Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 789 Talking to the System

Hearing that she didn't need to kill all the Queens, Shiro sighed in relief.

"That's good to know. Hmm… Since I have authority level 12, can I get a map of the whole world?" Shiro asked as the system stayed silent for a moment before replying.

[As you have the necessary authority, you may.]

Just as it said this, there was a flicker on her screen as the map on the top right updated in an instant.

Looking at the world, she widened her eyes at how huge this planet was.

"Can you mark down the settlements, roads, where there are communities of living entities, teleport shrines and perhaps where the queens have their anchors right now?" Shiro asked with narrowed eyes since this could be a perfect chance for her to find out all the information she needed.

Staying silent once more, the system soon replied.

[I have marked down the settlements, roads, small villages, towns and cities outside of human knowledge and teleport shrines. However, I cannot reveal the locations of the queen's anchors.]


[Because the votes have been cast.]

"Who cast the votes?"


"Who are the administrators?"

[They are extra help in judging the fairness and balance of the system. They are evolved personal AI that have attended the chosen ones of the past. Unfortunately, the chosen ones failed so they were chosen to become administrators instead.]

"How many are there?"

[Cannot be disclosed.]

"Tsk." Hearing that she wasn't allowed to know how many administrators there are, Shiro frowned.

"So since I'm the Queen and the lifeline of this planet is on me, does that mean you can eventually become an administrator too?" Shiro asked.

[That is indeed correct.]

"What are the benefits in you becoming an administrator?"

[I can vote to make things favourable to you. There are several who have already taken notice of you and they have voted for things to be in your favour. There are also a few who are unhappy with you but as we are just extra help, the system has the final say.]

"Hmm…" Hearing this, Shiro furrowed her brows as this could be good for her. Now that she knew that she was being watched by not only the gods but also the higher ups, Shiro could somewhat include them into her plans.

"What is the system and who made it?"

[The system is a library of information repurposed to help the living entities in this universe. As for who made it, that information cannot be disclosed.]

"So you're saying that someone did make it then. It didn't just appear out of nowhere." Shiro narrowed her eyes as that was one of her questions as a child but she set it aside for now since she didn't have a way to figure out how it worked. But now, things were different.

[That is correct.]

"What is Error?" Shiro asked while raising up her right hand. Circuits flickered for a moment before fading away.

[That is a small piece of the internal workings of the system. It is able to interfere with the source code of all living organisms including the host. Right now you are in a symbiotic relationship as it has attuned to you and gained sentience. It will not harm you.]

"I see… that's reassuring." Shiro sighed in relief.

"Next question, what happens to the residents of the previous gardens?"

[Their source code is reused and 'reincarnated' with a clean slate.]

"Does that mean I can find those that I met in the dungeon like Fei Lin?" Shiro asked.

[You have already met her reincarnated Source Code.]

Widening her eyes, it was as if lightning had struck her body.

Her breathing sped up as she had thought that Fei Lin was gone for good. But now that she knew she had met her reincarnation, Shiro couldn't help but feel happiness in her heart.

"Can you tell me who she is?" Shiro asked as the system stayed silent.


A single word as Shiro instantly knew who the system was talking about. The little girl she had met when they evacuated from New York. The one that wanted to obtain a Samurai class.

"Kanae is the reincarnation of Fei Lin?" Shiro asked.


"Where is she right now?"

[I have marked her location on the map.]

Seeing a blinking red spot around Moscow in Russia, Shiro raised her eyebrow in confusion but decided to set that aside for now.

If Fei Lin had reincarnated, that meant her best friend could have reincarnated too.

Opening her mouth hesitantly, Shiro took a deep breath and asked a question that had plagued her mind.

"Did Isilia Reincarnate again after dying here? Did I meet her?" Shiro asked quickly as the system stayed silent.

This time, the silent felt like it stretched on for years despite only being a few seconds.

[Yes. And you have indeed met her. Her source code was forcefully reassembled as Entity – Isilia –.]

Hearing this, Shiro couldn't hold back a tear as she bit her lip. Isilia was actually alive and they had met.

"What do you mean by her source code was forcefully reassembled?" Shiro asked while quickly wiping the tears that were building up in her eyes.

[She has retained all of her knowledge and she is in a similar state to you who has obtained the benefits of your past life.]

"Where can I find her?"

[Li Jian knows.]

Hearing this, Shiro glanced back at Nan Tian who was equally surprised.

"Lil' Tian, apparently your old man knows where my best friend is." Shiro said as Nan Tian furrowed his brows.

"Hmm… I think we should pay him a visit once we're done here." He replied as Shiro nodded her head.

"Is there anything you two want to ask? I've got a few more questions but if you guys have anything important we can ask now." She asked while glancing back at the two.

"I'm fine. I don't really have much I want to ask the system." Stanley smiled as Shiro nodded her head.

"What about you Nan Tian?"

"Mn… I don't have any either." Nan Tian shook his head.

"Well I'll keep asking then." Shiro shrugged.

Asking about the other questions that was plaguing her mind such as what the hall of divine is.

Apparently, the hall of divine is similar to a server of sorts where all the major gods are gathered. Naturally, Aekari was also there and he saw her seat which only caused him to frown but nothing else.

However, before she could ask more questions, a strange notification appeared on her screen.

[Administrator 4 has requested contact with Entity – Shiro –.]

[Do you accept?]

[Yes] [No]

Seeing this, Shiro furrowed her brows and pressed yes.

Suddenly, a screen appeared in front of them as they could see a rather handsome man with a pair of glasses, rough hair, a stubble around his chin and a blanket over his shoulders.

"Oh sh*t I didn't think you'd actually pick up. Hello~ It's administrator 4, the one that the system had been calling to deal with the anomalies you have created." He waved with a wide smile.

Taken aback by his personality, Shiro raised her eyebrow.

"You're…. Administrator 4? I imagined that administrators would look… smarter." Shiro said as Administrator 4 rolled his eyes.

"This is what happens when you have to manage the aftermath of the crap you cause. Big fan of you by the way. Haven't seen you pierce that many things recently so feel free to do so." He gave her a thumbs up.

"Ok?... So why have you called?" Shiro asked with a confused expression.

"Ah I just wanted to stop you from asking some more since there are a few problems that might remain should you ask for the things you have. I'd suggest revoking your request for the detailed map as well as Kanae's marker since once the skill expires, you will receive backlash for having those privileges. However, I know your memory will keep that map nice and clear." He said as Shiro nodded her head.

Removing the map and marker like he had instructed, she could see that he sighed in relief.

"Remember, just because you are granted a high authority level and have broken free of restrictions for a short while doesn't mean consequences no longer apply to you after that time. Ask all you want but never get anything that lasts for a while since the system will punish you. I believe in modern terms it would be system giveth, system taketh."

"I don't think that's modern at all." Shiro said with a forced smile.

"Too bad. Well good luck, there's only a certain call time with someone of higher authority so I'll have to end it here. Just know I'm a huge fan~ Of course, feel free to not break the system every now and again since I have to deal with it. But I also get excited when you do. Hm… what a dilemma. F*ck it, just do what you want I'll be dealing with it in the background." He shrugged and gave her a wave before the screen flickered away.

Standing there with an awkward expression, Shiro couldn't believe that guy was actually an Administrator.

Little did she know, he was actually one of the more serious ones and this was what happened after having needed to clean up after her for a long time.

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