Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 455 - Accidentally Breaking into the Bathroom

Chapter 455: Accidentally Breaking into the Bathroom

Ye Xue remained silent. Seeing as Ye Xue was too shy to speak for herself, Jiang Yu turned to Qin Shu and repeated his question. “What happened to her face?”

“Ye Xue was bullied by her roommates. Things got physical and she ended up the way she is now. We were just returning from the infirmary.”

“Ye Xue’s roommates hit her?”

Anger bubbled in Jiang Yu’s chest. How could they do such a thing? Gently, he extricated Ye Xue from Qin Shu’s side and pulled her closer. With his other hand, he cupped her chin and inclined it towards him. Her cheeks were puffy and swollen, with large palm prints decorating each side.

It all happened in an instant. Before Ye Xue had any time to react, she found herself being held by Jiang Yu. She was not as strong as he was so she could do little to break free. The lack of control over her situation caused her heart to flutter with fear and worry.

This was the first time she had ever been so close to Jiang Yu. To think they would meet under such circumstances… Ye Xue’s puffy, red cheeks darkened a few shades, taking on a rich burgundy hue. She was utterly mortified.

“Who was it that hurt you?”Jiang Yu snarled.

“You don’t know her. Please, let go of me.” Ye Xue muttered with a blushing face.

Jiang Yu noticed the dark flush colouring Ye Xue’s cheeks and thought she was feeling skittish. “Are you being self-conscious again?” Jiang Yu released her hand questioningly.

Ye Xue stared at her shoes, not knowing what to say.

“Her roommate’s actions need to be reported to the university. She definitely can’t continue staying there.” From the rage suffusing his form down to his balled fists, Jiang Yu looked like he was gearing up for a fight.

Qin Shu tilted her head thoughtfully. Jiang Yu’s behaviour was unusual for someone he barely knew. Did he have a crush on Ye Xue?

“Qin Shu has invited me to stay with her. We’re on our way back to my dormitory to collect my things.”

“That’s great! Xiao Qi and I will help you. Four pairs of hands are better than two. We’ll have your things moved in no time!” Nudging Fu Tingyan with his elbow, Jiang Yu asked, “Don’t you think so, Xiao Qi?”

“…Yes,” Fu Tingyan replied morosely.

Ye Xue was not about to look the gift horse in its mouth. Besides, it was free labour!

“Alright, let’s head over together.”

The group of four arrived at the female dormitory in short order.

Ye Xue did not have much to pack so it did not take long for them to help her pack up.

Each of them carried a few things and set out for Qin Shu’s apartment.

Neither Fu Tingyan nor Jiang Yu knew that Qin Shu had moved into a studio apartment.

After walking for a while, Jiang Yu asked, “Qin Shu, where are you going? If you keep going that way, you’ll leave the female dormitory.”

“I’ve moved to an apartment. I don’t live in the female dormitory.”

“Wow. You’re living the life now, aren’t you?”Jiang Yu came to an abrupt halt, stunned by the sudden revelation. He recovered quickly enough and soon sported a teasing smile.

When they reached the entrance of the apartment, Qin Shu unlocked the door and let them in.

Turning to Ye Xue, Qin Shu said, “Follow me upstairs to pick out a room. There are plenty of spares.”

“Okay.” Ye Xue followed Qin Shu obediently up the stairs, marvelling at the size of what was supposed to be a studio apartment. It was much bigger than she had imagined. Perhaps it would not be so bad living with Qin Shu after all.

“Living in an apartment like this would be awesome! “Jiang Yu stared at Fu Tingyan with soulful eyes. “Xiao Qi, let’s move in too.”

Fu Tingyan surveyed the apartment with a critical eye. Living in such an apartment would be a vast improvement to the cramped living space offered in the dormitory.

Ye Xue picked the room next to Qin Shu’s own.

The rooms were all relatively clean – if a bit dusty. It was nothing a little dusting could not solve.

With Fu Tingyan and Jiang Yu’s help, Ye Xue’s things were moved in quickly. It saved them a lot of time they would otherwise have had to expand shuttling back and forth.

Feeling an urge to use the bathroom, Fu Tingyan made for the first one he saw.

The first thing he saw upon entering was the figure of a man undressing. The two of them gaped at each other slack-jawed. Neither one of them had expected to encounter the other

The man’s skin was as pure as porcelain without a single blemish marring it. In a corner next to his eye was a small beauty mark. He regarded Fu Tingyan with arched brows furrowed in consternation. He did not look pleased.

The shirt he was wearing hung loosely against his lithe figure. He had not taken it off completely and only a portion of his back was visible.

Frowning, Fu Tingyan asked, “Do you live here?”

“Who are you? Don’t you know to knock before entering?” Bo Ye hissed coldly.

Bo Ye often used the bathroom on the first floor of the apartment because the one in his own room was faulty and did not work properly. He did not expect anyone to barge in without so much as a knock on the door.

Instead of taking offence over Bo Ye’s harsh tone, Fu Tingyan guffawed uproariously. “You didn’t lock the door and you blame me for not knocking? That’s rich. Anyway, you aren’t a girl. What’s so weird about two men using the same bathroom?”

Having lived alone for a long time, Bo Ye did not have a habit of locking the door. Living with Qin Shu was no different. This unexpected situation was a first for him.

In the end, it was his own fault for being complacent. Sighing, Bo Ye simply pointed at the door and asked, “Can you can go out now?”

“Wash up. Don’t mind me.” Fu Tingyan was not used to being the centre of attention but he still walked towards Bo Ye with determined strides.

Bo Ye stood rooted to the spot, unflinching. He glowered at Fu Tingyan as he approached. “Can’t you go somewhere else?”

“Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.” With a quick grabbing motion, Fu Tingyan drew the shower curtain open.

“We’re all men. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

Having said his piece, he strolled out of the bathroom and shut the door behind him.

Idly, Fu Tingyan wondered who had arranged for a man to live in the same apartment as Qin Shu. His musings were cut short by the sound of the bathroom door locking behind him.

“Xiao Qi, let’s head back.” Jiang Yu padded down the steps to the first floor.

“There are boys living here.” Fu Tingyan flashed a brief look in the direction of the locked bathroom. The man he had met seemed rather awkward.

“That’s fantastic! Let’s move in too. Qin Shu and Ye Xue are both girls. What if that man harbours some unsavoury motives? Who will protect them?”

Fu Tingyan did not respond.

“Let’s go. We’ll move in tomorrow – after school, of course.” Jiang Yu took Fu Tingyan’s silence as an acceptance of his proposal.

Fu Tingyan glanced at him. “I don’t recall agreeing to this suggestion of yours, do you?”

“Come on! It’ll be fine. Don’t be such a stick in the mud! I think it would be cool if we all lived in the same apartment.”

Their voices faded into the distance as they departed.

Qin Shu stepped out of Ye Xue’s room and saw Bo Ye going upstairs. He was wearing loose-fitting pyjamas, and his hair was wet and dripping with water.

His angelic features were twisted in a scowl.

“Did you take a shower downstairs?” She asked in bewilderment.

“The shower isn’t working,” Bo Ye’s answer was a curt affirmation.

Qin Shu nodded hesitantly, deciding it was best to leave him be for the moment. Just as she was about to return to her room, Bo Ye paused mid-step and asked, “Who was that man?”

“To whom are you referring? Fu Tingyan or Jiang Yu?” A hint of confusion flashed in her eyes. Did either one of them offend Bo Ye in any way?

“The one in the dark coat.” Bo Ye specified.

“Oh! He’s Fu Tingyan. Is something troubling you?”

“No. I was just curious.” Bo Ye bit out, resuming his climb up the stairs and to his room.

Qin Shu shrugged helplessly. Bo Ye was not a very sociable person and some would go so far as to call him cold. That was just how he was. She had gotten used to it having lived together in the same apartment for some time.

The next day…

Qin Shu was an early bird and she was usually the first to arrive in the kitchen. It came as quite a surprise, therefore, when she found breakfast ready and waiting. Ye Xue, who was seated at the table, beckoned her to join in on the meal.

Taking in the sight of several small sides and a hearty bowl of porridge, Qin Shu felt her tummy rumble in arousal. The food smelled divine. “Ye Xue, did you cook all of this?”

“I-I helped myself to the ingredients in the fridge – I-I’m sorry for not asking you for permission to use them. I… I just wanted to thank you for your help. I hope you don’t mind…”

Ye Xue never had a chance to cook back in her dorm. With so many ingredients just sitting in the fridge she felt an insatiable urge to cook. What better way was there to thank Qin Shu while satisfying her own inane yearning than to whip up a meal for them both? She was killing two birds with one stone!

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