Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 895 Developing The City Further

Transporting the headquarters of Winter's Grace to Asharia was an easy task. Watching the headquarters being recreated using nanobots, Yuki didn't know how to react since the headquarters took them a while to make and yet Shiro was able to do it in a few minutes.

As for moving the luggage, the spirits, elves and the sect members were more than happy to help their new neighbours.

Most of the faction members were fine with everything but the newcomers were a bit sceptical since it seemed too good to be true.

Those that wanted to leave were allowed to while those that decided to stay but had bad intentions were asked to leave. A simple scan of their expressions told the Ai pretty much everything they needed to know so filtering out the people was easy. Those that wanted to take pictures of the tech and upload it to the internet were allowed to since it wasn't like they could recreate it.

Right now, Asharia was host to Winter's Grace, Asakura City, the Spirit Capital, the Hidden Sect, Rising Sun and there were more platforms being reserved for new additions such as the demons.

Checking the internet, Shiro smirked at the chaos that her city was causing since things that they believed couldn't be real was shown in the city. Large mechs, giant cannons and technology that far surpassed the limit of the current era.

There were people who demanded that she share this with the rest of the world but Shiro didn't give two sh*ts and took over the internet for a short period of time.

Releasing a statement saying the technology is limited to Asharia, anyone who has any intention to steal it would be dealt with accordingly and that there is a limit to how many people can stay in this city.

Since the world was going to change, Shiro decided that she might as well be transparent with the limitations of this city. While it was big, it couldn't accommodate everyone and giving them false hope of accommodation would be cruel.

Relinquishing control of the internet, she went about her day while the government was receiving countless complaints from all sides.

However, with Grangel's and Zacks recommendation, they decided to take Shiro's side in this and support her development. Should she create more cities like this, they would help her as much as they could.

Naturally, this was made clear through Grangel as he was sent as an intermediary for now. Plus, he received an offer from Shiro to stay in the city so he agreed while also working for the government.

Delivering the message to Shiro, Grangel was allowed to stay in the centre of the city.

"Since the government is now supporting everything, I guess it wouldn't hurt too much to absorb their military power as reinforcement. If I were to make more branch anchors, surrounding it in a city would be handy but it wouldn't compare to Asharia." Shiro muttered while sitting in the command room.

Looking at the city that was now flourishing, Shiro had been sending drones out to place more teleport nodes for ease of access.

While they could buy an item from the shops that made a node for them, it had a limited amount of usability since it'll expire after a few uses.

Having nodes that acted like a teleport Shrine would be helpful.

{Maybe you should allow people to come here like a temporary hub of sorts. They can come here to buy items and weapons before leaving. It might also be beneficial to create a hotel so that they can stay overnight if they're tired.} Iziuel suggested as Nimue nodded her head.

{Iziuel's right. This city doesn't have to be a permanent home for people.}

'I agree but there are some problems with that. If we just let them come then an army of Queens can just ambush us from the centre and ruin everything. While I can create teleport nodes, it doesn't filter out the Queens just yet. Since the Queens don't have the power to face me right now, I'm setting that aside but I'm having drones work on preventing Queens from using the teleport node. Should someone with the mana resembling a Queen enter, they'll be teleported away from Asharia. But it's still a work in progress so Isilia is helping out with finding a common signal between Queens and Empresses.' Shiro replied as Nimue furrowed her brows.

{That's true. What if you add a separate hub then? Like the security gates at one of those places called an airport. They'll confirm your identity using the ID code they receive upon registering with the city. For those that haven't registered, they can go to a separate shop for now similar to the Auction house's tablets and a drone will deliver the product to them.} Nimue suggested as Shiro nodded her head.

'That might work. Plus, since it's transported using drones, if there's a problem, they can't blame us.' Shiro nodded her head and tapped on her screen.

"Samuel, are you there." She called out as Samuel's face appeared on a screen.

"You called your highness?"

"I'm going to send you a project file on something I want to be created. I'll give you level 4 access on the drones to get this done quickly. Once it's done, give me a message and I'll sort out the rest. You're allowed to use Hanger 10 for the construction of this since it needs to be big. I've already moved all of the mechs from Hanger 10 to 9 so you don't need to worry about space." Shiro ordered as Samuel nodded his head.

"Understood. I'll get to it right away."

Ending the call, Shiro sent him the file.

{Wait where are we even going to place this separate gateway and store?} Nimue asked as Shiro just proceeded without saying anything.

'When Estrella reaches tier 6 what do you think will happen with her power of space? Even if the queen were to arrive, we'll just isolate in that space.' Shiro grinned as Nimue paused.

Once a person reached tier 6, their control over their element would increase significantly. For Estrella, keeping a pocket dimension to work as a gateway was simple as breathing and if a fight does break out, isolating a single target before she can harm someone was within reason. Plus, it wasn't like she was taking care of multiple dimensions. It was just a single one that connects to every single teleport node.

'Plus, I can make it so that if you have received special permission, you can bypass this gate. That way they wouldn't need to wait if the queue is large.'

{What will you do if the amount of people entering the gateway is bigger than expected?} Nimue asked as it would get hectic.]

'Since it's made from nanobots, I can easily expand the building you know? Space isn't a problem since Estrella will be able to help me. You've seen how big her space could expand to. Once she reaches tier 6, it would be bigger.' Shiro smiled as Nimue nodded.

'Setting that asi-'

Just as she was about to continue, she felt a spike of mana within the tower and the clouds darkened in the sky.

Feeling a large surge of Demonic Energy, Shiro grinned.

"Seems like Madi is waking up. Took her awhile huh?"

Standing up, she grabbed her jacket and walked towards Madison's room.

The rest of the party wasn't far behind her either since they've also sensed the magic.

Arriving in front of Madison's room, they opened the door and saw Helion standing in front of the crystal with a serious expression.

Right now, the surface of the crystal was completely black as cracks appeared in the corners.

Demonic energy would leak from the cracks and permeate the room as the aura continued to grow.


Suddenly, a large fracture appeared down the centre as the aura shot up and reached the realm of tier 6.

A delicate hand reached out and grabbed the edge before ripping the crystal apart.

"F*cking hell I'm starving! Why the hell was I stuck for so long!" Madison shouted out in rage as the crystal pieces were sent flying across the room before vaporising into black mist.

[Madison LVL 501 Demon Queen]

"Yo, the sleeping beauty finally woke up huh? How does your body feel?" Shiro called out with a smile as Madison glanced over.

"A bit cold but it seems like my physique lost a bit of muscle. How can I tank properly now- huh?" Madison replied.

However, when she glanced down, she realised that only a black mist was swirling around her body, helping her cover up what's important.

Seeing that all the males in the room had the decency to look away, Madison coughed and grabbed a dress from her inventory.

"May I get changed first?" She said with a forced smile as Shiro nodded her head and left the room with the rest of the party.

As the last one to walk out, the party could see that Helion had a blush on his face.

Seeing this, Shiro, Lyrica and Silvia had a smug smile on their face.

"You got a peek, didn't you?" Lyrica smirked as Helion coughed violently.

After getting changed, Madison walked out of the room to see Helion getting teased by the three demoness' while looking at her for help.

Opening her mouth, Madison mouthed the following words.

'You're on your own, good luck.'

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