Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 775 Lerit

"Are you sure you want to leave the spirit race so quickly despite coming back?" Nan Tian asked while glancing back at the spirit capital.

"Mn, we don't have much time. We've already run into two no three queens with their anchors now. They are already amassing their armies while we don't even have a base yet. I want to set up this base and be around the same level before the new age arrives." Shiro replied.

"Plus, we need two make two potentially long trips. One to get the Shard of the Garden, a very important part of the anchor and the second is to find a suitable location. Since I have my nanobots, I can choose anywhere to place the anchor as long as there is a lot of mana. This is the advantage I have over the other queens since they have to find a spot that is dense with mana and people like a city. Moreover, they only have one chance. Once they place it down, they cannot move it as they don't have the means to make a floating city like I do." She chuckled as Nan Tian smiled.

"You seem quite excited."

"Of course. The future was quite grim but I'm already changing it by making the anchor as well as my own city. Compared to what I have seen in the future, I'm already making more progress as a queen." Shiro smiled.

Thinking about the future, she couldn't help but wonder how Lisandra had her wings dyed to black and when Attie grew us.

{What about your biological child?} Nimue asked with a smug expression as Shiro clicked her tongue and glared at her.

'Hush about it.' Shiro rolled her eyes before focusing back on real life.

"So where is this Shard of the Garden? Knowing the context of everything, this shard is an important piece of this Earth and the moment it loses it the world is destroyed no?" Nan Tian asked as Shiro nodded her head.

"Mn. I have a map here but the location is somewhat vague." Shiro said as she pulled out the map.

Having a look at the map, Nan Tian furrowed his brows because he didn't recognise the land at all.

"Do you think it's in the unexplored areas of this world?"

"Perhaps. After all, the places we've been to only encompass a small part of everything. Exploring this world and the proper natives would be quite interesting." Shiro replied as the map was quite strange. It was made from this golden material that would shimmer under the sunlight. Almost as if it was a hologram but the image never changed.

Storing the map away, Shiro brought out her phone.

"Right now, the map in my mind is the most updated version that they have on the internet. I think the government might have a more advanced version so I'm going to give my parents a call and ask them about it. They are pretty close to the government so they should know."

"Mn, if they don't know I can ask the sect master to look into this matter personally too." Nan Tian smiled.

Calling her parents, Shiro waited for a moment before she heard them pick up.

"Darling? Have you finished the god trials?" Mio's voice rang out.

"Mn I have. Sorry for not contacting you earlier." Shiro apologised.

"Oh it's nothing. I just didn't know the life or death of my precious daughter while the other one is out in the front lines training with her cousin."

Hearing this, Shiro understood that her mother must have been worried.

"Sorry about that mum."

"*Hais…* It's ok. I'm just glad you're safe. So how can I help?" Mio asked as she knew that Shiro wouldn't call for nothing. If she wanted to talk to her, Shiro would have come back to the house.

"Mn straight to the point." Shiro chuckled.

"Would you rather me spend the next hour talking about daily life with you? I can do that too." Mio laughed.

"That would be fine if you wanted that mum."

"I would love to fufu. But your mum's a bit busy right now."

Just as she said this, Shiro heard the sound of someone screaming and a blade running through his body.

"Are you in the middle of combat right now?" Shiro asked.

"Mn, there was a monster horde that broke out of one of the mutated dungeons. We're just clearing it up now. The mutation was much faster than expected so we couldn't close it in time." Mio replied casually while killing a few more monsters.

"Your dad is also here but he's fighting against the boss right now."

"Mn let him focus on that for now. Anyways, my question is does the government have a much more detailed map of the world that isn't shown to the public over the internet? Like the unexplored areas." Shiro asked.

"Hmm… they do but it's only slightly better than the one we have on the internet. They want to verify the information first before distributing it." Mio replied after a short pause.

"I see… Do you think I'd be able to get my hands on it? Plus, do they have any other kind of maps?" Shiro asked.

"They do. They have a map of resources, every dungeon resisted, underground caverns, ravines, special locations and places that are sealed off by strange magic. They also have a map of areas that are high in the danger scale where tier 5's would have a hard time surviving." Mio replied.

"As for whether or not you can get your hands on it, you'll probably need to be a bit more forceful with the old geezers up top. That's what me and your dad have been doing since they were quite at first. They thought they could rule over us by being slightly above average and had more manpower but after the first few fights they learned their lesson." She huffed as Shiro laughed.

"Sounds like you and dad don't have a nice relationship with the government."

"A little. But I'm sure if you go to the headquarters and tell them that you're our daughter, they'll listen to you. If they don't, just fight them I suppose. Knowing your strength, they can probably put up a decent fight for you. If they still don't accept, just call us and we'll go there personally." Mio suggested as Shiro's smile twitched.

"Are you sure I should be threatening the government at will for a map?"

"Yup. They're stingy. Plus, you can probably reveal that you're the owner of the guns without too many problems now since you can protect yourself. With us as your parents, they will also think twice about antagonising you. Trust your mum, they just have a strong appearance. They're cowards otherwise they would be on the front lines fighting the battles themselves." Mio spat out as Shiro could tell that her mother was not a fan of the government.

"If they spout any righteous bullsh*t feel free to cut them off ok?"

"Got it mum. I won't disturb you any longer, make sure you and dad stay safe ok?" Shiro smiled.

"Mn, love you darling." Mio chuckled.

"Love you too mum."

Ending the call, Shiro put her phone away.

"How was it?" Nan Tian asked.

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"Mum just told me to go to the government's place and claim the map for myself. Apparently, my parents aren't a fan of the government." Shiro shrugged her shoulder.

"Sounds about right. The more powerful adventurers dislike the government but they understand the need for one. Most of the time so long as the government doesn't target them specifically, the powerhouses just ignore them." Nan Tian nodded his head.

"Is the old man one of them too? The sect leader." Shiro asked.

"Mn. I know it doesn't look like it but apparently the sect leader was very hot headed when he was younger. He would pick fights and taunt people all the time while enjoying himself." Nan Tian chuckled.

"Oh damn, that does not sound like the old man at all does it?"

"No it does not."

Talking for a little longer, Shiro searched up where the government office was.

Located near the centre of the human's territory, they had carved deep into the ground and formed a giant super city of sorts that is armed to the teeth.

There are a total of 5 circles to this place. The outermost circle is 'light defences' which will protect the city from long range barrages and magic attacks. The second is responsible for melee combatants that arrive past the initial defences. The third are heavily armoured troops, the fourth is a group of elite adventurers.

As for the fifth, it was the government's trump card. It was an adventurer group that were essentially on the same standard as the heroes. Not much is known about this group as the government hadn't needed to deploy them often but when they are deployed, any major threat is resolved rather quickly.

The city itself was called Lerit and there were quite a few teleport circles near the city but nothing inside.

Hiring a band of adventurers for the Lerit Teleport Shrine, they arrived near the super city.

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