Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 778 - She Suddenly Woke Up

Chapter 778: She Suddenly Woke Up

Fearing that he might wake her,

He took another look at her before he reluctantly left the balcony and closed the glass door behind him before he walked away.

Qin Shu planned to visit the Delsey Castle this very day and brought Boss with her.

She stepped out of the hotel and hailed a taxi to send her there.

Fu Tingyu had been sleeping in the car the night before. Ye Luo, who joined him the night before, was the one to drive.

He unhurriedly tailed the taxi Qin Shu hailed when she left the hotel and even kept a distance to avoid being noticed.

Fu Tingyu was severely deprived of sleep and hadn’t rested well after staying up late for the past two days. He only slept for four hours the night before. Therefore, he could only get to catch a few winks because Ye Luo was driving.

With one hand rested against the car window and his fingers on his forehead to support his head, he closed his eyes to rest.

Fu Tingyu slept through the entire two hours journey of the drive.

“Sir, we are here.” Ye Luo informed him when the journey ended.

Fu Tingyu looked out the car window when he opened his eyes to see Qin Shu got out of the taxi with Boss in her arm and made her way towards Delsey Castle.

He paused a little before he opened the door and stepped out of the car.

It was a bright day, weather similar to the day before.

Qin Shu walked into the castle with Boss in her arm. It was a castle similar to those that had appeared in many fairy tales, a historical site of about five hundred years of age.

As the entrance fee was costly, and not many were willing to pay to enter the castle.

The castle was already crowded with tourists when Qin Shu entered. Some of them were taking photos wearing the costumes of Count and Countess. Although the costumes looked gorgeous, they weren’t made from luxurious materials like traditional ones since they were meant only for tourists’ photo shooting purposes.

Had the costumes been made like they were supposed to be in the past, the price would be very costly. It was the same when tourists in Hua Xia wore traditional clothes for photo shooting purposes.

Someone approached Qin Shu when she entered the castle, asking whether she wanted to take a photo in the Countess costume.

Since she was pregnant and should not be wearing a corset for fear of hurting the baby inside her, she politely declined the offer.

Fu Tingyu tailed her from behind silently. He would give her everything that she wanted and needed.

It was already noon when Qin Shu toured the castle. As there was no place to eat nearby, she could only leave the place by car to restaurants nearby.

The restaurant was crowded when Qin Shu reached; most of them likely seemed to be tourists.

She quickened her pace, hoping to grab a table in the restaurant. She would starve to death if she were to wait any longer, considering the lunch crowd in the restaurant.

A waiter approached her as soon as she entered the restaurant.

“Would you follow me, please? We have tables inside.”

Doubts flashed through Qin Shu’s eyes. How could there be a table for her if she did not make any reservation? Did they mistake her for someone else?

Confused, Qin Shu followed the waiter into the restaurant.

The waiter led her to a table relatively far from the crowd and handed her the menu once she took her seat.

Still dazed, she returned the menu to the waiter after making her order.

“Please wait for a moment.” The waiter took the menu and turned to leave.

Qin Shu glanced around, her face full of doubt, but she could find nothing wrong with the restaurant.

It did not take long for the waiter to bring her the steak she ordered.

She picked up the knife and fork and began to cut the steak into pieces, and started to dig in.

Seated at a table nearby, Fu Tingyu too had the cutleries in his hand, but he had his gaze on her. He watched her forking the pieces of steak into her mouth, but he forgot to do the same.

Only when she stood up to leave that he get back to his senses.

Ye Luo, who was sitting beside him, had his sight on Boss. It has been a little more than a month since he had last seen the cat. Boss seemed to have lost some weight.

Ye Luo followed Fu Tingyu out of the restaurant once Qin Shu left.

The sky was full of stars, shining brightly in the night.

A figure stood under the streetlight, casting a long shadow behind him. His pitch-black pupils were staring intently at the window. He only moved and walked back to the car an hour later, after the light coming from the window went off.

Judging from his action, Ye Luo felt that Fu Tingyu looked like he was meeting his secret lovers in the dark. The same routine had been going for three days in a row.

Fu Tingyu would have gone in straight in the past. Not only would he get to sleep in the room, but he might also even score a space on the bed.

Fu Tingyu had gotten used to climbing the building that he reached the balcony of her unit within seconds. He did the same for the past three days and escaped without getting caught. So, he got bolder. He would open the glass door of the balcony directly when he reached and walked in quietly.

Going down in a half-squat, he would gaze at her sleeping face just like how he would in the past.

The stars were shining brightly, like glittering diamonds decorating the sky.

She had her eyes closed, her long lashes densely lined.

He noticed that she was leaner than she used to be. Perhaps cuisines in the foreign country were not to her liking. She loved Chinese cuisines. Maybe that was why she lost some weight. And the other reason was because of him, Fu Tingyu.

He felt his heart ached as he continued gazing at her face. His hand reached out to caress her tiny face, which looked slightly thinner than he remembered.

However, she moved before his fingers touched her cheeks. He immediately withdrew his hand, fearing that he might wake her. Looking at her cheeks and her well-defined eyebrows furrowed tightly, he noticed that she seemed to feel extremely uncomfortable.

His heart ached for her.

It was usual for pregnant women to feel uncomfortable during their pregnancy period. They might not be able to sleep well and even feel irritable throughout their pregnancy.

Gazing at her intently, he noticed the furrow between her brows deepened, and she moved, turning her body around.

He suddenly recalled that she would occasionally get pregnancy cramps. His heart ached terribly for her when he saw her suffering.

He stood up and stretched his leg across her, landing himself on the bed. Lying by her side, he raised the cover a little and reached for the back of her legs. She was indeed having leg cramps.

With his big hand on her leg, he massaged her as he used to in soothing the cramps she was suffering.

How did she go through the pain of the cramp night by night for the past month?

One hand still massaging the back of her leg, his other hand reached out and pulled her into his embrace. The delight in his heart was indescribable, inhaling the familiar scent and feeling the intimacy brought by the warm body in his arms as if something precious that was lost to him was now back into his possession.

But he dared not make a sound. He could only hold her in his embrace and continued massaging her legs to ease her pain from the cramp.

Qin Shu opened her eyes. Her lashes fluttered against the white shirt he was wearing—cold sweats formed in her palms. Her heartbeat quickened, but she dared not breathe too loudly.

Although she was extremely nervous, her leg cramps helped distract her from showing her nervousness. She only prayed that the cramps would pass soon.

Noticing the slight movement from her, he knew she had woken up. With his lips pursed, he asked, “Is it painful? Hang in there; it will be over soon.”

His whisper sounded so very tender to her ears.

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