Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 766 Spirit Capital

Hearing this, Shiro paused in surprise and raised her eyebrow.

"You were attacked by humans?"

"Mn. When we had moved from Erti to this place, we were actually running away from the Queen's forces. Apparently their Queen, Queen Limra is a friend of Veila who has oppressed us before. The moment she discovered that we were in that place, she sent her armourer to chase us and we had sustained quite a bit of damage. A few elders were captured but they were able to put up a good fight thanks to the power we had received after your highness became queen." One of the spirits explained as Shiro furrowed her brows.

"Veila… To think we would actually run into one of her friends." Another spirit gritted his teeth.

Hearing the name Veila, Nimue, Iziuel and Estrella didn't have happy expressions.

"Since you don't know, I'll explain." Nimue said since she could tell that Shiro was confused about the name.

"Veila is one of the queens that oppressed us and she played a huge part. One of her favourite pass times is to capture us, torture us then throw us in a fighting ring to fight for our survival. To live for longer, we'll need to kill our fellow spirits. Thousands of spirits have died to her hand before." Nimue said as Shiro's expression turned sour.

"Seems like we need to go pay her a visit." She muttered.

"If you do, I'll help." Nan Tian offered since he wasn't too happy about the fact that she was enslaving and forcing spirits to fight.

"Mn, let's have a look at the state of the capital first." Shiro sighed.

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Hearing this, the spirits nodded their heads as they dismissed a few barriers.

Watching the surroundings shift slightly, Shiro could see several guards approaching them.

Whispering a few things to the guards, the spirits gestured to Shiro and Nan Tian.

After a short moment, the guards nodded.

Kneeling before Shiro, they dropped their weapons.

"Your Highness." They greeted.

"Mn, you can rise."

"We have sent a message to the remaining elders. They will arrive soon." The guard said as Shiro nodded her head.

"Thank you."

"It should be us thanking you, your highness." The guard shook his head.

"How come?" Shiro raised her eyebrow.

"With your presence you have given us hope. There is a hope that we will no longer be oppressed by the other races." He smiled as Shiro nodded her head.

"Please, follow us and we shall show you to the capital."

Following behind the guards, Shiro could see white marbled buildings within the forest that couldn't be detected before. There were small motes of light which represented young spirits as not many could attain human form at a young age like Shiro or Attie.

As for the a.d.u.l.ts, they were curious about Shiro's identity but since she was being escorted by the guards, they decided to stay silent for now.

In the distance, Shiro could see 3 people rushing towards her with excited expressions.

"They're the elders." Estrella whispered to Shiro's ear.


"The one to the left is called Ophrit, the one in the middle is called Samuel and the one on the right is called Zerphi."

Ophrit was a young man that wore a set of light blue robes. He had short blue hair and golden eyes.

Samuel on the other hand seemed a little older with black hair that reached his lower back. His eyes were crimson and he wore a set of black and gold robes.

As for Zerphi, she was a young woman who had tied her hair into a ponytail. Her hair was a very light green and she wore a green one piece dress.

Upon seeing her, their eyes teared up with happiness.

Arriving in front of her, they immediately kneeled down.

"Your Highness!" They greeted.

With this, every now knew her identity as they all bowed with joy on their faces.

"Your Highness!" They called out as Shiro felt a little awkward since it was like she was facing a cult of sorts.

"You can rise. Let's talk inside." Shiro said as the three elders nodded their heads.

Making their way to the large building in the distance, Shiro could see that the atmosphere around this place seemed to have gotten better as they were discussing topics with excited faces.

Some of the younger spirits would look at her with wonder as she would wave back with a small smile.

With all the attention on her, they ignored the human following behind her.

"Please, take a seat your highness. I know this isn't worthy of someone like you but it's the best we have as of this moment." They apologised while gesturing towards a slightly decorated chair.

"There's no need to be fancy. A normal chair would be fine." Shiro shook her head as it was rather awkward to be thrusted into an important role where everyone gave her respect despite not having done anything for the race just yet.

"Estrella, seems like you have brought the queen back despite your previous claims." Samuel said as he glanced towards her.

"I did as I promised. I made her fight a gorgon and she killed it." Estrella replied as she was still guilty about what she had done but the past is the past.

"She's right you know. If she wasn't useful I would have wanted to dispose of her when she made me fight against something hundreds of times stronger than I was." Shiro nodded her head.

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Hearing this, the three elders blinked their eyes since they had thought Estrella gave up on that idea but it seems like she didn't.

"So what's the current situation? I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do as the queen just yet but I suppose it's best to deal with this Limra that caused everyone to flee from their previous location." Shiro asked

"Well normally we would host a coronation ceremony to tell everyone that you are the queen. However as you have said, we also have a pressing matter to deal with." Ophrit nodded his head.

"Mn before that how do you three actually feel about me suddenly arriving and becoming queen? I'm sure it's rather hard to accept that a random person is actually ruling you now." Shiro asked.

"We do not mind as we know your strength from the bonuses we have gotten. If not for your strength, we would have been eradicated back in Erti rather than being able to escape to safety." Samuel sighed as the other two nodded their heads.

"Well I suppose my first action as queen should be to reclaim Erti or at least save the elders there. That should make my position a bit easier to accept I suppose." Shiro suggested as they nodded their heads.

"So can you tell me what their militia is like? How many tier 6's do they have, what's the Queen's power and so on."

"Hm… well for Tier 6's they have two people that have surpassed level 500 and they're the queen's personal guards. Their militia mostly consists of tier 5 adventurers whom she has accepted under her wing thanks to the presence of the two tier 6 guards. If I had to put a number on it, I say they have around 300 Tier 5 adventurers and nearly a thousand tier 4 and below. As for the queen herself, her powers revolve around absorbing power from anything she touches. Naturally, this includes the land itself." Zerphi explained as Shiro furrowed her brows.

"Two tier 6's huh? That's going to be rather troublesome." She muttered.

Even if Nan Tian could keep one of them distracted, the other would probably kill her. Plus, there was also the queen that she needed to be worried about. Her future self told her that she shouldn't underestimate the queens so Shiro knew that fighting the queen and a tier 6 was suicide.

"Hmm… having two tier 6's is going to make things annoying. I can block one but not the other. And if I try to block both I'll only be able to hold out for a little while." Nan Tian sighed as Shiro nodded her head.

But while they were discussing this, a guard arrived with a complex expression.

"There is apparently a second queen who claims the first is a fraud." He said as the elders furrowed their brows with confused faces.

"Excuse me what?" Shiro asked as she was now an imposter apparently.

"They said that your class is not that of a queen but rather a powerful spirit. So you are a fraud." He bowed as he didn't want to show disrespect. He was just a messenger.

"Bullsh*t! We can feel her highness' power. What do you mean she's a fraud." Samuel slammed his hand against the table since the spirit queen's aura was slightly different to a normal spirit. For those that have interacted closely with a queen, they'll be able to pick up on this difference hence why they can confirm that Shiro was indeed the queen.

"Let me see who has the guts to call her highness a fraud." Samuel stormed out with fury on his face.

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