Abe the Wizard

Chapter 535 - Men Down

535 Men DownWhile Abel and Black Wind were locked down, the spirit guardian knight captain flashed next to Andariel and viciously struck her with its ice magic sword.

It was a perfect knight strike from all directions. After years of knight’s development, all of their moves had become unified. It was fully inherited from Abel’s knight skills.

The sword struck down from an odd angle, so Andariel couldn’t dodge. Since she did not have any weapons, she could only block with her hand. This was exactly what the spirit guardian knight captain had wanted. As long as it’s ice magic sword made contact with its enemy, it would have a slow effect.

However, there was still a slight gap under the strike, so Andariel did a slight twist and completely avoided the strike.

The spirit guardian knight captain had fought countless battles, so it flicked its sword up after Andariel had dodged the first strike. It still wanted to slow her down with the ice magic sword’s effect.

Andariel twist again, and completely avoided the strike again. Her movements were extremely precise. Just one move had allowed her to perfectly avoid the attacks of the spirit guardian knight captain.

After the spirit guardian knight captain missed a few strikes, it swung its sword even harder. But, this gave Andariel a chance.

Andariel stuck out her dragon claw looking hand. It was not fast, but since the spirit guardian knight captain had opened up its defense for a brief moment, and Andariel struck its waist.

She was not known for her strength. But as the most powerful boss in the Rogue Encampment, she could still go neck to neck with those normal strength type bosses.

This strike had perfectly landed on the spirit guardian knight captain’s center of gravity, and just like that, it had lost its balance and defense.

Andariel then began to use her force. Since the spirit guardian knight captain could no longer make a knight defense move, it was blasted far away. Although the armor had absorbed most of the impact, it was greatly damaged.

The spirit guardian knight captain’s body landed next to the endless flame of hell. Luckily it was very fire-resistant, so the fire didn’t damage it.

As the other 7 spirit guardian knights were about to attack, Andariel had her gaze fixed upon Abel again.

Abel also noticed this, so his heart tensed up once again. He had been spotted again. Andariel seemed completely emotionless. It seemed like the only thing in her mind was to kill.

This was a lot scarier than other hell creatures with emotions. Normally under these circumstances, other hell creatures would follow up with the spirit guardian knight captain who is attacking her, but instead, she was fixed on Abel.

When he saw how casually Andariel had treated the spirit guardian knight captain in contrast with her vicious attacks on Abel, It was obvious that she knew as long as she killed Abel, all his summons would disappear as well.

“Die!” Andariel spoke again, but this time it was no longer as raspy. She had recovered in a short period of time.

“Black Wind, move in a flash!” Abel yelled before Andariel opened her mouth. His head commander intuition told him his life was in great danger.

Black Wind flushed away in the same Andariel had spoken.

They reappear ed10 meters away. His heart was pounding hard. And as he stared into the white light, he could see a strand of his hair being left behind.

If he was a split second slower, his entire brain would have burned up like that strand of hair.

Abel didn’t think a Full Recovery Potion would still be effective if his head was no longer attached.

“How is this possible? This is not the fighting style of Andariel at all!” Abel yelled as he dashed away at full speed with Black Wind. No matter what, he could not let Andariel lock him down again.

Andariel had used this lock down then spoken word attack on Abel free times, so he realized something. In order for Andariel to unleash this destructive force, she must first lock down on Abel.

What could break this lock down? The first thing Abel thought of was Black Wind’s speed, so Black Wind dashed forward at full speed and turned in to a strike of lightning. Now, it would be a lot harder for Andariel to focus on him.

“Come out!” Abel padded his chest as he was speeding. Afterward, a black portal appeared, and 5 immortal ravens flew out.

What was the best summon for distraction? Abel would definitely say the immortal ravens. Even those normal ones could drive his enemies insane, let alone his exceptionally clever one.

That exceptionally clever raven surprised Abel every time since every raven’s attack would cause blindness.

The 4 normal immortal ravens flew right towards Andariel’s with screech sounds. Her eyes were their target.

Andariel slapped with her hand a few times in mid air, and those ravens were all blasted away like mosquitoes.

Abel was shocked. Although he was at full speed on Black Wind, he still had his power of will fixed on Andariel.

“How’s that possible!” He screamed.

Immortal ravens could naturally dodge attacks in absolute. That’s why they had the word ‘immortal’ in their name.

However, those ravens’ absolute dodge was like a big joke in front of Andariel. With a little flick of her hand had blasted them away.

The ravens rolled around on the ground a few times and flew back up again. But they no longer dared to approach Andariel without caution again.

Andariel also realized she couldn’t attack Abel right now, so she focused on a spirit guardian knight instead. That spirit guardian knight quickly flashed next to her and struck down with its ice magic sword.

Andariel gently twisted again and perfectly dodged the strike. By this point, she already had her gaze fully fixed on the spirit guardian knight.

“Die!” As she spoke the word, a crystal glow emerged from the crack of her eyes. A dimension crack appeared.

This spirit guardian knight was not as smart. Even though the spirit guardian knight captain, who had just come out from the endless flame of hell, began to command it to leave, it was too late.

The force of dimension ripped the spirit guardian knight into 2 pieces. Abel was always proud of his magic armor, but it was torn apart like a thin piece of paper.

The spirit guardian knight was made up of 2 parts. A skeleton up top, and a spirit wolf below. The substance that made up the spirit wolf wrapped around the skeleton, which created the spirit guardian knight. Therefore, this force of dimension had not only chopped the skeleton in two, and the spirit wolf also couldn’t escape.

Abel felt a sharp pain in his brain as he was still speeding. He knew he had lost a summon, a spirit guardian knight. It was one of the first ones he had summoned.

It was the first time he had lost a member in the Dark World. His druid soul did not have a chance to give that spirit guardian knight a Full Recovery Potion.

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