Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 781 Rechargeable Battery

Watching the crew anchor the boat down by the side, Shiro glanced at Stanley and Nan Tian.

"Let's get going. Shall I try to scan the whole island so that we can get a general idea on how big this place is?" Shiro asked as Stanley furrowed his brows.

"It's hard to regenerate mana in this place so you might want to be a bit more conservative with your mana." Stanley replied as Shiro only nodded her head.

"I know but you see, I'm a little different. I have two no technically three kinds of energy in me. The first kind is as you know, mana. The second is something I like to call Celestial Energy. The third and last one is what I like to call Divine Energy since it comes from my divinity. I'm able to fuse all three or use them separately when I wish. My Divine Raiment uses Celestial Energy and I can boost some spells by using divine energy that comes from my divinity. There is also my passive called Chosen of Nature. With this passive my health and mana regeneration is massively increased in a place with lots of nature rather than man made constructs. While quite a few of my spells are restricted, I can say for sure that my health and mana regeneration is rather impressive despite being a little slow." Shiro replied as Stanley paused.

"Wait what? You have three types of energy and you have a spell that lets you regenerate mana and health in this situation?" Stanley asked with curiosity and disbelief.


"And you also said you have divinity right?"

"Yup. Ah I haven't told you just yet have I? I've attained divinity or rather, I'm a demigod now. I've attained this after I completed the trials at Mount Olympus." Shiro replied.

Taking a moment to digest this information, Stanley furrowed his brows.

"So you're a half god now?"


"What exactly does having divinity do for you? It would be helpful to know when going through this island." Stanley asked.

Just as Shiro was about to reply, she realised that she didn't know much about being a demigod herself.

"Well, so far I only know that I can imbue one of my forms with divine energy and ascend it to demi god status. I haven't tried it out yet so I should probably give it a try soon. It only lasts for an hour and the cooldown is three days." Shiro replied after a short pause.

"Hmm…We'll probably try it out today on this island but make sure you are careful of where you use it since it's a powerful tool. If we waste it on some cannon fodder it would be a shame." Stanley reminded as Shiro nodded her head.

"Don't worry teach. Speaking of which, you also completed the Olympus trials before right Nan Tian?" Shiro turned to Nan Tian who nodded his head.

"I did but it wasn't anything too major. Nothing like what you and the party obtained." Nan Tian smiled softly as Shiro only shrugged.

"A shame then. Anyways, since you have been here before, do you want to lead the way teach?" Shiro asked as Stanley nodded.

"Last time I was here, I only explored a small part of this island and that was the chamber within the biggest mountain on this island. I found quite a few paths leading deep underground but I didn't get a chance to explore them." He explained as they walked.

The island itself was rather large and it was constructed of three different mountains, a large forest surrounding each one and a beach that loops around the place. Walking through the forest towards the centre of the island, Shiro could definitely feel her external regeneration of mana halt completely and she could only rely on her internal regeneration.

This was slightly problematic since it means that she'll need to manually provide the mana for her nanobots. After all, when they detach from her, they use the ambient mana to sustain themselves. With the ambient mana gone, it would only take them a few moments before fizzling out.

Thinking about it for a moment, Shiro decided to experiment a little.

"You two come here for a second." Shiro called out as both Nan Tian and Stanley glanced toward her.

"I want you to wear this for now. I know it looks like police cuffs but trust me it's not what it seems." Shiro said while showing them two cuffs. She was connected to one part of them while the other was meant for them.

Raising his eyebrow, Nan Tian placed it on his arm and immediately felt a surge of mana.

"Lil' Tian you're full on mana right now so you're fine. When you are low, put this on and you can recharge. I'm passively regenerating mana unlike you two so I'll be the rechargeable battery for now." Shiro grinned as Nimue laughed at her description from within the mana realm.

After all, she wasn't wrong.

Placing the cuffs on his wrist, Stanley could see his MP increase as the transfer speed was quite fast.

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"How much mana do you have?" Stanley asked as he couldn't believe how much mana he was receiving.

"More than 10 billion. Why do you ask?" Shiro tilted her head.

". . .Nothing." Shaking his head, Stanley removed the cuffs once he was full.

When they arrived on the island, he had sent out a constant scan to see if there was any danger nearby but there hasn't been so far. Naturally, he was also careful with his mana usage.

But now that Shiro had revealed that she could recharge their mana without too much worry, he could be slightly more aggressive with scanning the island.

"Hm… we're pretty safe for the next few miles or so. I haven't detected anything just yet." Stanley said as Shiro nodded her head.

Glancing around them, Shiro smiled.

Taking a deep breath, a tier 6 magic circle wrapped around her hand as she slammed it down against the ground.

Suddenly, a web of nanobots surged out. As if they were a colony of ants, they skittered throughout the island while staying connected to her.

"What are you doing?" Stanley asked.

"I'm taking a scan of the island. Normally, I can just do this with a snap of my finger but since this place doesn't have any ambient mana, my nanobots would be destroyed once they detach from me." Shiro explained.

Raising her spare hand, a hologram was slowly constructing itself with each passing second.

Looking at the hologram with surprise, Stanley couldn't believe how helpful the nanobots were. They almost seemed omnipotent in his eyes with how Shiro was using them.

Sensing his gaze, Shiro only sighed.

"Teach, I know you think the nanobots are omnipotent, but they really aren't. You see, if I don't have any blueprints in my mind for the things I construct, I wouldn't be able to make them at all. Nanobots are very literal. The parts have to work properly when creating the item or else it'll just self destruct in front of you. Without the blueprints, the most I can be is a caveman waving around a stick. Nanobots are so much more than that but the prerequisites of using it and utilising this element properly are very stringent. The only reason it looks omnipotent to you right now is because I have access to quite a few blueprints as well as the experience. Hell, without my computer like memory, it'd be hard for someone to use it like I do since they could forget an important part within the blueprint. Miss out a single part and the object is useless." Shiro explained with a shake of her head.

The Nanobots were hard to use due to the high requirement to use efficiently. If she didn't have her amazing memory, she would have long forgotten so many of her blueprints from Aria. Hell, she wouldn't even be able to create her guns at will since she'd be busy recounting all of the information regarding how the gun was made. Since they're rather high tech and compact, creating them would be quite slow on top of a high risk of failure.

Hearing her explanation, Stanley understood that he was viewing things at a surface level and not the effort required behind the scenes.

"Ah sorry about that." Stanley apologised as Shiro nodded her head.


Seeing Stanley's gaze reminded her of the people who both revered and hungered for her power. Seeing such a gaze in her teacher was not something she welcomed.

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