Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 802 - We Used to Know Each Other

Chapter 802: We Used to Know Each Other

The smell was faint. If you were not paying attention, you would not notice it at all.

The faintly discernible fragrance was delightful.

Qin Shu sat quietly at the side like her previous visits, watching Gu Yan check Jun Li’s pulse.

They had long known about Jun Li’s condition and the effects it entailed.

There was nothing they could do but treat his symptoms as best they could.

Gu Yan knew this; she knew this. The only thing she could do was pray Jun Li would pull through.

Checking Jun Li’s pulse, Gu Yan was struck by how thin Jun Li’s wrist was. Jun Li’s wrist was much more delicate than his – considering his wrist was the average circumference of a man’s, it said a lot about Jun Li’s condition.

“His pulse has improved since yesterday.” Gu Yan reassured Qin Shu, “He should wake up soon. I’ll get Juying to prepare some plain porridge for him to eat once he awakens.” Gu Yan’s words were a balm on Qin Shu’s frazzled nerves. She had spent the whole night worrying for Jun Li’s sake.

“Okay,” Qin Shu replied, her eyes wandering over Jun Li’s pale form, lying prone on the bed.

Gu Yan gave his patient a quick once over before stepping out of the room.

Not long after Gu Yan left, Qin Shu noticed Jun Li’s long eyelashes tremble, signifying that he was about to wake up.

After waiting for a while, Jun Li’s eyes fluttered open, almost hesitantly. He looked around in confusion, eventually catching sight of Qin Shu sitting by his bed. The started look he sported was priceless, and Qin Shu burst into a fit of laughter.

Jun Li, the victim of Qin Shu’s jubilance, stared with his mouth agape, dumbfounded. For a split second, he thought he was still dreaming. It took him a while to adjust to reality and accept that someone so dear to him was seated mere inches away – that is, until he heard the ecstatic, unmistakable sound of her voice.

“You’re finally awake.”

The sound, the sweet peal of her voice, was too vivid for it to be some vain fancy conjured up by his mind. It was real. His surprise morphed into blissful joy as he asked, “Why are you here? When did you arrive?”

“I arrived yesterday. Lan Qi was the one who informed me of your condition. Gu Yan is here with me – he’s been treating you while you were unconscious.” Qin replied, relief colouring her words.

Hearing Qin Shu mention Lan Qi’s name, Jun Li cupped his head in his hands, helpless. “Lan Qi, that rascal! He still behaves like a child despite his age… I’m sorry if he’s caused you any trouble. I’ll speak to him later.”

Qin Shu shook her head. “No, no. He did not cause me any trouble at all. He appeared at my place telling me you had fallen into a coma and asked if I wanted to see you. If anything, I should be thanking him.”

Jun Li offered her a wan smile, supporting himself up with both hands. Unfortunately, his most recent collapse had left him somewhat weak.

Seeing Jun Li having trouble getting up, Qin Shu quickly bent over and supported him.

With Qin Shu’s help, Jun Li managed to lean against the headboard of his bed. Qin Shu took the opportunity to prop him up with pillows to ensure he was comfortable.

In this brief interlude, Qin Shu’s large belly did not go unnoticed by Jun Li. “How many months has it been?”

Qin Shu patted her round belly with a smile, “It’s been seven months.”

A shadow of a smile ghosted past Jun Li’s face. “Seven months?” He sighed, “Time passes so quickly…”

“Yeah, I feel the same way. I can’t wait to meet my baby! It’s been that way since I was pregnant for three months.”

As a mother, Qin Shu’s whole demeanour would light up whenever someone commented on the size of her belly.

Jun Li mirrored her smile. “I’m looking forward to the day I meet your baby. When the time comes, I’ll have to remember to prepare a big red packet.”

Word of this red packet amused Qin Shu.

“Why are you grinning like a loon? I know you don’t lack money, but it’s tradition. A newborn child should receive a red packet; it is a blessing.” Jun Li said with an expression of mock seriousness.

“Then please accept my thanks on behalf of my child.”

“It is my pleasure. When the time comes, you’ll have to let me carry the baby too.” Jun Li smirked.

Their jocular banter was interrupted by Su Ying, who entered in with a tray. When he saw that his young master had woken up, his eyes flashed with surprise.

“Young Master, you’re awake! Thank goodness. Juying prepared this bowl of millet porridge for you to eat. Please be careful; it’s still hot.” Su Ying pushed a cart laden with food into the room, locking its wheels after parking it beside his young master’s bed. It would serve as a makeshift table for the young master to eat his porridge.

Once he had completed his assignment, Su Ying retreated to the side, awaiting further orders.

The enticing smell was more than enough to whet his appetite. He had not eaten in a few days, and already his stomach growled in protest. Jun Li picked up the pair of chopsticks and spoon that Su Ying had prepared, eating slowly.

Qin Shu accompanied her friend in silence. Although he had been in a coma for the past few days, Jun Li maintained an elegant, dignified poise while partaking in his meal. He was the very picture of a gentleman, polite and restrained.

When paired with his sickly complexion, Jun Li’s disposition made it impossible for anyone not to regard him in a piteous light.

His serious countenance contrasted with the casual ease he carried himself with; it was a marriage of contradictions, but in Jun Li, it felt natural. On the contrary, most would find it pleasing to the eye.

Jun Li finished his bowl of porridge but did not finish the rest of the dishes laid out. It was best to eat in moderation while he was still recovering. Jun Li put down his cutlery and dabbed his mouth with a napkin.

Su Ying tidied up the bowls and chopsticks before pushing the cart out, leaving Jun Li and Qin Shu alone in the room.

After the door swung shut behind Su Ying, Jun Li addressed Qin Shu politely. “The weather today is pretty good. Let’s go for a walk.”

“Okay.” Just as Qin Shu was about to assist Jun Li to his feet, a hand stopped her.

“You are pregnant. You need to be more mindful of your health. I’m much better now. See? Walking is not a problem.”

“Alright, you should take things slow. There’s no need to push yourself.” Qin Shu had no choice but to watch him struggle to his feet.

Jun Li was wearing a button-down shirt he usually wore at home. Whether it was the length of the pants or the sleeves, they fit him like a glove. The only thing out of place was how his clothes hung loosely against his frame – as if he was a leaking faucet.

After getting out of bed, Jun Li took the lead and walked out. His steps were steady but slow, much slower than his usual speed.

Qin Shu followed him at a leisurely pace.

The backyard of Jun Li’s villa…

Lan Qi was playing with President Ba. The two of them, man and cat, were having fun under the scorching sun.

Ye Luo stood not far away, watching with an expressionless face.

The sight that greeted Qin Shu made her beam in happiness.

When Qin Shu smiled, it was as if she was shrouded in a corona of light. It dazzled and bespelled. Entranced, Jun Li adopted a similar expression.

Lan Qi hurried over to meet Jun Li, with President Ba in his arms, upon discovering his presence. In the blink of an eye, Lan Qi arrived before Jun Li and Qin Shu.

“Jun Li, you’re finally awake.” Lan Qi greeted respectfully, very different from the prodigal image he had portrayed earlier.

Jun Li gave Lan Qi an inscrutable look. A thick layer of sweat coated the young man’s forehead, his face resembling a ripe tomato. He carried President Ba in his arms, not unlike how he had once done two years past. The most apparent difference was in his temper. Time had mellowed it, but not enough to fix his unruly and often reckless behaviour.

“Did you follow my instructions?”

“I did. That’s why I didn’t use force when I went looking for Qin Shu. I asked her if she was willing to come and see you. That’s it!”

Lan Qi directed his attention at Qin Shu as he continued. “The first time I kidnapped you, it was purely a misunderstanding. I hope you won’t take it to heart.”

“I’ve long forgotten about the incident; there’s no need to be so polite.” Qin Shu returned with a show of goodwill.

Lan Qi glanced at Jun Li. “If Jun Li had been clearer with his words, there wouldn’t have been a misunderstanding in the first place. In the end, it was still his fault.”

“Alright, alright. It was my bad. I didn’t spell things out clearly – but enough of that. Take President Ba with you. You can play over there.” Jun Li said.

“Okay.” Lan Qi nodded, carrying President Ba in his arms as he left.

Jun Li and Qin Shu continued on their walk with Lan Qi out of the way.

A while later, as they were walking on the cobblestoned path, Qin Shu turned to Jun Li and asked, “Jun Li, I want to ask you something.”

“Huh?” Jun Li paused, idly tapping his arm. “What is it you would like to ask?”

Qin Shu stared at Jun Li for what seemed like an age. Mustering her courage, she posed the question that had been plaguing her mind. “Were we acquainted in the past?”

Jun Li stopped in his tracks upon hearing Qin Shu’s question. Plastering a quizzical look on his face, he responded with a muffled hum.

Seeing Jun Li’s response, Qin Shu decided to rephrase her question. “I don’t remember some parts of my past; there’s a gap in my memories spanning a few years. What I want to know is whether we knew each other back then, during those years I have no memory of.”

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