Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 842 Eastern Border

Arriving at the eastern border, they were immediately greeted by a group of guards who were stopping anyone from entering the eastern border.

"Halt!" One of the guards called out as Shiro glanced to the party.

"Should I stop? From their killing intent, I can't say that they plan to spare us if we stop." Shiro asked.

"Let's stop and see what they want to do. It's not like we're in any real harm anyways. They don't look that powerful do they?" Madison asked while glancing at the guards.

Since everyone here knew how to decrease their mana signals to a certain extent, the guards thought they were all weaker than them.

Of course, Shiro on the other hand, was able to suppress her mana completely so she seemed like a useless demon in their eyes.

Seeing that the rest of the party agreed with Madison, Shiro stopped the car and stepped out.

Watching the party step out, the guards were shocked at their beauty and glanced at one another.

"State your business at the border! You should know that this route is sealed off to anyone coming from the south. If you want to enter, you need to have a permit." Another guard called out.

"Ah sorry, we didn't know about that. Do you know how we can get a permit? We're in a rush to go to the east." Madison apologised as the guards furrowed their brows.

"I'm sorry, you cannot get past then. However, I suppose there is something else that you can do." A third guard smiled and made a gesture to the other guards who only laughed and proceeded to surround the group.

"What are you doing." Madison frowned.

However, without replying, the guards immediately sprung into action as Lyrica frowned since it seems like they've done this before which only caused her to despise them.

Bringing out her shield, Madison slammed it on the ground and erected a barrier around them.


Blocking their attacks, Madison looked at Shiro.

"I take it as we should kill them rather than let them live. It seems like they've done this a few times so we can assume that they've probably assaulted quite a few people." Madison asked.

"It's your land so I'll let you decide. I can't be making choices for you all the time now can I?" Shiro chuckled as Madison nodded her head.

"In that case wipe them out!" Madison dismissed her shield and brought out a great axe.

Hearing this, Lyrica activated a tier 5 magic circle as tens of swords appeared all around them.

Dashing forward, Lyrica narrowed her eyes and swiped her hand. All of the swords moved according to her gesture as the guard quickly activated a skill which allowed him to move back just enough to dodge the swords. However, Lyrica was a step ahead of him.

Appearing behind him, she slammed her palm into his back.


Widening his eyes, the guard coughed up a mouthful of blood but the pain didn't end there. Suddenly, hundreds of tiny blades erupted out of his body as he was killed in an instant.

During that moment, Lyrica had summoned blades at the point of contact which blossomed out in his body. Even if he survived the initial burst, he wouldn't have been in any condition to fight with that kind of wound.

'A bit bloody but rather effective.' Shiro thought with a smile as both Nimue and Iziuel couldn't help but agree.

{She's come a long way hasn't she?} Nimue chuckled as Shiro nodded her head.

'Indeed. Madison isn't far off either.' Shiro grinned seeing Madison cleave two guards in half despite their defence with a single horizontal swing.

The other party members weren't idle either since they killed the guards that were blocking their side with ease.

Seeing all of this, the guards on the wall were shocked and quickly sprang to action but Silvia smiled cruelly at them.

Slamming her staff down, she opened her mouth.

"Slow, blind, poison, nausea, organ rupture."

Activating several tier 5 magic circles, all of the guards coughed up blood as they collapsed in an instant.

Normally, the spell that ruptured their organs wouldn't work since a high level adventurer would have a strong internal body as well but with their strength disparity, it was a simple task for Silvia to destroy them internally with a single spell. However, just in case any of them survived, she added poison, nausea and blindness so that they can die by the side without interrupting.

Staying silent at Silvia's display, Shiro could almost remember the 'pure' Silvia that they had met during the first few weeks in New York.

'You make me proud. *sniff*' Shiro wiped a silent tear at how far Silvia had come.

By normal standards, the healer would be worrying about their life all the time but that wasn't the case for Silvia. Even if they target her, they wouldn't be able to kill her quick enough due to the amount of debuffs that she could cause along with her self heal.

Shiro had to admit that if she needed to fight Silvia in a one on one, the battle would be extremely long and tedious since she'd need to cleanse herself of debuffs continuously while Silvia's healing was most likely more outrageous than hers.

Despite not being a queen candidate or a queen, Shiro could say that Silvia was a match for most of the lower ranked queens solely because of her healing. Sure she might not be able to kill them quickly but the opposite was the same. If anything, Shiro guessed that Silvia could probably exhaust the queens.

The battle was short and completely one sided. With the complete slaughter of the guards that protected the border from the southern corner to the eastern, the party entered the car and continued their journey.

While this was happening, a single crow out of a horde of ones that were killed looked at the scene with fear as it attempted to fly away but another needle pierced it's head and it was killed in an instant.


"That's the 70th crow that she's killed." A figure muttered as he narrowed his eyes.

He had long black hair that extended past his back and a pair of cruel red eyes.

Standing up, he walked to the balcony of his castle and frowned.

He had heard of a small 'uprising' in the south and decided to send a few scouts to check out the situation but 70 of his crows have been slain by a single woman. A white haired girl who only smiled at the direction of the crown and killed them with ease.

Despite the crows having no magical signal or intent, she was actually able to pinpoint them the moment they set eyes on the party.

'Her senses are sharp.' He thought to himself.

Each time he sent a crow, he would only be able to get a single glimpse before his vision turned black.

But with the 70th crow, he was able to get a rough estimate of their overall strength except for white haired girl.

In his eyes, she seemed unfathomable and her strength was limitless.

Even her small demonstration against Imari left him speechless since he almost couldn't keep up with her speed. Sure the crow lived for a short moment but that moment was enough for him to see her appear next to Imari and reappear back in her initial spot.

"We need to deal with this. If she is left alone, the demon race will go under her control. Perhaps she's in the new realm hence why her strength is unmatched." He muttered.

"Jyusha." The man called out as a woman flickered next to him.

"You called my lord?"

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"Call for a meeting between candidates ranked 10 to 2. We need to have a meeting to discuss the problem that's encroaching on us. If we don't deal with his small uprising, we'll be killed off one by one and by then, it'll be over for us." The man ordered as Jyulia furrowed her brows.

"Should I not include those of the lower ranks?" She asked since the demons ranked from 20 to 11 were also powerful.

"No need, they're too weak to impact the battle at all. If anything, they'll serve more as a hindrance." The man shook his head as the woman nodded. Understood. I shall send this message right away.

Watching the woman leave, the man sighed and looking towards the south and frowned.

"Perhaps I need to reach the new realm first before challenging her." He muttered.

[Nostic LVL 500 Demonic King Candidate]

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