Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 937 Asking for Mio's Help

Setting up some drones to act as guards for this area of the city, Shiro sent out a notice to all the people that had registered.

[The first Scavenger Event will soon begin. The city will be hovering over the city and there will be portals down to the city on the second floor of the teleport hall. We will be staying in the city for 5 hours maximum.]

With the notification reaching all of those that registered, Shiro made her way back to the command centre.

Sitting in her chair, she took this time to rest for a little.

Relaxing on her chair, she unravelled all of the wires surrounding her body.

Moving her hands, she couldn't help but sigh.

Hearing a small ringing out, Shiro activated her camera and saw that Nan Tian was ringing her.

Answering the call, Shiro could see that he was in a bedroom.

"Well don't you look worn out?" Nan Tian raised an eyebrow seeing her state.

"Is it that obvious?" Shiro asked, looking down at herself.

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"Mn, you should rest more. If you want, I can come back and help you out in the city." Nan Tian offered.

"No I'm fine. it's not workload that's troubling me." Shiro sighed.

"Oh? What happened?" Nan Tian asked.

Explaining their excursion to Tokyo along with her fight with Jasmine, Shiro could see that Nan Tian furrowed his brows in worry.

"A skill that kills if you fulfil conditions huh? That's quite concerning. Do we know about which part of you that's been injured? So that we can perhaps target that specific area." Nan Tian asked.

"No idea, I can't see the system so I don't know what part of me is being- wait a minute." Shiro sat up.

"You remember something?" Nan Tian asked.

"Yeah. During the fight, the first time I was hit the system told me that I was being tainted. Every time she hit me it was always targeted at my soul. So if it's my soul that's been injured, it makes sense that even if I heal my body, the wound remains. So I'm guessing that if I was to have a look at my soul, I should be able to find out what's wrong with me." Shiro replied as Nan Tian nodded his head.

"That's good then. Why don't you ask your mum to help you? If I remember correctly, your grandparents should be arriving in the new age now, right?" Nan Tian asked.

"Kind of but not quite. If gramps and gran arrived mum would have told me. Though I can probably ask mum to help me out a little. She's a reaper so she'll be familiar with souls." Shiro nodded her head.

"You should go soon then. Get yourself healed up."

"Oh right, what did you call me for? We've just talked about what's affecting me rather than your problems." Shiro coughed lightly.

"Ah I was just going to inform you about the progress of my espionage. We've managed to discover three more cities linked to this one and it seems like the queen has secured a safe trade route. In total; we know the queen has a minimum of 6 cities under her control which is six anchors. However, that also means she is severely weakened. For her to do this and survive in the future, we know that she has something up her sleeves." Nan Tian reported as Shiro frowned.

"Six anchors… that's quite a lot. Just making one was a little annoying since I could feel myself get weaker immediately so having six could mean that she's not even 20% of her power." Shiro muttered.

"Indeed. On another note, it seems like other queens are also keeping an eye on her. We've detected other people in the city that are snooping around trying to find out where exactly her main city is. If other people can find that, they'll be able to take care of her since she's weak right now. But since the only lead we have on her with the branch cities we can't exactly destroy them so she's slowly gaining her power back. By the way, I heard a strange rumour."

"Oh? What kind of rumour?"

"Well I say 'rumour' but it's more 'rumours'. The first is that there's apparently a relic that's appearing in the north and that it's a grade that no one has ever seen before. The second rumour is that apparently there has been black named individuals appearing around the world. I'm guessing the source of the second rumour is people that have fallen." Nan Tian said with a serious face.

Hearing this, Shiro furrowed her brows. The power of those who have fallen was still a mystery but the fact that one of the God Slayers was actually a fallen was quite worrisome.

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'Hmm… once they fall, they do everything in their power to complete their objective. Once they're finished, they'll become mindless monsters. Unless their goal is to surpass gods, most of them should be rather easy to kill. But those that are able to survive and reach maturity with the goal of killing gods, it'll be annoying to deal with.' Shiro frowned.

"I think we can leave the fallen for now. Their danger to us isn't that high. Plus, unless their goal is something huge, their power will be cut off after a certain point." Shiro replied after thinking about it for a moment.

"Mn. For now I guess I'll keep an eye out for any new information. I'll call you if there is any more information regarding the relic." Nan Tian smiled.

"Stay safe out there. If there is any danger to any of you, don't hesitate to come back." Shiro nodded.

"I'll keep that in mind."

Seeing Nan Tian end the call, Shiro sighed for a moment before standing up.

Wrapping herself with wire once more, she pulled out her phone and called Mio.

"Mum?" Shiro called out.

"Yes? What do you need darling?" Mio replied.

"I might need a little help. I recently got an injury on my soul and I don't think I can heal it by myself. Are you able to have a look for me?" Shiro asked.

"Oh of course. Where are you right now? I'll come to you since there's not much for me to do anyway." Mio nodded.

"I'm at the command centre right now but I can just teleport to you. Where are you right now mum?"

"Oh I'm just at home."

Talking to Mio for a little longer, Shiro teleported outside of the house she prepared for her parents.

Before she could even knock on the door, Mio opened it with a smile.

"Come in." She said, opening the door she let Shiro in.

Seeing her father, Koji, lazing around on the sofa, Shiro's smile twitched.

"Old man, when aren't you trying to reach tier 6?" Shiro asked as Koji froze up in shock.

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"Honey, did Shiro just call me old man?" Koji asked, feeling as though a knife had just stabbed his heart.

"Well if she sees you lazing around like this she would indeed lose respect. I just don't say anything." Mio chuckled with a shrug before making her way to the kitchen.

"I have some of the juice that you liked during your birthday party prepared if you want some." Mio offered as Shiro nodded her head.

Sitting near, Koji, Shiro sighed.

"So dad, why are you not trying to reach tier 6? Knowing you, you should be trying to reach it right now." Shiro asked.

"Mn… it's a bit complicated but to put it bluntly, I don't feel anything. There's no space, no notification or anything when I try to break through. I've done what you told me and nothing has worked. I even asked my granddaughter about it since she's tier 6 now and the same with the others but I haven't been able to get into the state required for the tier up. Honestly, I think this old body of mine isn't cut out for tier 6." Koji sighed.

"Hmm maybe you just need some inspiration then." Shiro frowned since it was understandable that not everyone's going to get the feeling for tier 6. Sometimes it was down to luck as well.

"Well that's enough about me. Your mother told me that you are injured so what happened? I doubt there is anyone that can seriously injure you unless they're a queen." Koji asked as Shiro sighed.

Explaining the story again but this time to her parents, Shiro couldn't help but shake her head.

In hindsight, there was so much more that she could have done to get rid of the danger but that's the past now and she can't change it.

Sipping on the juice, she let her parents digest the story.

"That's quite worrying. The fact that she can rob your senses like that and healing not being effective. I can see what you mean by it might be a soul problem now." Mio nodded her head.

"Let's have a look then. I might not be as well versed in souls as your grandparents but I'm confident in what I can do." Mio smiled.

"What should I do?" Shiro asked.

"Nothing, just let me handle it. It might sting a little but that's normal." Mio replied.

Snapping her fingers, two tier 5 magic circles appeared around Shiro as chains entered her chest. Flinching for a moment, she watched as an illusionary figure of her appeared. However, it was missing a third of its body.

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