Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 768 - Ling Bao My Wife

Chapter 768: Ling Bao, My Wife

He choked on the tea, causing him to cough violently. “Cough cough…”

Covering his nose with one hand, he did his best to swallow the coughs threatening to escape. Unfortunately, his was an act in futility.

Fu Tingyu regarded him coldly without the slightest hint of sympathy.

Once his bout of coughs subsided, Qin Feng stared at Fu Tngyu with his eyes wide open, an expression of disbelief drawn on his handsome features. “When did you marry a man? How was I not informed? Did you marry overseas? I-I thought you liked Ling Bao. Weren’t you going to remain a virgin just for her? This… Aren’t you a little too pretentious?”

… Did he get the wrong person?

A bolt of lightning struck him then.

“He’s Ling Bao.”

Fu Tingyu spoke calmly, but therein lay an unconcealable pain.

If he had told Qin Feng that Qin Mian was Ling Bao from the start, the person he had been looking for all this time, he would not have been able to hide the pain gnawing at his heart.

Would it have changed anything if he had been forthright from the very beginning?

Qin Feng was shocked. After he calmed down, he asked, “You… repeat what you just said. Who is he?”

“Ling Bao, my wife.” The man emphasised each word.

“No, no, Qin Mian is a man…” Qin Feng suddenly thought of a possibility. “Is she pretending to be a man?”

Fu Tingyu pursed his lips and remained silent. It was a tacit agreement if anything.

Qin Feng’s anger boiled over with Fu Tingyu’s lack of response. “Why didn’t you tell me from the get-go? You married her, and yet you made me search for her. Did you do it on purpose?”

Fu Tingyu’s reply was brief. “Yes.”

To think Ling Bao had been by his side all these years, and not once did he realise.

Fu Tingyu deliberately withheld this piece of information from him, not letting him know about Ling Bao. He did not even mention an event as serious as their marriage.

Qin Feng was furious. Trying his best to soothe his mounting anger, he said, “Give me a reason – one good reason why I shouldn’t knock your teeth out right this instant. Why? Why did you conceal something so important from me?”

Seeing Qin Feng’s angry look, Fu Tingyu reeled in his emotions, soothing the tumultuous feelings locked in his chest. Since things had come to a head, there was no point hiding it any longer. He would reveal everything about their shared past once he found her.

“She doesn’t remember Qi Mountain or anything about the time we spent together learning martial arts there.”

Qin Feng listened, stupefied. “What do you mean?”

Fu Tingyu paused, organising his thoughts, “She has forgotten everything that happened in Qi Mountain and what transpired between us.”

“Forgotten?” That explained why Ling Bao had no impression of him whatsoever, Qin Feng realised.

Despite not having seen each other in seven years, their appearances had not changed much – just as the scar above his brow marked him back then and now. A careful eye was all that was necessary to identify one another.

In a way, it was like a post-it note. It would not take much for someone who knew him to recognise him.

Qin Feng stared at Fu Tingyu for a long time before recalling something of significance.

Ling Bao’s belly was a fair bit bigger than an ordinary person’s belly.

“So you lied to her? You lied about your feelings for her and even got her pregnant.”

Qin Feng could not hold it in any longer. Clenching his fists, he threw a punch in Fu Tingyu’s direction.

Qin Feng did not think he was a match for Fu Tingyu, but he could not tolerate how the despicable man had lied and bullied Ling Bao. It was unacceptable.

Fu Tingyu did not dodge or defend himself. He took the punch head-on.

Even if he had wanted to dodge, he could not.

The difference in martial ability between him and Qin Feng was too vast.

Qin Feng’s punch knocked him into the sofa, causing him to suffer internal injuries. Had the couch not been there, he would have flown out the window instead.

He got up slowly and wiped away the blood trickling down the corner of his bruised lip. The rampaging force behind Qin Feng’s punch had yet to dissipate, forcing another mouthful of blood out of his mouth. Not only did his blood dye the coffee table red, but also his clothes.

The crimson blood seeped into his black suit, and though it was not apparent, the stains would, no doubt, last.

Qin Feng was taken aback. Staring at his fist in disbelief, he mumbled out a question. “You… What is going on?” The last time he had spared with Fu Tingyu, Qin Feng knew, for a fact, that they were at par at best, and he, a little inferior at worst. There should have been no reason Fu Tingyu could not have dodged – let alone be forced into such a terrible state.

Fu Tingyu took out a tissue and wiped away the blood. Resolutely, he said, “I’m going to find her.” He got up and left as soon as he tidied up as best he could. It would take some time for him to recover from Qin Feng’s strike.

“Wait a minute.” Qin Feng chased after him in confusion. He grabbed Fu Tingyu’s arm and pulled him back. “What’s going on? What’s going on between you and Ling Bao? Why doesn’t Ling Bao remember what happened on Qi Mountain?”

Qin Feng fired a series of questions, but Fu Tingyu’s silence was all that met him.

Fu Tingyu shook himself free and turned to leave.

Qin Feng wanted answers, and if it meant following Fu Tingyu to the ends of the earth, he would do so. If not for him, for Ling Bao.

After searching for an entire day, he still could not find Qin Shu.

Fu Tingyu stood on the street. The sky had darkened, and the streetlamps lit up one after another. His gaze swept across the bustling city with a heart that weighed like lead.

It had not been easy getting hold of her trail, and now it was gone. Again.

With her current disguise, finding her was like finding a needle in a haystack.

Qin Feng eyed Fu Tingyu’s gloomy, straight-backed form. It reminded him of the year when Ling Bao went down the mountain. Back then, Fu Tingyu stood on the platform and waited a day and a night for her return.

Although his anger had yet to subside, the long day had mellowed its edge.

The most important thing now was finding Ling Bao.

Thinking about how she was pregnant, how she was surrounded and kidnapped by a group of people, and how she snuck with him into Ke You’s manor. The prospect of harm befalling Qin Shu was so terrifying a possibility that it caused a layer of cold sweat to form over the skin of his back.

“I’ve made use of all the connections at my disposal. My contacts are paying close attention to all the stations and airports. As long as Lin Bao takes the high-speed train or plane, we’ll know where she’s headed.”

Qin Feng’s comforting words did not produce the effect he hoped.

Fu Tingyu’s back was against the light. His handsome face was shrouded in shadows so deep that no one could see his expression.

In a hotel room…

Qin Shu had not slept the whole night. She sat at the head of the bed, lost in thought. In the end, she decided against meeting Fu Tingyu for the time being.

They both needed some time to themselves, some time to cool off.

She did not want to have to defend herself or her actions.

Ever since she was reborn, she and Fu Tingyu got along very well. Although misunderstandings were common, they were relatively minor and quickly resolved.

Fu Tingyu treated her well. Everything he did had her best interests at heart.

Dawn broke over the horizon, spilling forth its dazzling rays like a gentle rain. Qin Shu was out the door before Qin Feng could stop her. She had not even said goodbye. Once she was confident that she had escaped notice, Qin Shu checked into another hotel and slept the day through.

When she woke up, it was already dark.

She got up and called the waiter to deliver some food and President Ba’s fish.

Then, she washed up and changed into a new set of clothes.

After dinner, she hugged President Ba and checked out of the hotel with her luggage, making a beeline for the airport.

When she arrived there, she bought a ticket at the last minute. The time was eleven o’clock at night.

Few people sat with her in the departure hall. Not many were flying so late at night.

Qin Shu wore an inconspicuous coat and waited quietly. President Ba lay on her lap, his eyes flicking to and fro vigilantly.

She had to wait for two hours. Two hours would not have been much to her bear usually, but now each second passed in excruciating slowness. Qin Shu could not wait to board the plane and be off.

Fu Tingyu combed the streets the whole day, not stopping even for dinner. He shuttled back and forth along Feldt Street, looking for a sign – any sign of Qin Shu’s figure.

He was like a headless fly, wandering around aimlessly, without sleep or rest.

He had only brought Ye Luo with him this time.

They each searched in different areas.

Meanwhile, Shi Yan held the fort at the company. There were too many things craving his attention, and he had no choice but to delegate.

Just as he was crossing a street, his cell phone suddenly rang.

The street he was on was quite remote, and there were not many people out at such an unholy hour.

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