Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 870 Attacking the Guardian

"It seems like our job will become easier since he is our target as well." Grangel smiled as Shiro raised her eyebrow.

"Oh? What did he do to get the government to make a move? Especially with this many people." Shiro asked curiously.

"A few days ago, he was spotted going on a rampage nearby and destroyed quite a few settlements. Apparently people heard him shouting in an unknown language. There were a few tier 5 adventurers who tried to deal with him but were eliminated easily. There has been records of a failed exploration here so the government decided to have us deal with him quickly." Grangel explained as Shiro nodded her head.

"Well it's good that I came here because I'll be honest with you, your chances of survival are less than 1% if you fight him." Shiro sighed as Grangel paused in shock.

"He is a tier 6 being and one that absorbed my nanobots too. My nanobots are normally under control but his have gone berserk. Nanobots are able to absorb and reuse mana so spells aren't as effective on him. Going into melee combat would be suicidal since you're just giving the nanobots more fuel to keep themselves running. I suspect that the reason why he destroyed a few settlements was to use the mana from humans to sustain himself otherwise the nanobots will die off." Shiro explained as one of the adventurers furrowed his brows.

"Your nanobots? So you're the one who was responsible for all of this?" He asked with a frown.

"Pft as if. It was just a side effect of what had happened. And aren't I here to take care of it? Complain to me once you can deal with a tier 6." Shiro rolled her eyes as people like this were all talk.

Before the adventurer could even say anything, a hand grabbed his shoulder and stopped him.

"Please pardon his rudeness." The man smiled as Grangel looked over.

"You're finally here. Let me introduce you. This is Zack Soma, he's like me and is ranked in the top 5 within the government. He's a summoner and his summons are rather impressive." Grangel smiled as Zack bowed slightly.

"Nice to meet you Miss Asakura. Grangel has told me about the small spar you had between the two of you and the outcome was rather one sided." Zack smiled as he was just a little taller than Grangel with green hair and a scar down his left eye.

"Nice to meet you too. Say, can't you get the eye healed with the clerics?" Shiro asked as not many would keep a scar.

"There is a… personal reason for why I keep this scar. But don't worry, it will not hinder me in battle." Zack smiled as Shiro noticed a tinge of sadness in him when he mentioned the scar.

"I see… Understood. But honestly, theirs is no need for you to make a move since I can deal with it myself. But I suppose it's also a good chance for you guys to see the power of a tier 6. I'll act as support for now so that you can experience its might for yourself and I'll step in once I see that you have seen enough. Sound good?" Shiro asked with a smile.

Nodding his head, Grangel turned towards the adventurers.

"Alright listen up!" He shouted out as everyone tensed up and stood with their backs straight.

"We have Miss Asakura covering our backs so there is no need to worry. However, that does not mean you can just run in there like headless chickens! This will be the first time that we will fight against a tier 6 being and one that is out of control at that. Thanks to the information that Miss Asakura has provided to us, we know that melee combat is a no go considering the properties of the nanobots. Keep your distance and barrage it with ranged attacks and spells. Since it is tier 6, I can guess that its physical prowess will be much higher than even the strongest tier 5 we have here. Try not to make your presence known and prepare to move out. We're hunting this beast in 10 minutes." Grangel instructed as they saluted him before doing some final maintenance on their equipment.

10 minutes was long in combat but right now, it felt like a fleeting moment as the 10 minutes of respite was over in a blink of an eye. Seeing that Everyone was ready, Grangel dashed forward while the rest followed.

Spitting up into three groups, they made their way towards the anchor where the guardian was as Shiro admitted that they were rather well trained.

'My buff's aren't like Silvia's but they're not too bad.' Shiro thought to herself as she made a bracelet with all of the support skills that she had recycled.

Activating them all at once, everyone watched as their stats increased.

"To think that Miss Asakura also possesses support skills. Honestly, what class even is she?" Grangel muttered with a small smile.

"Normally having too many skills from every class would make you weak since different skills require different stats. But for her, she could say she's a full support class and I wouldn't be surprised with the buffs that she had given us." Zack shrugged as Grangel agreed.

"Her attacks are far more powerful, you know. Plus, even though she's by her own definition, a glass cannon, I could barely scratch her with my attack." Grangel explained remembering their last fight.

"Regardless, we can talk about it over some drinks later." Zack smiled before biting his finger and drawing out a row of magic circles.

"Summoning!" He shouted out as the magic circles lit up with a golden radiance.

Suddenly, 8 pillars of light erupted into the sky as Shiro noticed eight dragons with what seemed to be knights riding on top of them.

'Hou… to think his summoning skill could bring out dragons with riders.' Shiro mused while estimating their powers with analysis.

Individually, they are roughly equivalent to level 300's but when put together, their coordination would probably increase their danger levels to the top of tier 5.

Watching the eight dragons knights fly towards the ruins, a tier 5 magic circle expanded in the sky as the knights raised their lances.


Crashing down from the sky, a giant golden lance pierce the ruin as ravines were split open from that attack.

However, to Zack's surprise, there was something stopping the lance from making physical contact with the ruin.

Before he could even say anything, nanobots shot into the sky and consumed the lance in an instance.

"What!?" Widening his eye in shock, Zack didn't expect the nanobots to be able to consume one of his most powerful strikes with such ease.


Hearing a loud roar originating from the ruins, they watched in shock as two metallic wings unfurled into the sky. Connected to the wings was a deformed guardian with metal jutting out of his body.

He seemed like a puppet that was being manipulated as cl.u.s.ters of nanobots could be seen writhing under his skin which would heal all of the injuries that he suffered since he was their precious host after all.

Narrowing her eyes, Shiro shook her head in pity since the guardian didn't expect this to happen when he absorbed the nanobots.

Splitting his chest open, hundreds of silver tendrils exploded out from his body as they weaved together into a giant metallic form that could wrestle the dragon knights to the ground.

"Ranged bombardment!" Grangel shouted out as the adventurers prepared their spells while the guardian was busy with the dragon knights.

Pulling out his bow, Grangel prepared his own spell and Zack did the same.

"I bet you didn't expect your precious guardian to turn out this way when he consumed my nanobots did you Verron?" Shiro asked as she could sense a being watching her. The feeling she got from this being was similar to some of the gods that she had seen on mount Olympus and she can guess that it was probably Verron.

"You noticed me huh? I must say I'm surprised. Little girl, despite killing my chosen and ruining my anchor, you actually stayed here despite knowing that I'm around, are you looking down on the power of god?" A dark voice rang out as Shiro only smiled.

"Maybe." Shiro replied as divine energy erupted out of her body.

Pausing in surprise, Verron didn't expect the young woman that had escaped his guardian back then actually became a demigod.

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