Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 857 Facing Nostic

As they were tracking the candidates, Shiro forcefully activated the castle death trap using one of her drones with a proper fake signal that felt real just for fun. Plus, if she left it around, there was the chance that someone could be harmed.

Sending her drones to track the candidates, Shiro increased the speed of her car.

Half way through her drive, she received a request for a call from her earpiece.

"Sup, this is Shiro speaking." Shiro saidm, accepting the call.

"It's me, everything has been handled now. All of the spirits have moved to the fortress and their houses have been constructed. They're getting used to life on the fortress." Nan Tian chuckled.

"Oh that's good. How's the job applications doing?" Shiro asked.

"We've already got quite a few farmers that are living on the farm spaces. I've connected a few portals with the merchants of the hidden sect so that there is some trade between the two places. Plus, there are more jobs being filled now so most of the spirits will be working in a day or two." Nan Tian replied.

"Mn… Perfect. How's the military then? While we don't need many soldiers since we have powerful people, having something similar to an elite task force is handy." Shiro asked.

"The military is split into two groups right now. First is something similar to a normal army. We have commanders and generals. The normal army has access to a decent amount of resources to get stronger while the commanders and generals receive better care. The second group is as you said, an elite task force. They've been suited up with some of the better weapons and armours from the sect. They're also getting some training from the teachers. The competition here is tough since if they don't meet the minimum requirements, they will be demoted back to the normal army and someone else will take their place. There are some additional benefits to being in the taskforce and I can send you the information if you need."

"Mn that's fine. Since the city is made by yours truly, I can get the information whenever I want. But thanks for looking after the place and making sure the move is done properly. We're about to get rid of the final candidates in the demon continent so you can probably teleport the city to us and I'll get the rest of the party settled down. Oh also, leave one of the platforms for a main smithing island of sorts and focus most of our best materials there. Make it so that only the best smiths can live there and can get precious metals to work with. We'll have them provide a monthly quota of armour and weapons not including commissions so that they can supply the whole place. Once we take care of the demon continent, we'll make portals connecting the two places after we solidify Madison's rule. The only problem is what comes after as I might need to be a bit heavy handed against the demons depending on what happens. The spirits are fine since they listen to me but demons value strength. We need to deal with this thought process otherwise they can't live in the city since they would stir up trouble." Shiro sighed.

"Ah you can kill them if they step out of line. According to demon rule, if the weaker side revolts against the stronger side, killing the weakling is no problem. I know Miss Shiro and mistress have different values but do not hesitate to kill the demons if they step out of line since they do so knowing the risks." Asphil said as Shiro raised her eyebrow.

"Are you sure? If we cause a revolt, I might have to eliminate a large amount of demons." Shiro narrowed her eyes as Asphil swallowed her saliva in nervousness since she knew Shiro wasn't joking.

"It's fine. Demons respect hierarchy a lot so once mistress becomes the only queen candidate, they'll follow her orders strictly." Asphil reassured as Shiro nodded her head.

"Very well then, I'll give them a trial period of a month after we sort everything out. If they can't follow laws then they can't live here. Of course, the demons that can actually follow laws will be welcomed." Shiro smiled.

Soon, they arrived at what seemed to be a path that led to an underground ruin of sorts.

Getting out of the car, Shiro recalled all of the drones to her side and disassembled them.

"Seems like the tracks end here." Shiro smiled as there was only one entrance to the location of the artefact.

"Perhaps we can corner them if we enter now." Helion said as Shiro nodded.

"We could but that would be no fun now. They're trying so hard to face us." Shiro chuckled and summoned Nimue, Iziuel and Estrella. Seeing Estrella with her eyes red around the corner, she realised that she must have been crying.

"Are you feeling better now?" Shiro asked with a smile.

"Mn, I am feeling better your high-"

"Estrella, remember what I said?" Nimue smiled as Estrella paused.

Struggling for a moment, Estrella sighed.

"I am feeling better Sh-Shiro." She squeezed out as Shiro nodded her head.

"That's good. Iziuel, would Attie be ok in the mana realm?" Shiro asked as she was tempted to bring him out since she could protect him.

"He's a smart boy so he's fine. He'll be watching closely though since he's worried about you." Iziuel chuckled.

"Mn I'll have to spend some time with him later. For now though, let's-"

Before Shiro could finish her sentence, a huge tier 6 magic circle expanded out as Estrella immediately teleported everyone away from the danger zone.

"Well aren't you a rude one. First time meeting face to face and you actually greet us with such a rude greeting." Shiro narrowed her eyes as Nostic floated in the air with the candidates behind him.

"I do apologise but for someone like you, I need every chance of attack that I can get." Nostic smiled.

"That is true. So can I presume that you have obtained the artefact that can 'seal' me I suppose." Shiro asked with a smile as the candidates glared at Asphil who wasn't afraid.

"Seems like Asphil has told you everything. Then I won't hide it, we have indeed obtained the artefact. For you to still come here knowing that, it would seem like you are not afraid of a black ranked artefact." Nostic sighed since this meant that the chances of sealing her would be close to zero. It was black ranked artefact and yet Shiro didn't care.

"Will you be giving up then?" Shiro asked as Nostic shook his head.

"Unfortunately no." Nostic smiled as he pulled out a talisman. Pushing it in the air in front of him, he flooded mana into the talisman which released a blinding light.

Once the light died down, Shiro noticed that she was in an isolated space with Nostic.

"Ah that was the artefact that Asphil mentioned wasn't it? One that is used to isolate us so that you can fight us in a one on one situation." Shiro smiled.

"Indeed. However, since you have more members than us, you do have the advantage in terms of power." Nostic shook his head helplessly.

"True. Let's see… So that's how you have spaced us out huh? Interesting." Shiro smiled as she activated her analysis skill and saw who everyone was paired up with.

"You can even see them through the barriers. What can't you do?" Nostic asked as having a chat with her is probably a better way to delay time compared to fighting.

"Mn… honestly, not much. So then, from what I know, you're planning to use the sealing artefact to sacrifice yourself along with me no?" Shiro asked as Nostic nodded his head.

"Indeed. That was the original plan but I don't think it's going to work anymore. Though I must ask, what is your goal for your conquest?" Nostic asked since that was never clear to him.

"Oh this? It's just to help a friend. You see, she is a candidate and if a king was to ascend, she would become a mindless woman wanting to become the king's partner and that is not what she wants. So I decided to give her a hand." Shiro smiled.

"I see… Seems like it's the truth." Nostic smiled as he pulled out another artefact.

"This would have been set off if you had lied but you're being truthful. I suppose I don't need to worry then." Nostic chuckled.

"Oh?" Shiro raised her eyebrow as she was rather curious as to what he had up his sleeve.

"Please give me the best fight of my life as will probably be my last fight." Nostic asked as Shiro nodded her head.

"Thank you."

Flaring his aura, Nostic flashed towards Shiro.

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