Imperial Commander: His Pretty Wife Is Spoiled Rotten

Chapter 1348 - Disaster

Chapter 1348 Disaster

The news of Han Wanling being arrested once again spread throughout Jingdu within a few hours.

Not only were all the details of the kidnapping exposed by the media, but some of the details, such as Han Wanling’s bodyguard being suspected of having a gun illegally and, most shocking of all, that Han Wanling had actually shot to kill someone, were mindboggling.

The speed at which the media spread this news was unbelievable. All of the photos and videos from the scene confirmed the truth of this matter.

The stock price of the Han Corporation, which had just started rising again after the kidnapping incident, suddenly took a steep nosedive.

When Han Yaotian and Han Hongbin became aware of this news, they were completely stunned.

It had not been easy for them to fix and suppress the kidnapping incident that Han Wanling had gotten the family involved in. Not only had Han Hongbin had to throw away a large sum of money to get Han Wanling released from jail, but now she had once again engineered her own demise with another of her foolish schemes. How could Han Hongbin not be as angry as a volcano waiting to blow? Facing the group of shareholders who had gathered in the conference room for the meeting, Han Hongbin’s face was ashen. It took him a long time to pull his gaze away from the television. He looked at the shareholders around him, and he suddenly had a very bad feeling.

If something were to happen at this juncture, the Han family’s calamitous situation would probably not be able to be solved easily. “Chairman Han, Miss Han had just been released from the police station, and now this has happened. I’m afraid you will have to give the board an explanation.”

“All this has happened because of your daughter. Not only has she ruined our company’s reputation, but I’m afraid the company’s shares will be negatively impacted long term as well. If you don’t give us an explanation, we won’t leave today.”

“That’s right! Han Wanling has repeatedly damaged the corporation’s interests. If Chairman Han can’t come up with a solution to this problem, I’m afraid we shareholders won’t accept your continued guidance of the business.”

“If Chairman Han is unable to fix this situation, then we have to consider replacing him.”


Although the Han Corporation was a family business, a portion of the members of the board were senior figures who had founded the company together with Han Hongbin. This was not the first time Han Wanling had caused them such trouble. If it had only happened once, they would have turned a blind eye because of their years of friendship and collegiality with Han Hongbin.

However, this was not the case now. The Han Corporation’s performance had fallen drastically, and the Han Corporation’s position in Jingdu was in real jeopardy. Now, because of Han Wanling, the company’s reputation had been severely damaged once again. No matter how much respect Han Hongbin had commanded in the past, he would not be able to protect Han Wanling from the gravity of her mistake this time.

Han Hongbin’s face was destroyed as he faced the group of shareholders. He sat on his chair for a long time without saying anything.

Last time he had spoken to these men, he had put in a good word about Han Wanling in order to save her skin. Now, he couldn’t do it any longer. It would not be effective.

Even if he made the decision to kick Han Wanling out of the company now, he would not be able to explain everything in order to make the situation right for the shareholders. After all, this incident was too serious, and it involved illegal gun possession and attempted murder.

The police would probably arrive to conduct their investigations very soon. Coupled with the fact that other government departments were already investigating the Han Corporation, they were not going to be able to survive this.

After all, this had happened too suddenly, and they could not guarantee that the company’s accounts were all clean. Those that were not clean could not be fixed in time. Once the government investigators discovered that there were all kinds of secret deals and business practices that had been carried out sub rosa, the entire company would be at risk of being taken over by the government. Han Yaotian gripped the pen in his hand tightly. He lowered his eyes to look at the various news reports on his laptop. A fire burned in his chest, and he could not suppress


This idiot Han Wanling really knew how to cause trouble. Now that she had gotten the Han family involved in such a huge incident, it was as if she had pushed the entire Han family right into the eye of a storm. The day after tomorrow was the day of the election of the big four wealthiest families. Hopefully, at such a time, no matter how ruined the Han family was inside, a camel would still be found to be bigger than a horse.

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