Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 750 - Getting There First

Chapter 750: Getting There First

Hearing this, the smile on Master Feng’s face froze. He did not expect anyone to want to buy the North Lake Scenic Area, much less to think that someone would buy it ahead of him?

He had asked around before coming to North Lake and learnt the tourism industry here had a promising future.

That was why he had offered such an exorbitant sum to buy the North Lake Scenic Area so as not to arouse suspicion of his true objectives.

He had taken great pains to secure the Scenic Area for himself only to be beaten to the punch.

He felt like cursing. “Who is it? Who bought it?”

Master Feng continued smiling despite his inner turmoil and said, “Mr Shen, will you not reconsider? I’m sure I can offer more than whomever it is who bought it .”

Shen Chuzhong smiled pleasantly in response. “I’m afraid that’s not possible. All the paperwork has been settled. This matter involves my credibility. My word is worth its weight in gold, and no amount of money is worth losing my credibility.”

Master Feng could only take a step back. He, too, was a businessman and knew the importance of one’s reputation. “Mr Shen, can you tell me who bought the property at the very least?”

“That’s not a problem. It is not a big secret.” Shen Chuzhong handed Master Feng the other party’s contact information. “This is his contact information.”

Master Feng accepted the business card and offered his gratitude. “Thank you, Mr Shen. I wonder if you’re free this evening to join me for dinner? I wish to express my appreciation for your sincerity.”

Shen Chuzhong politely declined the invitation. “Master Feng, you’re too kind. It is but a trifle. It’s nothing.”

Master Feng nodded, choosing to remain silent. With the party’s contact information, it would be a simple matter of tracking the new owner of the North Lake Scenic Area down.

At the hotel…

Qin Shu rested on a recliner on the balcony, feeling the warm sunshine on her skin. She had eaten a heavy lunch a while ago, and she found it difficult to remain awake.

Her dozings were cut short by the anxious cry of her phone. She had left it on the wooden coffee table by the sofa. Picking up the obnoxious, flashing object, she answered the call. A familiar voice sounded from the other end.”Good afternoon, is this Mr Qin? Haha! My surname also happens to be Qin. This must be fate!”

Qin Shu blinked, more than a little surprised. She did not expect Master Feng to share the same surname as she did. Could it be? Was his name Qin Feng?

“Yes, this is Mr Qin speaking. How may I help you, Mr Qin?”

Qin Feng listened with a puzzled look. Why did Mr Qin’s voice sound so familiar?

He did not sound old.

“I heard that Mr Qin has bought the North Lake Scenic Area. I would like to discuss a few details with you if that is possible.”

“Where and when?”

“Meet me at the hotel nearest the North Lake Scenic Area at around two this afternoon. I’ll wait for you at the hotel’s coffee lounge. I look forward to seeing you then.”


Qin Shu hung up the phone and checked the time. It was just past noon – more than enough time for an afternoon nap.

After putting down the phone, she closed her eyes and went to sleep.

1:50 pm

Qin Shu ate dessert and some fruit upon waking up. Once she had eaten her snack, she changed into a casual pair of shirt and jeans.

She did not bring President Ba with her, choosing to let him rest in the room.

In the coffee lounge…

A waiter stopped her the moment she stepped into the lounge.

The waiter eyed Qin Shu’s clothes, feeling a little awkward. The hotel’s coffee lounge catered to the elite and demanded a strict dress code for anyone dining in. Dressed in her casual, everyday wear, Qin Shu stuck out like a sore thumb. The waiter had no choice but to stop her per the hotel’s regulations.

Qin Shu quickly perceived the waiter’s dilemma. Not one to make things difficult for someone doing their job, she asked, “Is Mr Qin here yet?”

“Mr Qin is inside.” The waiter answered, looking relieved. “Please follow me in.”

Qin Shu nodded and followed the waiter.

Qin Shu caught sight of Qin Feng as soon as she ventured into the lounge. He sat by himself in the best location the lounge had to offer.

Although the lounge was packed, no other patron sat within ten metres of Qin Feng. It was as if he was living in a completely separate world from everyone else. Only one possible explanation sprang to mind. Qin Feng must have reserved the whole area around him.

Qin Feng’s action was the other reason the waiter had not allowed Qin Shu into the coffee lounge – there were no tables available!

Having escorted Qin Shu to her table, the waiter excused himself.

Qin Shu stared at Qin Feng for a while, then walked over and sat down in front of him.

Seeing the person seated across from him, Qin Feng was taken aback. He could not believe the person in front of him was Mr Qin – the person who had bought the North Lake Scenic Area.

“Are you Mr Qin?”

Qin Shu crossed her legs and looked at Qin Feng with her bright eyes. “Yes, are you surprised?”

“Yes, I am.” Qin Feng was quick to recover from his shock. He had betrayed his emotions so openly – an act he seldom did. No one could fault him, however. Mr Qin’s appearance was one he had never imagined.

The young man seated across from him could not have been older than a freshman in college. Would such an individual possess the funds or the courage to invest in such a large business venture? It seemed impossible to him.

Was he dealing with a wolf in sheep’s clothing? Qin Feng could not help but wonder.

“Your invitation was so sudden that it startled me.” Qin Shu spoke with an air of indifference. Watching Qin Feng’s flustered response and swift attempt at schooling his emotions, she smirked.

“It seems that our meeting in the car was the beginning of fate. We both have the surname Qin. It’s quite a common surname, but it’s rare to meet another person sharing it. What’s your name?” Qin Feng inquired politely, a vast difference from his initial reaction upon taking in her appearance.

Qin Shu nodded in agreement. “Very true, indeed. My name is Qin Mian. Mr Qin, let us get down to business. For what reason have you come looking for me?”

Qin Feng responded succinctly, “It’s about the North Lake Scenic Area. I would like to buy it from you. I’ll offer you a sum slightly higher than the price you purchased the property. What do you think?”

Qin Shu chuckled. “My apologies. Since I’ve bought it, I certainly will not be selling it anytime soon. I’m not short of money, so the price difference really doesn’t matter much to me.”

Qin Feng stared at the youth before him and realized that he had hit a brick wall. This Mr Qin probably had hidden depths to him.

“How much will it take for you to sell it to me?”

Seeing that Qin Feng was straightforward, Qin Shu did not mince her words. “I’m sorry, but the North Lake Scenic Area is not up for sale.”

Qin Feng tapped the table in thought, his other hand scratching his chin. He could not understand why Qin Mian would reject him without a second thought.

Thoughts aside, Qin Feng was determined to obtain North Lake Scenic Area.

Who would reject money? No one could have too much of it!

“Haha! Don’t be so quick to reject me. Anything can be bought – at the right price. Feel free to state your conditions. I’ll do my best to satisfy them.”

Qin Shu looked at Qin Feng with a smile. “I plan to redevelop the Scenic Area. Whether it’s the scenery or the location, it’s not bad. I think the profits will outweigh whatever you offer after a bit of reorganization.”

Qin Feng’s expression froze.

Qin Mian?

Why had he never heard of this name?

Whether it was North Lake, Jiangcheng, or the other provinces nearby, he more or less knew the most wealthy and influential figures in the region.

As for the young man in front of him who seemed to possess pots of money…

It felt like he had appeared out of thin air, catching him off guard.

While they were chatting, the waiter brought them two cups of steaming coffee.

Qin Shu did not drink it because it was best not to drink coffee while pregnant.

Instead, she sat there and looked at Qin Feng indifferently, waiting for him to speak.

The silence stretched, yet Qin Feng showed no intention of speaking.

A long while later, Qin Feng finally spoke, “Is there someone backing you?”

Qin Shu laughed when she heard that. “How’d you come to such a conclusion?”

“It’s mere conjecture on my part.”

“You think I’m too young, don’t you?”

Qin Feng nodded.

“That’s normal. However, I differ. I make my own decisions.”

Qin Feng arched a brow, clearly surprised. “What about your family?”

“My parents are both dead, and I just found out that my girlfriend loves someone else,” Qin Shu answered concisely.

Fu Tingyu, who was far away in Jiangcheng, sneezed. If he knew the words that had just passed his wife’s lips, he probably would not know whether to laugh or cry.


“I pity you.”

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