Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 979 Destroyer

Looking at the towering figure of the watchman, Isilia could feel fear gripped her heart as not even a goddess could stop this person from arriving before her.

Wanting to take a step back, Isilia realised that her body had been paralysed completely.

Suddenly, a shadow appeared behind the watchman as Edvimar broke out of the restrictions using the previous method that they had discovered.

"HA!!!" Swinging his sword, he couldn't help but curse in his mind when he saw the sword get parried with a single finger.

"RUN!" Edvimar shouted out as he threw the teleport node towards her.

However, the watchman sliced it in half as he grabbed Edvimar's head and slammed it against the ground.


Fracturing the floor, he could see that Edvimar was knocked out cold as he was already nearing his limit after the last encounter.

Glancing down at his hand, he furrowed his brows before sighing.

"Seems like I have two prisoners to take with me instead of one." He muttered, realising that Edvimar was not someone who should be on this side either.

Shaking his head, he figured that he should reinforce things once he returned back to his realm.

Turning back to Isilia, he pulled out an emblem from his cloak.

"!!!!" Sensing danger next to him, the watchman quickly stepped back as he watched red circuits rush past him.

"What… The f*ck… are you doing?" Shiro squeezed out as her eyes were bloodshot. Her face was completely pale but even in this state, she wasn't going to back down.

While laying on the bed, she could sense the mana running rampant as Edvimar shouted out run.

Forcing the activation of a berserk skill, she jump started her own body as she was barely able to use Error to attack the person in front of her.


Coughing up a mouthful of blood, Shiro kneeled in pain before getting Error to spread itself through the room.


However, before she could do anything, she felt an unstoppable force collide into her as she was flung against the wall.

"Why do you all meddle? Irritating." The watchman frowned as he crushed the emblem in his hands.

Suddenly, a dagger appeared within his grasp.

Flickering in front of Isilia, he didn't hesitate to stab her in the chest as all Isilia could do was widen her eyes and watch in silence.

'Nimue!' Shiro shouted out in her mind as she was going to force her body even if it meant that she had to disable her links once more.

{Don't talk just act!} Nimue shouted out as she was already struggling but Isilia's life was in danger now and she knew how important it was for Shiro.

Hearing this, Shiro didn't hesitate to activate all of her berserk skills since they didn't require mana to activate.

A pulse of pain shot through her body but compared to losing Isilia, this was nothing.

Stomping down, Shiro dashed forward as she brought out Silvanis and slashed towards the watchman who had stabbed Isilia in the chest.

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Unfortunately, her attack fell short as she felt her body collapse from the stress. Falling forward, she was overwhelmed by the pain as it was difficult to even move an arm.

"I suggest you give it up now. Your body is already suffering from a backlash and now you're pushing yourself towards death at a faster pace. You cannot change the outcome." The watchman looked at her with pity as he twisted the dagger.

Feeling her body weaken, Isilia stumbled back.

Blood started to pour from her mouth as her eyes dulled.

Collapsing onto her knees, she looked towards Shiro who was barely able to lift her head up.

Forcing a smile, Isilia knew that her fate was sealed.

"Sorry. Look after Lyrica for me ok?" Isilia muttered as she fell forward.

Tears started to fall as regrets piled up in her mind.

She wanted to watch Lyrica grow up more, she wanted to see her daughter find love, get married, maybe have children. She wanted to live the rest of her life with her husband that had just returned. She wanted to see Shiro save the world. She wanted to see her best friend find her own happiness after having everything robbed from her in Aria. She wanted to see Yin eat the delicacies of the world and enjoy life to its fullest. She wanted to see Lisandra open up a bit more since she was a quiet child. She wanted to see the future of Aria and the people living there. There was so much she wanted to see but that was now impossible.

As she fell towards the ground, her gaze softened as a single thought came to her mind.

'Ah… I don't want to die.' She thought with a sigh.

There was more that she wanted to say but she could no longer move her mouth.

'I'm sorry Lyrica. Mum needs to leave again… I'm sorry…'

Collapsing on the floor, blood started to fall as Isilia stopped moving completely.

Glancing down, the watchman tugged on an invisible chain as a faint figure of Isilia appeared.

Grabbing one of the capsules, her soul was transformed into an orb of light before being stored away.

With Isilia captured, he looked towards Edvimar and did the same. Plunging the dagger into his back, he dragged an illusionary figure of him out before securing it into a capsule.

With his job done, he stood up and prepared to leave but halted his steps when he sensed killing intent behind him.

Glancing back, he was shocked to see Shiro standing as her body should be completely broken right now.

'What is she?' He thought to himself as Shiro glared at him.

Her blood red eyes glowed with malice as fury filled her mind.

This was the person who had just taken her best friend's soul. There was still a chance of her being able to retrieve it if she's quick enough.

Suddenly, Shiro's body disappeared as the watchman immediately brought out his blade and raised is above his head.


Looking at the white haired girl in front of him, he wasn't able to hide his surprise as her attack had weight behind it. She had already destroyed her body, there shouldn't be any possibility of her being able to move right now.

Sensing that something was wrong, he immediately inspected her as there was a high chance that the system was trying to do something right now.

The moment he saw her name tag, his eyes widened since it was darkening at an increased rate.

From the pristine white, it was now a dark grey.

[Shiro LVL 760 Nanotech Demi Goddess]

But just as he inspected her, he noticed her class tag flickering as cold sweat dripped down his back. He was able to catch a glimpse of what it said and it filled his mind with dread.

[Shiro LVL 1000 Destroyer]

If someone was to reach level 1000 immediately from becoming fallen, that meant the potential they had was enormous. He couldn't risk something like that being released into the world.

Pushing Shiro back, his aura flared as he glared at the white haired girl.

He couldn't let her live!

Bringing his sword back, he was about to swing when a figure materialised between them. While he didn't recognise them, he could tell that they are a god from their aura.

The figure had a pair of emerald eyes and lush green hair. Waving her hand, two tier 8 magic circles appeared around her.

Suddenly, the watchman found himself in the middle of a flower field as he paused in confusion.

While he knew that he was in a divine domain, he didn't know what led up to this point. What was the source of his killing intent? It was strange but his mission was complete and he wasn't about to fight another god.

Opening a portal, he glanced back one last time. He could faintly make out the figure of a white haired girl kneeling in the flower field with tears streaming down her face.

Feeling pity for her, he couldn't help but sigh and step through the portal, leaving this dimension.


Watching the person leave, Gaia sighed in relief as she didn't expect to have to use this much power just to make sure that her domain worked properly.

However, she couldn't worry about that right now since her main concern was Shiro.

With the deployment of her domain, she was able to calm Shiro down and knock her out, forcefully stopping her from becoming fallen but there was no guarantee that she wouldn't transform the moment she woke up.

Sighing heavily, she dispelled her domain and picked up Shiro's body before placing her on the bed.

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Gaia didn't know whether she should be happy or sad about how Shiro wasn't feeling the pain anymore. She was happy that Shiro didn't have to go through it but sad since it meant that she had truly f*cked up her body this time. It was going to take a while for her to properly recover from this.

Looking over at Hemera's avatar that had just disappeared, she hoped that the backlash for her would be minimal or else Nyx would be sad.

Turning to Nan Tian who was barely holding on, she sighed.

"Don't let her fall." Gaia said as she glanced at Shiro one last time before dispelling her avatar.

Nodding his head, Nan Tian lost consciousness.

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