very helpless. The current state had completely exceeded his expectations and beyond his control.

Forget it, he would take it one step at a time and let nature take its course.

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