Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 752 - Don’t Go Back on Your Word

Chapter 752: Don’t Go Back on Your Word

The ashtray on the desk was full of cigarette butts.

Fu Tingyu rarely smoked, especially while Qin Shu was around. Since they had gotten together, he practically never smoked.

After Qin Shu got pregnant, he did not smoke even if she was not in front of him.

But now, now that she had disappeared, his need for a draught returned with a vengeance. They say old habits die hard – and for a reason.

One cigarette after another was lit and discarded.

It was a moonless night. The only source of light spilling forth from a dim lamp hanging over his desk. Shadows and macabre shapes beyond imagination flickered in the study.

Fu Tingyu lay slumped against his desk, clouds of trailing smoke shrouding his body like a heavy blanket.

Four days had passed, and still, there was no news of Qin Shu at all.

He had mobilized a veritable army in the search, calling in favours and making use of every single connection he had for nought. No one could find her. It was as if Qin Shu had vanished into thin air.

Fu Tingyu licked his dry lips. “Babe, where on earth are you?”

Shi Yan walked in at this moment. He had just stepped into the study when the pungent smell of tobacco assaulted his face. It took everything he had to choke back the cough threatening to escape.

He saw the Fourth Young Master draped over his desk, a glowing stub issuing forth a steady stream of nicotine-infused smoke.

The Fourth Young Master had been like this for the past few days. He curled up at his desk and silently inhaled boxes of cigarettes as naturally as he breathed.

This was not the Fourth Young Master he knew. The Fourth Young Master of old would not idle away his time in a perpetual state of melancholy. The Fourth Young Master of old would have been furious, attacking his cigarettes like a school of piranha smelling blood.

The Fourth Young Master, at present, bottled up his feelings, shying away from extreme outbursts of rage. In a way, it was more worrisome, and it made everyone around him uncomfortable.

Fu Tingyu heard the sound of the door open, ushering in soft footfalls. Looking up, he saw Shi Yan standing before him.

“Have you heard from her?” Fu Tingyu asked, a tremor reverberating in the air.

“Fourth Young Master, there’s news from Qi Hua. The Young Madam did not go looking for Han Xiao or Hua Wuyan.” Shi Yan replied carefully.

The flickering coals of hope died in the cold hearth of Fu Tingyu’s eyes.

“The Young Madam is a master of disguise. Ordinary people wouldn’t recognize her even if they passed her by on the street. Finding her will be difficult, extraordinarily so.” Shi Yan said.

A hush descended upon the study as soon as Shi Yan gave his report.

Fu Tingyu’s dark eyes landed on the fondant figurine atop his desk. It was remarkably well-preserved with not a speck of dust marring its sweet form.

There was no doubt that the person who sculpted it was a master. Every feature of Qin Shu’s was captured in stunning detail. It was almost as if he was staring right at her.

After a long silence, Fu Tingyu’s hoarse voice sounded in the study, “Widen the search area… Leave no stone unturned. She might have hidden in one of the neighbouring countries. Have our intelligence operatives look into it. I want her found.”

“Yes, sir.” Shi Yan saluted in acknowledgement, heading out to carry out his master’s will.

Fu Tingyu sat stiffly in his leather-backed chair. His onyx eyes were glued on the fondant figurine, and he even forgot to smoke the cigarette dangling between his fingers.

So lost in thought was he that he did not even notice when the cigarette between his fingers burned out, charring his skin. The skin around his fingers gradually turned yellow and then from yellow to black. It was only when the acrid smell of burnt flesh permeated the room did he notice his blackened fingers.

Immediately, he threw what was left of the miserable cigarette into the ashtray. Upon catching sight of his burnt fingers, a memory flitted to mind.

“Next time I see your hand hurt, I’ll…”

“You’ll what?”

“I’ll hurt myself wherever you did.”

“Don’t you dare!”

“That’s not for you to decide.”

“If you feel sorry for me, then don’t hurt yourself.”

The woman’s words rang in his ears. The fierce look she wore made his heart tremble.

After sitting for a while, the man got up and retrieved a medical kit from his cabinet. She would have wanted him to take care of himself even in her absence.

In the past, he, Fu Tingyu, would not have made such a fuss over so minor an injury. He was not the same man he once was before meeting her. She had changed him.

At a five-star hotel in the North Lake Scenic Area…

“Have you thought about it?” Qin Feng asked in between mouthfuls of food.

Qin Shu paused, thinking over her response. “I’ve thought about it. I’ve decided to go abroad for a short while.”

Qin Feng brightened with a smile. “Then follow me. I’ll help you broaden your horizons.”

Qin Feng spoke as if he was her big brother, bringing his younger sibling to explore the world.

Qin Shu smiled teasingly. “You must be quite an important person. Perhaps your some bigshot I haven’t heard of.”

Qin Feng burst out laughing. “Who’s the big shot? I’m just a humble businessman trying to make a living.”

The slashing smile Qin Shu sent his way could have torn him to shreds. “Now, now. None of that. Big shots like you are hardly modest.”

Qin Feng stopped laughing and stared at Qin Mian, shamelessly agreeing with him.

Qin Mian may have been young, but he was anything but simple. Hiding beneath his youthful facade was a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Having decided to go abroad, Qin Shu returned to her room and prepared everything she would need for the trip. With how light she travelled, there were not many things she needed to stow away—leaving at the drop of a hat was no problem for her.

The flight she booked was at 10 am the next day.

Qin Shu woke up the next day feeling as refreshed – or at least as refreshed as an insomniac could be. After washing up, she had breakfast with Qin Feng.

As she boarded the plane, Qin Shu could not help but turn around for one last look.

Qin Feng sighed knowingly, “What? Can’t bear to part with your girlfriend, can you?”

Qin Shu pursed her lips, drawing a thin smile as she boarded the aircraft.

Qin Feng shook his head helplessly.

On the plane…

When they took off, Qin Shu’s chest felt tight, and she felt nauseous. Her nausea was so bad she almost vomited.

Qin Feng sat next to her. Seeing Qin Mian unwell, worry crept into his voice. “You get airsick?”

With a pale face, she nodded.

Qin Shu was not one to get airsick, but being pregnant while dressed as a man, made it hard for her to breathe. Hence, her nausea.

“I’ll ask the flight stewardess if they have any medicine for airsickness.” Qin Feng was about to catch the attention of a flight attendant when he was stopped by a firm hand over his arm.

“There’s no need. I’ll be fine after a nap.” Qin Shu said with a gentle shake of her head.

Qin Feng thought Qin Mian was uncomfortable asking for help, so he reassured the young man beside him. “There’s no need to worry. Airsickness is fairly common. You won’t be troubling anyone by asking for something so trivial.”

Once again, Qin Shu shook her head. “It’s alright – I’m fine now. It was a lot worse when we first took off.”

“I’ll ask the flight stewardess to bring you some orange juice. You should feel better after drinking it.”

Qin Feng signalled the flight attendant pushing the dining cart in their direction. A quick word with the flight attendant and a bottle of orange juice was soon procured for Qin Shu.

“Thank you.” Qin Shu accepted the proffered bottle gratefully. Taking a small sip of the sour drink, Qin Shu felt her squirming stomach settle.

After drinking her fill, Qin Shu closed her eyes and fell asleep. Hopefully, she would feel better having had some rest.

Qin Feng had a little to drink himself. Seeing his companion sound asleep, he, too, followed his example. It would be a while yet before landing, and he might as well enjoy a few hours of shut-eye.

It was not long before sleep claimed him.

It was eleven in the morning when they arrived in Newman.

Qin Feng was very familiar with Newman, and he even owned a villa.

Qin Feng invited Qin Shu to stay with him in his villa, to which the latter accepted.

Qin Feng’s villa was situated on a cliff overlooking the sea. A cool ocean breeze blew in the evening, making it a pleasant place to be.

Qin Shu stood on the balcony and stared out at the endless expanse of the sea. Overhead, the clear blue skies mirrored the large ocean like a twin.

“The scenery here isn’t bad now, is it?” Qin Feng joined her on the balcony as he swept his arm around them. He had spent quite the pretty penny to obtain this villa, but it was worth every dime he spent.

“Yes, it is.” Qin Shu made no further comment.

Qin Feng casually leaned against the balcony’s railing with his arms crossed. “There are plenty of rooms available – pick whichever one you like. I’ll have anything else you need prepared for you.”

“Are you sure you don’t mind? I wouldn’t want to impose on you. What if your girlfriend or lover objects?” Qin Shu inquired worriedly.

“I’m a bachelor. I don’t have a lover or a girlfriend.” Qin Feng barked out a laugh.

Qin Shu paused. “Thank you.”

Qin Feng smiled.

Although it was still day in Newman, Qin Shu felt exhausted. Between jetlag and her pregnancy, sleep was a precious commodity she was loath to relinquish.

After a light meal, Qin Shu locked herself in a bedroom of her choice and went to sleep.

The bedroom she had chosen overlooked the sea. It even came with a balcony.

A large bed occupied most of the space in the room. It was soft to the touch and beyond comfortable for someone as tired as she was. Within seconds, she was out like a light.

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