Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 977 Watchman

As Edvimar and Nan Tian were talking to one another, they both suddenly stood up in shock as they noticed a small portal opening in the corner of the room.

Understanding that no one but them should have the portal to this space station, they both raised their guards as Nan Tian prepared a few spells.


A sword pierced through the opening as Nan Tian immediately activated his spell, launching several tier 6 light swords towards the portal.

"Crush." A cold voice rang out as the swords shattered to pieces.

Slamming the sword down, a figure started to step through the portal.

Widening his eyes, Edvimar's face paled as his breathing quickened.

"Bind." The figure spoke again as an invisible force latched onto their body, stopping them from moving.

Gritting his teeth, Nan Tian opened his mouth. He wanted to shout out a warning but the figure only pointed his sword towards Nan Tian.


Feeling something blocking his voice, Nan Tian started to panic as this person was much stronger than what they could have expected. He couldn't sense any mana from him at all and if not for the fact that he saw the portal, they wouldn't have noticed him at all!

Wanting to cast a spell, mana erupted out of his body.


All of the mana dispersed in an instant as Nan Tian could only look at the figure powerlessly.

The man wore a set of black armour with no helmet as a hood hid his face from them. All they saw was a pair of blue glows that seemed to represent his eyes but they couldn't see any emotion in them. There were small capsules on his belt secured by a chain as a tattered waist cloth obscured some of the capsules from sight.

With Shiro suffering from her backlash in the next room, Nan Tian wanted to stop this man here at all cost. There was no guarantee that he wouldn't harm Shiro.

Gritting his teeth, he tried to break free of the bindings as his muscles felt like they were about to explode from how much strength he was exerting.

Remembering that Hemera gave him her blessings, he wanted to see if he could use that to contest against this figure.

However, before he could do anything, the figure placed a hand on Nan Tian's head.


Feeling a wave of fatigue wash over him, Nan Tian could see his visions blur.

Snapping his eyes open, he didn't hesitate to bite off his tongue in an attempt to keep himself awake.

The figure's eyes seemed to flicker for a moment before he spoke again.


Feeling another way of fatigue wash over him, Nan Tian wasn't able to move his body at all since he was bound.

Plus, he couldn't cast any spells since he would just dispel it.

Thinking about this, Nan Tian decided to risk it.

Detonating the mana within his body, he destroyed his eardrums to forcefully keep himself awake while also trying to block out his words that seemed to hold special powers.

However, there were still bindings locking his body up.

'I'm taking a note from your book Shiro.' Nan Tian smiled as he detonated the mana inside his body once more.

Shredding his joints to pieces, Nan Tian gritted his teeth and activated a regeneration skill before slashing towards the man with a light sword.


Blocking it with ease, the figure looked towards Nan Tian with confusion since it wasn't his goal to kill him.

As long as he slept, he would be spared.

What was causing him to go so far as to destroy his body just so that he could move again.


Activating his magic once more, the man wanted to stop Nan Tian but he only shredded his body to pieces once more before fixing it with his skill.

"I don't know how she does it but this hurts like a b*tch. I really can't hold a candle to her at all." Nan Tian laughed as he charged towards the figure once more.

He could guess that he was the watchman and if what Edvimar said was true, all he needed to do was delay him as long as possible so that he's forced to leave.

With Shiro in the next room and the watchman's target next to her, he had to delay him as much as possible.

He didn't know if he should be happy or sad that they didn't notice the fight in the next room, but there wasn't any time to dwell on these things.

Unleashing a flurry of blows against this figure, all of which were blocked, Nan Tian slammed his hand down as a tier 6 magic circle appeared.

With his other hand, he activated Hemera's crest which caused the figure to pause for a moment.



Shattering the magic circles apart, he stepped towards Nan Tian and wanted to stab at him but Edvimar suddenly flickered behind him with a sword in hand.

His clothes were bloody as he had used the same method as Nan Tian to break out of his bindings. While he wasn't as strong as he used to be, he still couldn't sit around doing nothing while his wife was in danger!


Suddenly, the space around the figure seemed to freeze as both Nan Tian and Edvimar were frozen in their place.


Without giving them a chance to break out of this, the figure spoke again and their bodies were flung against the walls of the building.

"Bind, chain, seal." Speaking three words in quick succession, Nan Tian watched as chains wrapped around his body before a tier 8 seal appeared in front of him.

Draining him of all energy, Nan Tian couldn't even muster up the strength to shout as a motes of light gathered in front of the figure.

"Leave." Hemera warned as divine energy erupted out of her.

Since she had only recently come into contact with this party, the system restriction around her was a little loose compared to the restrictions around her mother.

She could manifest herself more and perhaps even fight. However, she still had to be careful since there was still a limit on what she could do or else she'll suffer a similar fate to Shiro.

However, she couldn't let the goal of this person succeed since she understood the consequences of letting him kill Isilia. Shiro would fall and the world would end.

"The natural balance of things cannot be disturbed. The target has violated this and I am to retrieve her." The figure spoke as his words lacked the magical properties they contained earlier.

"And so is the revival of a dead person. Don't be so petty. Or are you really going to challenge my authority. Just so you know, the girl in there has a group of gods backing her up." Hemera warned as divine energy exploded out from her body.

"Even if I leave, more will come. This job is to be completed regardless of who completes it. If not by my hands, it will be by another. At least with me, I can reduce the casualties. So goddess, please step aside. This is my show of respect towards a tier 8 being such as yourself. Do not involve yourself any further than this or you will suffer disastrous consequences." The figure warned as he stabbed his sword down in front of him.

"Can't you make an exception for this? Don't you know that it's the last cycle?" Hemera narrowed her eyes since Nyx had told her everything. Thankfully, the system restriction around her was lax or else she wouldn't know anything about this. Just like how Zeus was ignorant or else he wouldn't have antagonised Shiro like this.

"It seems like what you said was not something I should know since it was censored. Regardless, I have a job to do and this is my final warning. If you let me complete my mission now, there will be no casualties other than her. If I fail, the next one who comes may not be as merciful. There are many coveting my position and I am replaceable." The Watchman sighed but Hemera laughed.

"I know you're replaceable. Since I'll make a job opening right now." Waving her hand, spears of light condensed around her as they seemed to absorb all the light from their surroundings.

"So be it." The watchman sighed.

Tracing his finger along the blade, several tier 8 magic circles appeared as he opened his mouth.

"Track, Cut, Poison."

Dashing forward, he slashed towards Hemera who blocked his strike with her spear before counter attacking.

She had heard of this kind of magic before and understood how powerful it was. However, there was a flaw. If the action mentioned in the word fails, the caster will suffer the consequences instead. So if he were to try to use the word kill on someone who couldn't be killed in one go, he'll be the one suffering the effects instead.

With strong enemies, he had to be careful with his word choice hence why he chose the words Track, Cut and Poison instead of words like Halt or Bind. If they fail, he'll be bound, giving Hemera a chance to kill him in one strike.

Glancing back at the room holding Shiro, Hemera took a deep breath and hoped that she'd be enough. Because at the end of the day, she knew that she was no match for this person in front of her.

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