Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 427 - Because You are Unwilling You can Only Use Force

Chapter 427: Because You are Unwilling, You can Only Use Force

“Invisible wings.” Qin Shu cupped Fu Tingyu’s face with her dainty hands. “You are my invisible wings. Never have you failed to come to my aid in times of need.”

He listened, utterly gobsmacked by her words.

Resting her chin on his shoulder, she whispered languidly, “I remember when we first met. The first thought that crossed my mind was: how could anyone look so good in this world?”

In his presence, the sun dimmed and grew pale, becoming a shadow against his august beauty. He was an adonis made flesh, a man of perfect masculinity that shone brighter than any star in the sky.

Fu Tingyu immersed himself in his memories, seemingly lost in the fragments of his past. There were a pitiful number of instances he could truly call beautiful. He could not comprehend how Qin Shu viewed him with such ardour.

“Am I really so handsome in your eyes?” he asked hesitantly, doubt lacing his voice.

Qin Shu ignored his apprehension and continued, “I remember asking myself why a man with your looks would use force to haul me back to Sheng Yuan, how a man of your bearing could behave as a ruffian would.”

Back then, she was shocked beyond belief by his callous use of force – no different from the way a kidnapper would abduct someone.

“Force was the only option I had.”

“…” Only someone like Fu Tingyu would have the confidence necessary to pull off such a stunt.

“You kissed me where my scar was and even said it was pretty. I almost believed you.” Qin Shu said.

Anyone in her situation would have been stunned, perhaps doubly so with a man as handsome as Fu Tingyu kissing them.

She almost believed him. For the first time in her life, she thought maybe – just maybe – she was not as ugly as she believed herself to be.

“I’m serious. It’s pretty. I like it.” Fu Tingyu retorted heatedly.


“We got married as soon as you reached your majority. I still remember asking myself if you’d been kicked in the head by a donkey. No one in their right minds would marry an ugly tramp like me.”

She had thought she was but a passing fancy, a temporary novelty to be discarded the moment he tired of her. It was only after they got married that she realized he had been serious all along.

On the day of their marriage, Fu Tingyu drank to his heart’s content. His joy was an explosive expression of happiness.

“My Bao’er is the best in the world. I’m the luckiest man alive to have you as my wife,” crowed Fu Tingyu seriously.

His words were a torch that shone a light in her life. Smiling bashfully, Qin Shu murmured, “I really don’t possess any redeeming qualities. I honestly have no idea what it is you saw in me back then.”

Fu Tingyu’s eyes flashed with a faint light. “My Bao’er has many good points.”


Suddenly drawing close to her, he whispered in her ear.

Qin Shu blushed and ignored him to the best of her abilities.

Fu Tingyu knew she was shy, but he enjoyed teasing her just so that he could bask in her demure vulnerability.

The two of them fell into a companionable silence, enjoying a moment of piece together in each others company.

A wave of drowsiness crept up on her and it was not long before she was resting on Fu Tingyu’s broad shoulders, sleeping soundly.

Hearing her steady breaths, Fu Tingyu knew his wife had fallen asleep.

“Bao’er, do you hate me?”

He spoke quietly, in a voice inaudible to anyone but himself.

No answer came forthwith.

Naturally, she hated him. Bao’er had said so herself.

After his hair was blown dry, Fu Tingyu walked into their bedroom with Qin Shu in his arms. He laid her sleeping form on the bed before switching the lights off and snuggling in beside her.

He hugged her close, breathing in the sweet scent of her soft hair.

He wanted to have a child with her.

However, seeing how tired she was, he did not wake her. Perhaps it was a matter best left for another time.

Closing his eyes, he drifted off to sleep.

Early the next day…

Qin Shu had a good night’s sleep. When she woke up, she felt refreshed and ready for the new day ahead.

When she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Fu Tingyu’s languid form eyeing her as if she were a delectable piece of meat.

Fu Tingyu had woken up a long time ago. He had been waiting for her to wake up.

Qin Shu sent an inquisitive look his way. “What’s wrong? Why are you staring at me like that?”

“Since you’re awake…” Fu Tingyu cooed playfully, “Let’s have a baby!”

Qin Shu peeked over his shoulder. Light streamed through the window. Uncertainly, she asked, “Now?”

“Yes,” Fu Tingyu replied. He wanted to have a child before he died. He wanted to experience the joys of fatherhood.

Qin Shu thought of the promise she had made to him and nodded.

Two hours later…

Fu Tingyu got out of bed to wash up.

Qin Shu laid on the bed for a while, recovering from their tiring session of love-making. She waited for him to wash up before shuffling to the bathroom to do the same.

Stepping into the cloakroom, they each picked out a set of clean clothes for themselves.

Fu Tingyu ruffled through the closet and selected a dress for her to wear. “Try this.”

Qin Shu gave the dress in his hands a once over. It was a black dress that narrowed at the waist. Clearly, it was a dress tailor-made to suit her.

“Alright. I’ll try it on.”

Qin Shu accepted the dress and slipped it on.

Fu Tingyu sent her an approving nod and changed into a suit he had chosen earlier.

While Fu Tingyu was still buttoning his shirt, Qin Shu had already changed into the clothes he had given her. Pausing, he admired the way in which the dress complimented her figure. She looked stunning.

Most of the clothes he had prepared for her were tailor-made in soft, pastel colours.

It was his first time seeing her in a black dress.

Its minimalistic design worked well with her natural features to accentuate her beauty. It hung above her knees, showcasing her long and elegant legs.

Other than a small platinum broach pinned to the dress, it was plain.

Black was a colour of introspective calm. It suited her.

Qin Shu had never worn a black dress before and felt a little nervous. It was made worse when she noticed Fu Tingyu sizing her up. She asked, “How is it?”

Fu Tingyu circled her slowly, examining every inch of her. Stopping behind her, he zipped her zipper into place. “It looks good.”

Catching sight of her reflection in the mirror, she could not help but agree. She liked how she looked in black.

Qin Shu noticed his shirt undone and reached out to button it up for him. They snapped into place, one by one.

Fu Tingyu fixed his eyes on her unblinkingly.

Pressured under Fu Tingyu’s hawk-like gaze, Qin Shu heaved a sigh of relief when she finally buttoned the last button.

Suddenly, Fu Tingyu bent down and kissed her.

After breakfast, Fu Tingyu left for the office.

Carrying President Ba in her arms, Qin Shu decided to go out for a bit. Ye Luo followed her out. “Young Madam, where are you going?”

Qin Shu offered him a polite smile and said, “It’s been a long time since I’ve returned to the Qin family. I would like to go and see how they’re doing.”

Almost a month had passed. She wondered how they were fairing with all the suspicion being thrown around at one another.

Qin Ya had also taken the Imperial College Entrance Exam. Yet, she had not gone to Imperial College even after the semester had started. There had to be a reason for her absence.

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