Imperial Commander: His Pretty Wife Is Spoiled Rotten

Chapter 1371 - Who Taught Her

Chapter 1371: Who Taught Her

The sudden initiative from Yun Xi stunned Mu Feichi. He was too taken aback to speak.

The kiss thief watched his shock in amusement as she lounged around in the backseat of the car. If she had not been looking, Mu Feichi would have recovered from his shock fast, but the avid stare from Yun Xi had made the teasing kiss more unbearable for Mu Feichi.

Mu Feichi look toward Yun Xi, and the emotions within him were hard to express with words. Yun Xi seemed to have more cards up her sleeves than he had expected. Who had taught her how to tease a person like this he wondered.

The worst part of it all was that he could do nothing in response. This was what was killing Mu Feichi.

Yun Xi tilted her head playfully. “If you want to know how it tastes,” she teased him, “you can always taste it yourself.” Her voice was full of confidence.

Yun Xi was throwing the question back to Mu Feichi, and Yun Xi thought she had executed it well. But what Yun Xi had not realized yet was that her words were a teasing green light for Mu Feichi as well.

She may not have noticed this, but Mu Feichi was fully aware of the hidden meaning behind her words. He was sure to take the opportunity Yun Xi had presented to him without hesitation.

Yun Xi’s words were an open invitation for Mu Feichi, and he was ready to answer the invitation and sample the taste of his ginger tea directly.

Who was he to say no to the request of his lover? Mu Feichi would do anything Yun Xi asked of him.

Without another word or another second to lose, he lifted the girl’s chin up with his hands and planted a heavy kiss on her lips.

He moved so fast that the other party couldn’t respond adequately. By the time Yun Xi had gathered her bearings, the man had scooped her up from her seat and carried her onto his lap.

“Oh…” Yun Xi’s brain could not process this as quickly as the kiss landed. All she could do was stare at the man and his love-drunk expression in shock as the pressure on her lips intensified. The sudden but passionate kiss made her body tense up in an instant.

Amid their exchange, Mu Feichi deepened the kiss, causing Yun Xi to feel breathless. His overwhelming dominance was too overpowering for Yun Xi to fight back.

She felt as if she had no power at all as she sank deeper into the kiss. All control was in the hands of Mu Feichi. Yun Xi felt like a small fly that had been caught in the wide webs of a waiting spider.

The kiss deepened for a while, and then he finally pulled away for the two of them to catch their breaths. Mu Feichi straightened his back and returned to the upright soldier-like posture he always had as if nothing had occurred. He turned to face Yun Xi who had been caught up in a daze by their exchange, and a soft smile appeared on his face.

The moment the two pulled apart, Yun Xi bit down on her swelling lips and glared at Mu Feichi. “You cheated!” She was a flustered mess as she stumbled through her words, “This was a sneak attack!”

As Yun Xi thought more about the kiss, the more she realized she had had a hand in the course of her fate. The words she had said were the sole reason for what had happened between the two of them.

The teasing words she had delivered had worked in a direction she had not intended. She had dug her own grave and now she had to accept the consequences of her actions in the form of a sudden kiss from Mu Feichi.

“My love, you asked me to taste it for myself!” Mu Feichi responded with the same innocent voice Yun Xi had previously used.

“…” It was Yun Xi’s turn to be too flustered to speak.

Yun Xi realized that she had set the trap for herself, and then she had successfully fallen into the trap. She cursed herself for her delusion that she would have the upper hand in that situation.

Completely overwhelmed by her embarrassment, the girl could only stare at Mu Feichi with her red cheeks puffed up in annoyance and say nothing.

Mu Feichi laughed lovingly in response. He was unsure if he was laughing out of amusement or laughing out of frustration. He reached out and lightly stroked Yun Xi’s hair, his fingers running through its slightly damp strands as he reminded her of what she had done. “Don’t be so harsh on me the next time. Surely you know how much you strain my patience when you are around me?”

“I don’t believe that! You soldiers undergo perseverance training! Especially in the event that you are taken as a prisoner of war… I know all about this.”

“Those are special situations. We are loyal to this country and we are loyal to its people, so we will never do anything that might go against our laws, but here…”

Mu Feichi inched forward, resignation was written everywhere on his face. His hands grabbed her wrists and guided them down to the lap she was positioned on. “I trust that you know my patients better than anyone else.”

“…” Yun Xi felt a shiver go up her spine as she slowly retrieved her shaking hands from his grasp.

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