Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 898 The First Day

Looking at Madison who floated above the city, the demons had no choice but to obey since her power far surpassed theirs.

"From now on, we'll be going to a city known as Asharia. There are humans, elves and spirits and you are to cooperate with them from now on. Should I find out that you have been actively attacking or antagonizing them, I will end you before you can even beg." Madison announced as the demons started to discuss between themselves with a frown.

Hearing this, Madison narrowed her eyes.

"Silence! If you have a problem with my decision, stand up." Madison glared as a few demons swallowed their saliva and stood up.

"And what problem will that be?" Madison asked.

However, before they could say anything, a spear of shadows erupted out from the ground and pierced them high into the sky.

"That's my response. Talk to me when you can put up a fight. I'll give you a day to pack up or else we're leaving you behind. If you are left behind, who knows what my generals might do to you." Madison smiled as a portal opened up behind her. Stepping through, the guardians floated in the sky as if they were keeping an eye on the capital.

Seeing this, a few of the demons panicked and quickly packed up everything that they needed.


"Uhgg…. I'm not doing that again." Madison sighed as she returned to the party.

"What do you mean? That was great. Brought a tear to my eye." Shiro patted her shoulder while pretending to wipe a tear away.

"Whatever. Asphil, what do you think?" Madison asked as Asphil kneeled in front of her.

"I think that was fantastic, your highness. Most of the demons here are fearful of your power. As the Queen of the race who has demonstrated your ability to kill everyone if you wanted, they are now respectful towards you, fearing the consequences. Even if you tell them to die, they will follow through." Asphil replied as Madison nodded her head.

"Not my favourite way of trying to rule them but its most effective short term I guess." Madison scratched her hair.

"Don't worry, we can sort out the details later. I've already sent out a notice in Asharia and the citizens are fine as long as they're 'tame' I suppose. Of course, I did warn them about taunting them and raising conflict. If they were to do so, they'll be punished accordingly. All that's left is to scan the capital into the city and finalise the platform that they'll be living in. I think we'll be able to fit everything in just before the start of the new age." Shiro smiled as Madison nodded her head.

"I wonder if the demons will actually get along with the other races since they can't be forced to get along with one another properly." Madison sighed.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. Plus, we're not partial with the punishment, regardless of who committed the offence, the punishment will be the same." Shiro reassured as they made their way back to Asharia.


My name is Felsha Eliness, one of the retainers for the 19th ranked candidate who had passed away after the revolution caused by the Demon Queen.

Her presence through the continent has been nothing short of fearful as everyone in her path was slaughtered without resistance.

Asphil, one of the higher ranked candidates was actually turned into a slave.

When she had appeared, all the respect we had for her was lost immediately and no one bothered to listen to her.

Unless the Queen arrived, there was nothing she could do. She couldn't kill us either since she lost that freedom as a slave. Without the master's permission, she couldn't do anything. That was against how most demons lived.

Even if we were retainers, we had more freedom compared to her.

We could slaughter if we wished.

For her to bow her head like this, it was disdainful.

Or at least that's what we thought until the day she descended to the capital.

The entire world seemed to change from her presence as dark clouds loomed over the city.

A legion of demons followed behind her as each one felt more powerful than Asphil herself.

Her crimson hair contrasted against the dark skies and her tyrannical aura crushed us to our knees. The prideful demons had their knees broken and they were forced to kneel as the feeling of death permeated through the city.

My hands quivered without stop as she spoke as fear gripped my throat.

'Someone like this is our Queen?' Is what I thought when fear filled my mind but at the same time, a sense of pride.

Our Queen was someone that could bend the world to her will, if we were to invade the humans, their land could become our territory. We wouldn't need to constantly fight amongst ourselves to find a place to sleep.

However, my expectations were shattered when she mentioned the fact that we were to live in a city of humans, elves and spirits. Asphil mentioned this before but that was impossible right? Why would such an imposing Demon Queen ally herself with those three races? The spirits have long lost their Queen so they were nothing compared to us. The elves and humans were similar.

There was no way we could get along. And yet, the Queen was forcing us to do so.

Moving to this new city was… strange to say the least.

We had to do something called registering with something similar to a system but it was to prove our citizenship. We had to agree to rules that were put in place and by doing so, we're given fair treatment.

'Impossible.' I thought.

It was ridiculous to believe that they would actually give us demons fair treatment.

They would obviously stick up for the three 'normal' looking races like they have before.

My first day in this city was… surprising. The sheer size of this place was impressive as it was apparently made by one person or rather, one spirit. The Queen of the spirit race. Despite not having a queen for so long, my instincts told me that a normal demon would lose to a normal spirit 100% of the time. The boost that they received from their queen far surpassed what our Queen was able to grant.

I was surprised. How could someone so fearsome be outclassed with such a clear disparity? The day our Queen appeared, she was like a malevolent god. But even though we have never seen the Spirit Queen, we instinctively knew that she could slaughter our entire race without a second thought.

The mere thought sent shivers down my spine and like the rest of the demons, I decided to behave myself for now rather than test the limits to show how unfair they were.

When I went to a local bar down the street, the glares that I received proved everything to me.

'I knew it. Coexisting with them is impossible. Even now, the killing intent radiating from them was obvious.'

However, the bartender only slammed his hand down against the table.

He reprimanded them for disregarding the rules before smiling towards me and offered me a drink.

I was speechless since he had no hostility. It felt strange but I played along for now.

While drinking, I exchanged some stories with the bartender while he served other customers. These stories could be mundane or the conflicts between the candidates but he replied with similar stories before laughing about how similar they were in terms of experiences even if their race was different.

Perhaps it was the alcohol but I couldn't help but laugh as well.

But this thought was put to the test as I recognized the patron that had just entered. An old enemy. He killed my allies and family while I killed his. His killing intent immediately spiked as he glared at me with anger. Even with the alcohol, my sense for battle was telling me to retaliate as I grabbed my sword.

However, the bartender tapped my shoulder and said that I should trust in the ruler of the place.

Strangely, his confidence in the ruler convinced me as I lowered my guard and sat back down to enjoy my drink while keeping an eye on him in case I needed to fight back.

Before the sword could reach me however, a flicker of white appeared in my sight as the man was suppressed and chained up immediately.

"Hais, the first day and it's actually the humans causing more trouble. Tsk tsk, I'll need to talk to Keiko and have her give the humans a talk. Are you ok? I hope his actions have not scared you."

A white-haired woman smiled.

Her aura was so calming and warm that I felt safe in her presence. The opposite of our Queen where there was fear.

"Ah I'm fine thank you." I replied without thinking. My voice sounded calm which was different to my usual tone.

"Mn that's good. I hope you enjoy the city since it's supposed to be a safe place for all races. I won't tolerate any infighting amongst you so I'll deal with this one myself. After all, I have warned him about the consequences." She smiled.

I shuddered.

Her warm aura turned frigid and I felt like I died several times from the short exposure to the killing intent.

The ruler of this place was more fearsome than what we believe.

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