Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 907 Respecting Choices

For the next hour, Shiro and Silvia continued to develop the healing spell and progress was extremely fast.

So far, three cities have been cleared but seven of them are still in great danger. The mech pilots responsible for those three cities had been spread across the seven remaining cities as a backup but it was still taking them a while due to the increase in spawn for the monsters.

'Shiina, Oran and Akhess are doing well with their specialised units but their performance is below expectations. If they could fully utilise the power of the specialised units, then they could each take a city by themselves.' Shiro thought with a frown.

{They are fighting at a disadvantage right now.} Nimue reminded.

'I know. I'm not blaming them, it's just that the situation is unfavourable. If I discard the citizens and just go around eliminating monsters, this would be easy. But what's the point of ruling a world without people?' Shiro shook her head as the easiest way was not always the best.

Hearing this, Nimue stayed silent as what Shiro said was true to an extent. There were more cities out there but saving these 10 could give her quite a few benefits. She could already see some of the expressions of people that she had saved and they were grateful for her mercy.

{Are you able to bring me and Attie out? We're both Divine Spirits and our powers are related to healing. We can provide a decent amount of help.} Nimue suggested. Since Attie was young, he won't be able to provide as much as he wanted but at this rate, anything was helpful no matter how small.

'Actually, I've already added my part of the magic circle. If you two work together with Silvia, you should be able to develop the healing part of it without me being here. Since my main healing is Grace, which we don't want to use, along with life fire which Attie has, it's more beneficial to have you two take my place.' Shiro muttered as she summoned both of them next to her.

"Silvia, develop the healing portion with Nimue and Attie, Attie has life fire and maybe something even stronger since he is a divine spirit of fire and Nimue has been taking care of my body. She's a divine spirit of water and she possesses healing properties. They can take my place in this while I go out and help out a little." Shiro smiled as Silvia nodded her head.

"Got it, we'll try to get it done as soon as possible. Don't stress yourself too much since you're still sustaining damage from the barriers. Just so you know, if you were to use this in a fight against someone strong, all they'll need to do is focus their attack on one weak person and you'll die from the damage. Be careful ok?" Silvia warned since this skill had an obvious flaw. Using it was akin to giving up all of her advantages as a glass cannon that can dodge.

"I know don't worry, I'm not stupid enough to use this in a fight. If it comes down to it, I won't risk my life against a Queen for some people I don't know. After all, I am this world's lifeline." Shiro smiled as she jumped off the edge of Asharia.

[Notice to all mech pilots within the vicinity, focus on evacuating citizens. I'll take care of the monsters.] Shiro sent out a notice as all her holograms relayed this message to the 4 mech pilots responsible for this city.

Hearing her message, they immediately stopped fighting the monsters and looked for the citizens through their map. It revealed a red dot for their mana signal so even if they're trapped under rubble, they can find them.

Summoning Silvanis, Shiro narrowed her eyes at the large monsters chasing after the humans.

Since the barrier was up, a prolonged fight wasn't recommended. Instead, she'll aim to kill them in one shot. With Silvanis' passives, this should be an easy task for her.

Flexing her finger, tens of guns appeared around her as she activated her skill, Encroaching darkness.

With her stats receiving a boost along with all the buffs that were placed on her body thanks to the inhabitants of Asharia, it wasn't an exaggeration to say that her stats completely dwarfed the stats of the monsters in the city.

Activating all of her guns, tier 6 magic circles appeared on the barrier as a pair of glasses appeared on Shiro's face.

Hexagonal marks locked onto the signature of the monsters as this was going to be a focused barrage that only targeted the monsters.

Firing without hesitation, all the guns fired simultaneously as the spray of bullets looked like a meteor shower thanks to the darkness surrounding the city.

Raising their heads up in curiosity, the monsters widened their eyes as their upper torso were obliterated in an instant.

After piercing their bodies, the bullets destroyed themselves so as to not damage the surroundings. Learning from the dungeon incident, Shiro knew that it was best to destroy the bullets before they caused damage.

While this reduced the damage that they dealt, she could easily remove this function should the situation require it.

After firing her guns, she immediately sensed a wyvern like monster charging towards her from the sky.

Silvanis Active Effect 3!

Infusing 2% of her mana into her sword, she activated the third effect which allowed it to shift through space in order to hit the target.

The wyvern that wasn't even close to hitting her paused in the air as its body was cut in half.

"There's still quite a few monsters left." Shiro muttered as she was about to deal with them when one of the pilots contacted her.

"Your highness! We have a situation on hand. One of the civilians is not cooperating." The pilot reported as Shiro frowned.

"What's happening?"

"He keeps insisting on dying and has been trying to kill himself." The pilot replied with some difficulty since suicide wasn't an easy thing to deal with.

Hearing this, Shiro frowned and closed one of her eyes. She could see the man with despair in his eyes trying to stab himself with the sword but the golden barrier was stopping this.

Pausing for a moment, Shiro opened her mouth.

[Are you sure you want to end it all? If you keep living, there is a chance for you to turn things around.] Shiro asked as her voice was broadcasted from the mech.

"You're the one who revived me aren't you? Please just let me go back. Everything is over." The man asked as tears started to fall.

Seeing this, Shiro sighed. She will help people, but if they wanted to end their lives by themselves, she wasn't going to interfere. She didn't have the time to convince this man otherwise. If he wanted to die, she'd respect his wishes.

[Are you sure? This is the last time that I will ask. If you truly want to end it all, I will undo the barrier for you.] Shiro asked.

"Yes." The man smiled as Shiro nodded and flicked her finger. Shattering like glass, the golden radiance around his body disappeared as he closed his eyes and ended his life in a swift movement.

'I hope you have a better next life.' Shiro thought with a shake of her head. There were going to be people like this in the new age, ones that didn't want to go on. She couldn't avoid this fact.

"Go help the rest of the people. If they are like this man, report to me and I'll deal with it." Shiro said as the pilot nodded.

While she didn't understand those that wanted to take their lives, something must have happened for it to lead up to that point. Even if she wanted to help them, she was going to take the neutral stance in that situation and respect their wishes.

Looking at the horde of monsters that were still spawning, Shiro knew that they weren't going to end for a while.

Massaging her neck, she charged towards the monsters in the distance.



Even though we had the goddess' protection, me and my sister weren't able to run. The monsters threw us around like ragdolls. We didn't feel pain but the sensation of being tossed around was not enjoyable in the least. Looking at my younger sister that was pinned against the ground, my heart ached.

We couldn't be harmed but we had no strength. I was foolish. When we were revived, I should have taken my sis away as quickly as possible.

Running towards the monster, I realised that I had made a mistake. Even if we can't be harmed, it didn't mean the monster couldn't swallow us. We were too weak to even do anything in its stomach and could only wait for death.

Before the monster could swallow me, a flicker of white appeared behind it and obliterated its upper body.

Recognising it to be the goddess that had saved us before, I was speechless. She hugged my sister and made sure she was ok before opening a portal. Next thing we knew, we were in a crowd of people in a huge hanger.

"Did the goddess save us again?" My sister asked as she looked up at me.


'If I could be as strong as her or maybe something close, then I can help people like she did.' I thought to myself.

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