Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 742 Prison

Dashing around the giant's body, Shiro continuously pierced him with her spear and bow combo.

While she wasn't able to deal any major damage, she was able to poke a few small holes around his body causing some blood to flow.

Naturally, this annoyed the hell out of the giant as he repeatedly attempted to fry Shiro with his fire breath but Shiro could now save herself every time he did that since she understood that he stayed still when he breathed fire. Which meant that he couldn't shatter her defences with a flex of his muscles during this.

However, while she was running around, she couldn't find a good chance to give him a decent injury since all of her attacks merely poked him a little. She did try to attack his orifices but every time she tried it would be blocked by a wave of his hands.

Furrowing her brows, Shiro tried to look for any other potential weaknesses but the only one she could think of was the one down below but that was in the portal which didn't show her what was on the other side.

She was tempted to just jump in and stab him but there was the problem of whether or not she could get out again. While she liked taking risks, she wasn't a fan of jumping into random portals where she knows it's most likely a prison considering the fact that the champion was locked up and had a spike through his chest.

Biting her lips slightly, Shiro decided to give wounding him severely another shot. If that doesn't work then she can try the portal.

Summoning Nivlim, she dodged his grab and wrapped some chains around his wrist.

Using that as a pivot, she swung herself up onto his shoulder and dashed towards his head.

Seeing this, the giant tried to grab her with his other hand but she managed to dodge through his fingertips thanks to her power of flight.

Creating a concentrated orb of air in her hands, she slammed it against his head.


Forcing him to tilt the other way, Shiro quickly wrapped her chain around his neck before continuing with his right wrist.

With both his wrists and his neck tied up by her chain, Shiro forced the chain to shrink itself.


Since the chain will continue to shrink without any resistances, the giant watched as his arms came closer to his head.

Plus, unlike the attachment sword, the chains themselves couldn't be broken so Shiro didn't need to worry about the giant breaking one of her most helpful blessed weapons.

However, Shiro couldn't help but wish the spear could have been affected by this since it would have allowed her to apply stacks to increase her physical parameters further.

Digging her heels to the ground, Shiro had to fight against the giant trying to pull his hands away but this was exactly what she had wanted.

Once she was sure she couldn't hold on anymore, she let go of the chains.

Without Shiro restraining it, the chains whipped out towards the giant's head since he had pulled his arm away.

Widening his eyes, he watched as the chains whipped his right eye.


Crying out in pain, the giant hunched over and grabbed his right eye as blood started to flow out of the wound.

Glaring at Shiro, the giant pulled his fist back before punching at her.

'Seems like that injured his eye a little but didn't do much else other than that.' Shiro thought with a frown before glancing at her chains as well as the portal. She wondered what would happen if she forced the giant back down.

Would he be sealed away again or would he just climb out?

Debating to herself for a moment, Shiro took a deep breath and decided to risk it.

"Error, distract him for as long as you can." Shiro commanded as Error flickered in a nodding motion.

Wrapping her spear with Error, Shiro pulled back on her body and fired it towards the giant's wounded eye.


Blocking the arrow with his hand, the giant watched as Error bloomed out of the spear like a flower and slither through his hands.


Crying out in pain, he could feel Error trying to enter his body through his eye as he quickly grabbed one of the circuits and tried to pull Error off his body.

While the giant was preoccupied with this, Shiro made sure her chain was secured properly before diving into the portal.

With her chain secured, she could now pull herself back through if needed.

The moment she dived through, it felt like gravity had increased by 100 times as her body was instantly dragged down.


Furrowing her brows, Shiro could see that her arm was trying its best to keep itself together while holding onto the chains.

Looking around her, she widened her eyes in surprise and shock.

From the darkness of this realm, she could barely see anything except for the giant's lower half which was completely surrounded in chains that extended into the unknown.

In the distance, she could see pairs of eyes slowly opening as the feeling of danger increased with every pair that opened.

Similar to when she faced up against the Tier 6 guardian, there was only one thing on Shiro's mind.

I need to run!

Quickly getting her chains to retract themselves, Shiro realised that the speed of retraction was now much slower than what she had expected.

Quickly activating her divinity, she used her power of flight to try to speed things up. While it did indeed speed things up, it didn't speed it up by much.

Feeling their presences come closer and closer, Shiro looked up and saw that she still had a while to go since she didn't expect the sudden increase to gravity.

Activating a part of her divinity, she stopped the monsters from being able to fly.

However, all that she accomplished with that was forcing some of the eyes to bob down slightly before returning to normal.

'They're too powerful to stop them from flying huh? Makes sense considering the fact that they can fly in this kind of condition.' Shiro thought to herself as cold sweat started to drip down her face.

Trying her best to climb up the chains, Shiro understood that the monsters would arrive before she could climb out.

Furrowing her brows, she decided to do something drastic.

While climbing up, she started to chant the spell required to activate the portal to the spirit world.

Since the spirit world is like a mirror of this world, it means that this place was probably accessible from the spirit world or at least a clone of it. Even if it's a clone, it was better than facing these guys.

"I wouldn't open a gate if I was you." A voice suddenly called out as Shiro looked around in shock.

"Don't bother looking around, you can't see me. I've been here for a long time so my visions have gotten used to it. But let me give you a tip, don't open a gate here. If you do, you'll let the wardens out into the world. They're not able to exit through the main portal but if you create one for them they'll escape." The voice chuckled.

"Who are you?" Shiro asked while still climbing up.

"Just a prisoner of Nyx like the big guy over there. I suppose you can call this Nyx's personal prison where she keeps those she finds interesting." The voice replied.

"I was surprised to see the big guy get lifted up and allowed partial freedom but it seems like it was because you were doing a trial and Nyx decided to send him as the final obstacle. Did you annoy her or something? Why else would she send someone like him. Her final champion is weaker than him you know?" The voice asked as Shiro only shrugged to the best of her abilities.

"Who knows. I just want to get out." Shiro replied.

"Good luck though none of us has been able to escape." The voice chuckled before things returned to normal around her.

Furrowing her brows, Shiro tried her best to climb up.

However, after a few minutes of climbing, Shiro understood that she wasn't going to reach the top.

Gritting her teeth, Shiro glared at the monsters that were approaching her.

"F*ck it if I can't get back up I'll take some of you f*cker's with me." Shiro said as the first monster revealed itself.

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