Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 862 Shiina Oran and Akhess

"What are your names?" Shiro asked with a small smile. While she knew their names thanks to the fact that they registered when they moved to the city, she wanted to hear it from them personally.

Hearing this question, the three soldiers quickly stood upright.

"I'm Shiina Isirvyn, your highness. My peers refer to me as Shiina." Shiina was the first to reply. She was a girl who looked like she was around the age of 18 to 20. She had light blue hair and a pair of azure eyes which looked at her with reverence.

With the Shiina introducing herself, the other two quickly introduced themselves as well.

"Ah I'm called Oran. I wasn't adopted into any family so I don't have a surname." Oran introduced himself.

He was a tall man who stood around 1.85 meters. He had short golden hair with traces of brown on the edges and a pair of red eyes. There was a scar just above his right eye and it cut through his eyebrow, making him look a little threatening.

Seeing his hair and expression, Shiro couldn't help but imagine him as a cat that was scared of the person in front of him.

"Akhess. Like Oran, I wasn't adopted into any family so I don't have a surname." Akhess followed up as Shiro nodded her head.

With the way he introduced himself, Shiro could tell that he had a more serious character. He had dark red hair and a pair of scarlet eyes. He was just slightly taller than Oran and when he was facing her, he made up to stand up as straight as possible.

"Shiina, Oran and Akhess. Well done for being able to stand up to my killing intent. As you three are the only ones that reacted, I'll promote you to ranks one two and three for now. I understand that some soldiers here might be unhappy since their power might not be the strongest but in a battle, if you can't move under your opponent's killing intent, having strong power is useless. These three will be the first ones to be able to react should a strong enemy attack and therefore, they have the capacity to lead you. For now that is. As you continue to train, I hope that many of you can hone your willpower so that you too can move while being assaulted by my killing intent." Shiro smiled as the soldiers performed a rather impressive salute towards her.

"Yes your highness!"

Hearing this, Shiro nodded her head before turning to the three spirits.

"You three follow me for now." Shiro smiled as the three spirits nodded their heads.

To them, it was a great honour being able to walk alongside the one who had created this entire city and filled their libraries with vast amounts of knowledge. The martial art manuals that they see in the army libraries were also provided by her.

Doing a few checks around the training grounds to make sure that everything was satisfactory, Shiro had the drones prepare an empty training hall for now since she wanted to talk to these three for a bit.

Arriving at the training grounds, Shiro glanced over at Shiina.

"Since you were the first one to introduce yourself, why don't you tell me a bit about your powers and the element you use." Shiro asked with a smile.

"Ah, I'm an ice spirit and all of my powers are related to ice. I can control water to some extent but it'll get taken over if a water spirit decides to interfere." Shiina replied as Shiro nodded her head.

"I see… I also started off as an ice spirit. The power of ice is very helpful, it can act as both offence and defence depending on how you want to use it." Shiro smiled before turning to Oran.

"What about you? What element do you use?"

"I use lightning and earth. Out of the two, I'm more proficient with lightning." Oran replied.

"Handy. Earth counters Lightning so if the enemy uses the earth element, as a spirit, you should be able to override their control." Shiro said while making a mental note on their powers.

Looking towards Akhess, Shiro asked the same question.

She was half expecting him to say fire but his answer surprised her.

"I'm a blood spirit. All of my skills are blood related whether that means I use my own or my opponents." Akhess replied as Shiro paused in surprise.

"That's quite rare." Shiro said as Akhess nodded his head.

"So right now, we have ice, lightning, earth and blood…. Alright, take these for now. I want to see what you can comprehend in one hour." Shiro grinned as she handed all of them a manual.

Flexing her finger, three chambers were created in an instant and mana from Astral Horizon's filled the chambers thanks to a small portal she created. They'll find it easiest to find inspiration in a mana rich area so this was perfect for them.

Understanding what Shiro wanted them to do, the trio entered the chambers.

Making two chairs, Shiro sat down and created a table before grabbing some juice from her inventory.

"Want one?" Shiro asked as Nan Tian nodded his head.

"Seems like you want to give the three a bit of special training." Nan Tian smiled.

"Mn, they managed to move around in my killing intent after all. For spirits like them, doing so would be extremely hard and yet they managed it. I don't know what they had to go through to have such a strong willpower but this kind of willpower is what will keep them going and push them to greater heights. All I'm doing right now is give them a small boost to kick start their improvement." Shiro replied while taking a sip of her juice.

"For Shiina, I gave her a manual on some of the more powerful skills I know for ice. It includes a few skills from the Frozen Hell series that big sis said would be helpful but I haven't managed to finish the series just yet. I don't know what is needed to finish it and since I've been focused on my nanobots, my ice has slowly lagged behind.

"Oran has two elements so I gave him a manual on lightning, earth and a few fusion concepts. If he can somehow combine the two elements together, there is a chance for him to improve his lightning so that it doesn't have the weakness against earth." Shiro explained.

"What about Akhess?" Nan Tian asked as Shiro didn't have any blood related powers.

"For Akhess it's mostly fighting techniques and a few skills that I remember from the people I've faced. However, there are a few questions that I threw in there to see if he can increase his connection to his element. Why is he able to control the blood in his enemy's body? What happens and what is the process? What is the system doing for him that he doesn't have to do manually in order to control the blood? If he is able to answer all of that and even control the full process himself, there will be a good chance to reach tier 6 for him. After all, I believe the key to tier 6 is an advanced understanding of your element and full control without the systems assistance." Shiro smiled as Nan Tian agreed with her thoughts. After reaching tier 6, he could construct all of his spells manually and even use his skills without the system's interference thanks to his understanding of his own attunement.

As time passed, Shiro created a laptop and prepared a training program for mech pilots. Remembering some of the training back in Aria, Shiro designed it so that it was more 'friendly' towards newbies who had never been exposed to mechs before. From VR training to small physical props that they can use and even school classes on mechs, Shiro started to add them to the system while the three spirits were training in the chambers.

Regardless of how much they comprehend, just being in a mana rich environment will allow them to improve their constitution as spirits.

Once the hour was up, Shiro saw the doors open and the three stepped out.

Both Shiina and Oran had excited faces while Akhess was stoic as usual but Shiro could tell the excitement in his eyes.

"Now then, let's see what you have comprehended in the short span of an hour." Shiro grinned as she stood up and dismissed the chambers.

If they comprehended more than what she had expected, she will give them priority in training so that they can reach the standard of the party members if they try hard enough.

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