Imperial Commander: His Pretty Wife Is Spoiled Rotten

Chapter 1411 - Too Easy

Chapter 1411: Too Easy

Han Yaotian looked up in surprise. His dark pupils suddenly flicked with a shine of anticipation and interest.

“I told you I owe you one after you helped me with the gold bracelet. I will return this favor, nevertheless. I’m not a fan of owing favors, so I might as well take this opportunity to return it to you, Chairman Han.”

“I barely remember anything about the bracelet, Miss Yun. You don’t have to take returning this favor so seriously,” Han Yaotian smiled kindly as he replied.

Yun Xi could throw up as she looked at the warm and friendly front Han Yaotian put up. Anyone else would have thought Han Yaotian was kind and beyond amiable, but to Yun Xi, every word Han Yaotian said sounded like metal scraping against metal.

She would have done anything for Han Yaotian to show her a little bit of kindness in her last life, yet he failed to meet her expectations again and again.

Yet, Han Yaotian had practically flung himself at her with every possible chance in this life, but all Yun Xi could feel was disdain and disgust. The change in her mindset was amusing.

Perhaps it was because she knew better now. She knew that beneath Han Yaotian’s handsome features and sweet nothings, were an ugly heart and a rotten soul.

Like Shakespeare had said, life was a stage, and Yun Xi had seen this story before, and she did not like how it ended. Han Yaotian could put up all kinds of masks, and Yun Xi would see right through it. On the other hand, Han Yaotian would not be wise enough to see through Yun Xi. It was too easy for Yun Xi to fool Han Yaotian.

“Ah, but Chairman Han, you are so kind. I can’t just simply take advantage of your kindness like that.”

“How about,” Yun Xi smiled playfully and continued, “we treat this business deal as me returning the favour to you?”

“Oh? You keep talking about this deal, but what is it about? I’m curious to know.”

Yun Xi nodded and looked down at her steaming cup of milk tea. Her long and pale fingers lightly cradled the surface of the teacup. Her composure and near nonchalance of the situation was a stark contrast to Han Yaotian’s keen curiosity. “There’s no rush, we can talk more after we eat.”

After they had finished their meal, Yun Xi had sent a message to Team Leader A saying that she would be using Han Yaotian’s car to get to their meeting place.

“Mount Tianyu?” Han Yaotian’s jaw nearly fell to the floor as he overheard the instructions Yun Xi had given his driver. For a moment, he was too stunned to speak, and his eyes could not hide a small glint of excitement.

“We need to meet someone first! Though not everyone can enter Mount Tianyu so the Young Commander’s men will be waiting for us there, and we will take his car in. I’m not too sure about where that person stays as well, so we need their help to find the person.”

The detention centre where Mu Feichi kept his detainees was a top military secret. Although Yun Xi may have information on how to get there, she was used to being chauffeured by Team Leader A or someone else, so she did not know the exact location of the place.

For safety reasons too, she would not let someone like Han Yaotian enter Mount Tianyu. She did not want him to pollute its mysterious and mythical nature.

If the Prime Minister knew his boundaries and avoided going into Mount Tianyu, why should Han Yaotian be able to step foot on Mu Feichi’s territory?

Team Leader A had parked on the road outside the courtyard as soon as they got the message from Yun Xi. Once Han Yaotian’s car had pulled into the gates, Yun Xi stepped out of the car followed by Han Yaotian. “You must come with me alone, Chairman Han,” Yun Xi spoke up as she turned around to face the man. “Your driver and bodyguards need not follow. I can’t do anything to you with all these guards watching, and even if I did your bodyguards could simply storm into the Yun family house from the courtyard, isn’t that right?”

The man took a moment to ponder the request, and he decided to agree with Yun Xi’s terms, “Sure, I’ll go with you alone.”

There was no flaw in Yun Xi’s logic. There was nothing she could do in front of all of these bodyguards. The only time she could do anything was when no one was around. He also believed Yun Xi was smart, and she would not do anything foolish.

“After you!” Yun Xi gestured to the open car door of Team Leader A’s vehicle. Once Han Yaotian had entered, she nodded to the Team Leader waiting by the car and boarded the vehicle too.

The vehicle was designed to travel around Mount Tianyu. The interior of the car was dark, and special film were applied to the windows so passengers would not be able to look at the surroundings outside the car. The space between the passenger’s and driver’s seats was also separated by a partition.

“Don’t worry about the vehicle, Chairman Han! As we are going to a restricted area, hence the arrangement. If I had the choice, I would have brought you somewhere else. I seek your patience until we get there!”

The interior of the vehicle lit up slightly so Han Yaotian could take a look at the girl beside him. Yun Xi seemed composed as always, as she sat quietly next to him. He thought he was going up the mountain to meet the Young Commander. The mysterious travel arrangement had only piqued more of his curiosity. He wondered who he was going to meet.

The silence in the car was deafening. Han Yaotian could not help but ask, “Are we meeting the Young Commander?”

“Well, no. We are meeting…” Yun Xi paused and deliberated on the right words to use, “someone related to you.”

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