Abe the Wizard

Chapter 525 - 3 Goddess Statue

525 3 Goddess Statue

Although those luxury master wines were not as effective as fresh crystal cores, they could be used every day. If one decided to use a luxury master only for training purposes, a bottle could last up to a month.

On top of that, those luxury master wines would not crash with a fresh crystal core, so they could be used simultaneously to achieve the maximum effect.

The Goff family saw those luxury master wines as a type of training potion, not tasty wine. Therefore when they gave it out to their wizards, they all demanded them to use it accordingly.

Abel still made Bernie very happy for giving him 200 bottles of luxury master wine at once. Although he always couldn’t understand why Abel was constantly worrying about his safety, always demanding the tightest protection to keep his security.

However, since this was what Abel had requested, he would try his best to satisfy. After he had accepted 205 luxury master wines from Abel, Bernie and Elite Wizard Cyrillic left Harry Castle a teleportation station.

The crops in Harvest City included wheat, oats, barley, peas, and broad beans. Wheat and barley were the most common, but there was also some rye being grown in less prosperous lands.

After Abel realized the importance of the 3 goddess statue and since he would be leaving Harvest City in a month, he had requested some common crop seeds from steward Lindsey.

Their modes of harvesting were still very inefficient back in those times. All they did was basically plant, water, cut away the weeds, and slowly watch the crops grow. It was no wonder their output was low.

Abel wasn’t planning to change this too much. It would be too big of a shock to society if he changed their modes of production around all of a sudden. He preferred to give normal people a sense of mystery when it comes to increasing their harvest.

This 3rd goddess statue would be perfect. If the water in its fountain could really help with harvesting, then he would have no problem moving the thing to Harry Castle, making it the core of his family.

Abel took some seeds and scooped a bucket of water from the fountain. However, he soon realized the water in the fountain was refilled in no time. This was just like the legend Bartoli had said, which made Abel feel even more confident about this experiment.

Afterward, Abel went back to his magic tower and teleported to the Rogue Encampment through the portal. The Rogue encampment was calm as always, so he decided to go to Blood Moor to test it out.

“Black Wind Lets go!” Yelled Abel as he jumped on Black Wind.

I’m a strike of lightning, Black Wind speeded out the Rogue Encampment. The first thing Abel saw was that giant Oak Tree. It had grown a bit again. Suddenly, a friendly heart-warming sense was sent through the soul chain from the Oak Tree.

Abel comforted the Oak Tree for a bit. It was just like a steward, even more than Bartoli. It had always been taking care of the blue howling rabbits for him. Without it, Abel would not have those fresh crystal cores, the runes for rune words, and those rabbit essence that brought him countless credit points.

Therefore, the Oak Tree was basically Abel’s most powerful support. It had allowed him to speed through his wizard training and attain his own wizard circle.

He arrived by the Oak Tree. It was filled with blue howling rabbits, but they looked different once again. They were organized into different groups according to their sizes under the Oak Tree.

By that point, Abel also saw a sense of passion within their eyes. Although blue howling rabbits were spiritual beasts, their rank and intelligence were extremely low.

However, Abel now realized these blue howling rabbits in front of him were definitely smarter than the ones he saw before. They could listen to the Oak Tree’s command and organize themselves in groups.

Abel approached the Oak Tree and gently placed his hand upon it. This was the easiest way to interact with it since Abel was a soul speaker.

The Oak Tree told him about everything that happened recently. Although it was nothing too extraordinary, mostly about the growth of the blue howling rabbits and it’s own branches, Abel still listened very attentively.

At that moment, Abel did not think of the Oak Tree as a plant, but a friend like Black Wind.

The Oak Tree had also raised a question. The growth of the blue howling rabbits had reached a stable point. All the lands that it had control had been filled.

After this heart to heart conversation, Abel left the Oak Tree feeling a sense of peace within. He continued to step further, into a place without blue howling rabbits.

Although Abel had never been a farmer, he asked steward Lindsey a thing or two about it before he came.

The land couldn’t be too big, around 300 crops were ok. Abel had also used the farming technique of Harvest City. He first cut away all the weeds and began softening the mud.

Of course, he would not do this himself. He summoned the spirit guardian knights and asked it to get to work. By this point, his skeleton resurrection had reached the highest level since it was the easiest spell to level up.

As long as he had enough soul potions, he could just keep giving it to the spirit guardian knight captain. Then, his level up would just keep increasing.

The level 20 skeleton resurrection could summon 8 skeletons, which was the most the spell could do by itself.

The 8 spirit guardian knights were not holding weapons, but farming tools. All Abel needed to do was to direct the spirit guardian knight captain, and it could perfectly lead its followers.

First, they chopped away all the weed, then softened the mud. Those spirit guardian knights wouldn’t get tired, so they had nothing to complain about. These kinds of jobs were perfect for them.

“Just put the seeds between the curbs!” These words perfectly describe the farming techniques of the Holy Continent.

The spirit guardian knight captain directed the spirit guardian knights to form 10 long curbs with the mud, scatter the seeds on top of them, and bury them.

This patch of land Abel had picked out in Blood Moor was quite bad. It had not been modified for crops, so normal people might barely be able to get anything out of it.

However, Abel had the fountain water form the 3 goddess statue. If it couldn’t even change an environment like this, then the experience was basically a failure.

Abel first tested out with the wheat, oats, and barley. He divided them into 3 groups, 300 seeds each. The first group he watered them with the water purely from the 3 goddess statue, the second group he mixed half of it with normal water, and the third group he watered them with normal water.

He combined the water through the Horadric Cube and used that to water the crops.

He could do this himself. There were only 900 seeds in total, so he got it done in no time. Now all he needed to do was wait.

Just when Abel wanted to leave, the group that had been watered by the 3rd goddess water suddenly began to spring out. He quickly stopped his steps and carefully went to the side of that crop.

He wrapped his power of the will on a little wheat. Its life force was extremely strong; it kept exploding under his power of will. Every explosion was like a massive jump in growth.

Abel knew this soil had not been modified, so the nutrients within it shouldn’t be able to sustain the growth of a little wheat.

Under careful observation, Abel was sure of this. The little wheat was not taking up many nutrients from the soil. Instead, it was sucking up the mana in the air.

How was this possible? Abel was stunned. Even the grass eaten by blue howling rabbits were only passively absorbing tiny bits of mana for growth, it could not directly suck up mana like this.

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