Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 844 Aftermath of Drunkness

Snapping her eyes open, Shiro immediately cured herself of headaches and activated her skills again since she could remember everything that was happening in 100% clarity.

The fact that she kept cursing the floor and calling it 'stoopid floor' caused her to blush but she quickly calmed herself down.

'It was just one time. I can just lie about remembering things.' Shiro thought to herself since it was rather embarrassing to see herself lose control like that.

After all, the only thought that came to mind seeing herself drunk was that she had become a literal child with too much power.

Most of the time she kept herself calm and controlled but being drunk threw that out of the window.

Looking around her, she could see that they were still outside the city. Surprisingly, none of the guards had arrived since Aarim and Madison used their skills to contain the destruction caused.

If it wasn't for the fact that she was in a drunken rage, her attacks would have been more powerful and it would have destroyed Madison's barrier in an instant. However, because they were weaker, Madison was able to succeed in containing everything with Silvia's buffs.

The rest of the party was looking at her with caution in their eyes but seeing the usual calm Shiro, they collectively sighed in relief and collapsed against the ground.

Right now, there was just a circle of charred ground with craters and broken pieces of the house scattered around.

Coughing lightly, Shiro quickly fixed up everything before getting everyone proper rooms to rest in.

"Next time we're not getting you drunk." Madison vowed before collapsing on the bed.

Chuckling softly, Shiro helped the others into their own beds as she sat downstairs and made herself some food.

"You caused quite a bit of mess yesterday." Nimue smiled as she sat down as well.


"First time being drunk. Didn't expect that I would become a violent drunk." Shiro blushed in embarrassment since she had thought that she would at most act a little differently rather than destroy everything around her in a tantrum because she couldn't walk.

"I must say, the light show you performed was quite amazing. Shame that the party contained it otherwise the city would have gotten a nice fireworks show." Nimue laughed.

Crawling up on the chair, Attie sat down and looked at Shiro.

"Mommy don't drink anymore." He said as Shiro rubbed her nose awkwardly.

"It was because mommy wanted to see what being drunk felt like. Don't worry, I won't get drunk again." Shiro forced a smile and patted Attie's head.

Nodding his head, he started to eat some breakfast as well.

Once they finished their food, Shiro cleaned up and sat on the sofa for now since the rest of the party were resting after a sleepless night of looking after her.

Turning on the TV, she looked up the recent news.

Thankfully, it seems like after the last incident, the queens were planning to be a little more low key as there was no more news of the queens claiming cities. The world government had also put a notice out to the public saying that they shouldn't reside in areas where the queens are since they could kill you with a single snap of the finger.

Aside from news about the queens, it seems like there were quite a few people believing the world was going to end since the arrival of powerful individuals means something large was going to happen in the near future.

While most dismissed it as crazy talk, Shiro knew that they were indeed correct since the new age will start in a few short months and once that happens, everything will be turned upside down. Resources will become rare for those not under a queen and the law of the jungle will prevail.

Human morals will slowly disappear as only a few people will be willing to help others during the later stages of the age.

To make matters worse, those who get saved will believe that the people saving them have ulterior motives and kill them before they could accomplish that which only decreased the number of people willing to help each other.

And that was just the weaker bunch of people participating in the new age.

For the stronger ones, slavery will become common as those weaker than them will be used to perform tasks.

Queens will use powerful humans as currency such as trading several level 500's for a piece of land and so on. They would cull the weak and use them as EXP for the strong despite the fact that they were working towards nothing since the system was lying to them.

They would never get to know the truth either since the system would censor anything they say in regard to this which was just a cruel joke since they still believe they had a chance to save their world.

The new age was just a giant cruel joke to see if the queen created by the current garden could win or not. If she can't, nobody wins.

If she does, only she wins.

Looking at her system interface, Shiro could kind of see why she would get rid of it but at the same time, knowing that it was a crutch to people, she would probably leave it alone since it would do more good than bad.

'My future self never told me why I got rid of the system either. Since I've already changed the future, maybe I won't get rid of it in this timeline.' Shiro mused to herself.

Shaking her head, Shiro dismissed the thoughts for now.

Just as she was about to continue, she felt several pairs of eyes on her as she frowned and teleported to the roof of her house.

Flexing her fingers, all of the crows that looked towards her was killed except for one.

Teleporting the crow in front of her, she grabbed its neck and narrowed her eyes.

"Error, help me hit the one who sent this." Shiro said as circuits appeared on her hands and bounced around happily.

Forming a spear, the circuits stabbed into the crow's head.



Coughing up a mouthful of blood, Nostic immediately cut the connection off with the crow the moment he felt danger. But despite this, he was still harmed for a moment.

"As you can see, her senses are sharp and no matter how many eyes I send at one time, she will get rid of them and even attack me using my eyes. She's not someone we can ignore especially since she's now in the eastern borders. I estimate that her goal is to completely take over the continent and claim the race for herself since her powers are definitely on the level of queens." Nostic said while wiping the blood away.

"Clearly considering that you of all people were harmed by her with a single move. You two didn't even come face to face either." A woman frowned seeing that display. If Shiro could do this much through a medium, they didn't want to imagine what she could do in a one on one confrontation.

"Mn, that's why I propose for us to team up and kill her as a group. But I need to reach tier 6 first if I can since I don��t think we can face her with just the power of tier 5 spells. She also has a group with her and from what I've seen, they are rather capable as well." Nostic narrowed his eyes.

"Perhaps we should eliminate them one by one before focusing on her." Another candidate suggested as Nostic thought about it for a moment.

"That is feasible if I can reach tier 6. At least then I'll be able to delay her long enough for it to work. Otherwise, she'll just overwhelm us." Nostic shook his head.

"How likely is it for you to reach tier 6 quickly then? Plus, are you sure you aren't doing this because you want to guarantee your ascension as the king? Because if you are, I'll fight you here and now." A queen candidate threatened as her aura flared around her.

"You can have guards watch me or whatever while I become tier 6 and know of the method yourself. I'm doing this so that we don't die without a chance of fighting back. If anything, I'd rather one of you become the king or queen should I die instead of her." Nostic shook his head as the queen stayed silent.

Her aura calmed and she said nothing else since she could tell that he was being serious.

"Fine, let's delay her as much as we can for now. Try to stop her from conquering the east and we'll prepare some artefacts to deal with her as well. In the meantime, Nostic, you better reach tier 6."

Watching the candidates leave one by one, Nostic stayed silent and closed his eyes. During the moment that he was harmed by the strange circuits, he felt a pair of eyes lock onto him with pure killing intent before smiling coldly.

He felt like he could hear her saying 'found you' but he wasn't sure.

'Can we even kill her if I reach tier 6?' He asked himself with doubt.

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