Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 957 - Confidence Is Something You Find Within Yourself & Nowhere Else

Chapter 957: Confidence Is Something You Find Within Yourself & Nowhere Else

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Had she not been fired?

Ye Xue was stunned. Had Jiang Yu not asked for her resignation the previous day?

Had she been fired just like that?

Seeing Ye Xue’s catatonic form, the disgust in the receptionist’s eyes disappeared. She urged, “Leave now, or we’ll have to call security.”

Ye Xue felt weak. She was not some spring chicken, naive and not knowing the ways of the working world. Even if she had been dismissed or asked to resign, she should have received payment and an explanation for the sudden layoff.

“Ihave rights as an employee! The company must explain itself whenever it fires an employee. Moreover, I have worked twenty days this month. The company has not even settled the matter of my salary. Don’t you think I deserve an answer?”

The receptionist snorted coldly. “Why don’t you look at what you’ve done? Don’t worry. Your salary will be wired to your account. There’s no need for you to see the President. Do you think you can afford to anger our President?”

“Why do you think Jiang Yu will be angry with me? Wasn’t he fine just yesterday?” Recalling what Jiang Yu had said to her the previous day, Ye Xue found it difficult to believe he would be angry with her at all.

By this point, the receptionist was convinced that Ye Xue was the kind of woman who got close to the rich and powerful for nefarious reasons. The receptionist did not just loathe such people; she actively despised them. “You have some nerve calling the President by his name! If you don’t show yourself

out, I’m afraid I’ll have to call security and ask them to escort you out.”

Ye Xue could only storm out of the company. What else could she have done? She was not about to make herself into a living spectacle for the entertainment of others.

Lin Wan poked her head out from behind a pillar. When she saw Ye Xue chased out, she felt an indescribable joy in her heart.

It was not easy for her to get close to Jiang Yu. How could she let that minx take it away?

Spinning on her heel, Lin Wan left with a smug smile on her face.

Ye Xue walked out of the building and planned to take a bus home. The more she thought about it, the more the situation seemed strange. By then, she had already arrived at the bus stop.

She had known Jiang Yu for so long, and not once did she peg him as the kind of person who would go back on their words.

Abus stopped in front of her. Its doors opened, waiting for her to get on.

Ye Xue suddenly turned around and ran back to the company. She withdrew her cell phone from her shoulder bag and dialled Jiang Yu’s number.

The line connected almost instantly.

“Jiang Yu, come out for a moment. I want to hand in my resignation,” She said.

“Come in by yourself.”

Jiang Yu had just finished his meeting and was sitting at his desk dealing with some matters. He was waiting for Ye Xue.

Ye Xue relayed the receptionist’s words to Jiang Yu. “The person at the front desk said you fired me and refused to let me see you. I was told my presence would invite your displeasure.”

When Jiang Yu heard this, the hand over his mouse paused. He knew she must have been wronged. Otherwise, Ye Xue would not have taken such a tone with him. “That was my mistake. Wait for me.”

After hanging up the phone, he took the special elevator down to the lobby.

He stopped and glared at the lady manning the front desk when he passed the front desk. The receptionist felt a pair of cold eyes staring at her. Subconsciously, she looked up and saw the President standing there. She was so scared her heart skipped a beat.

Jiang Yu continued on a moment later while the cold gripping her heart eased.

Only then did the receptionist come back to her senses. She peeked over her desk and looked in the direction of the entrance. Patting her chest and said, “That look the President gave me was terrifying!”

Ye Xue put away her phone. She was still wearing the khaki jacket she had worn yesterday, a threadbare scarf wrapping around her slender neck.

Her thin ears danced in the breeze, and her blond hair fluttered as the wind blew.

The spot where she stood carried with it nature’s beauty. Occasionally, a few pale yellow leaves would fall, and some would land on her shoulders.

It was as if she had gone back in time to those few years in university. Nothing and yet everything had changed.

Jiang Yu slowed his steps. He approached Ye Xue slowly, afraid that he would disturb the portrait of beauty painted by nature.

Ye Xue stood there for a while, waiting for Jiang Yu. By some stroke of fate, she turned towards the company building and saw Jiang Yu. There was a strange, poetic beauty that stole her breath away.

She had known Jiang Yu for eight years. Eight years ago, that youth was as flashy as the wind was like a cinnabar mole imprinted in her heart.

She had always believed they were people from different worlds, like two parallel lines destined never to intersect.

It was not until Qin Shu’s appearance that those two lines grew closer and converged.

It was why she agreed to their relationship while they were studying together in university.

She was like a moth to a flame. Even though she knew what the result would be, she still jumped at the chance of being in a relationship with Jiang Yu.

If she had to do it all over again, she would still make the same choice.

Jiang Yu stopped in front of her and peered down. A blush coloured his cheeks as a result of the cold wind. “When I saw you standing under the tree, I suddenly recalled those days we spent in university and how you would wait for me under a tree like this.”

Ye Xue also came back to her senses. Although the events occurred in her freshman year at university, she remembered them as clear as day. “What was I supposed to do? Those fangirls of yours were scary!”

It also reminded her of the humiliation she had suffered at their hands.

She was not worthy of Jiang Yu.

“Follow me in. It’s cold outside.”

Jiang Yu blamed himself for making her suffer again due to his negligence. He reached out and tried to take her hand, but she avoided him. “No. I’m alright, thank you. I’ll give you my letter of resignation. Perhaps you might find some use for it, albeit it may not be the most helpful.”

‘As Ye Xue spoke, she reached into her shoulder bag, withdrew the resignation letter she had prepared long ago, and handed it to him.

Jiang Yu did not accept it. He snatched her hand with his, stubbornly refusing to let go. “Come with me. I can’t bear to let you suffer, let alone an employee of my company.”

Ye Xue was at a loss for words. Led like a child with her petite hand in his larger palm, Ye Xue could only follow in Jiang Yu’s footsteps.

Jiang Yu continued holding onto Ye Xue’s hand as he stepped into the company. He did not forget to send a frigid look in the receptionist’s direction.

It was the second time the lady at the front desk had felt this bone-chilling sensation. It was a kind of soul-shearing cold that people feared most.

She looked up with acute trepidation and saw the President standing in front of her. Beside him stood Ye Xue.

What – What was going on?

She hurriedly stood up and bowed ninety degrees. “President, is there anything you need?”

Jiang Yu looked down at her condescendingly. “What right do you have to stop her from seeing me?”

“president, didn’t you fire her yesterday? Secretary Lin told me to deny her access. She said Ye Xue’s presence would only anger you and that the consequences of doing so would be unimaginable,” the receptionist replied shakily. Her legs were weak.

Jiang Yu sneered, “Lin Wan told you to do this? When did I give her such power? You’re a receptionist. What’s your scope of work? If you don’t even know who your superior is, are you still qualified to be a receptionist?”

“President, I received this information from Secretary Lin. I thought it was…”

Before the receptionist could finish, Jiang Yu interrupted her in a cold voice. “Apologize.”

Ye Xue glanced up at Jiang Yu. She had always thought he was a person with a good personality. Yes, he was a little impatient, but who wouldn’t be when they were angry? In her eyes, Jiang Yu was a man who lent a helping hand to those in need of justice. He was impulsive but loyal in that way.

Was this fierce man next to her the Jiang Yu she knew?

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