Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 731 Remaining Divinities

Arriving back at her room, Shiro sat down with the three sisters.

"Why do you have to try to provoke a fight, hais." Beril sighed.

"What can I say? They wanted a good smack across the face so I can't reject them now can I?" Shiro shrugged with a small laugh.

"I'm on Shiro's side for this one since they were very rude." Quella pouted out a little.

Tricia also nodded her head since she was annoyed by their attitude of demanding something from Shiro.

"Hais… the three of you are troublemakers I swear." Beril massaged her eyes before sitting on the bed and crossing their legs.

"Thankfully, since you have already obtained two primordial divinities, you have more freedom, I suppose, for a lack of a better word. You can do whatever you want until the time to fight the Ancient Terror. Of course, we can't force you so whether you help or not is your own choice." Beril shrugged.

"Mn well it's not too much trouble so I can lend a hand." Shiro replied.

'Plus, it seems to be one of the clear conditions to this trial too.' She mused to herself since her main goal was to clear this trial.

After spending quite a while in this world, she was missing her own parents and her friends.

She couldn't help but wonder if the rest of the party had finished their respective trials with their gods since this one was taking much longer than expected.

Without the skips, she'd have to go through each tower little by little and she wasn't too keen on that. Especially since some of the trials seem really tricky with their divinities. Plus, since each divinity is tailored to her, she can expect them to be harder as she grows in strength.

"Mn so which divinity are you going for next?" Quella asked curiously.

"I'm not too sure just yet. I got a choice between Nyx, Chronos and Tartarus. Honestly, I'm tempted to go either Nyx or Chronos since Tartarus seems like it'll be a pain in the ass. I like straight forward things rather than puzzles." Shiro sighed while rolling onto her belly on the bed.

"Would Nyx be better then? Honestly, between Nyx, Chronos and Tartarus, it'll probably be better for you to get Nyx's. Her divinity provides a lot of benefits during combat. Chronos is great too but his trial is tricky as well. I think one time the hero had to play a game which stretched across time to obtain the divinity. It took him quite a long time to do it." Quelle suggested as Tricia nodded her head.

"Yeah they were essentially simulating combat along with protecting important marks through time. The hero had to make sure the past, present and the future was protected while doing the trail. If he slacked, one of the three would have been affected and he would have failed." Tricia nodded her head as Shiro only groaned.

While she may be able to simulate things quickly as well as remember everything thanks to how her mind worked, it would still be super annoying for her to go through something like that.

"What power did he even get in the end?" Shiro asked.

"He gained the ability to cut someone's past along with their future. However, he had to be super accurate. If he wanted to harm someone a day ago, the energy he had to use was huge. Plus, the more powerful someone was, the harder it was to harm them even if it was in the past. One he attacks their past, there's a cool down before he can harm them again. As for the future, he can stack attacks on a person which may seem like nothing but after a day or whenever he chooses, all the attacks will strike at once. Naturally, this can be as short as 5 seconds in the future or two days in the future. And like how it is with him striking the past, he only has one chance. This is all I know. There is definitely more but I don't know the details." Tricia shrugged her shoulders.

"By accurate, do you mean they had to be at the spot they'll be a day ago or at the spot they'll be in a day?" Shiro asked to make sure.

"Yes and no. For the past, he had to be where they were previously but this doesn't apply to the future." Tricia replied as Shiro nodded her head.

"Sounds rough if he had to strike at it from memory. There's probably the benefit of seeing through time too with a special pair of eyes." She theorised as the three agreed on her thought.

"Well thankfully we know the skip for Nyx so it shouldn't be too hard for you."

"Mn, but you see, my True Spirit Nature only lasts for 100 seconds. I don't know how to extend the timer so after 100 seconds, I'll be back to base power. I don't know if the trials will take into account my True Spirit Nature so if I use it during the fight against the champion, I'll be weakened during the actual fight with the boss to get Nyx's divinity." Shiro sighed.

"Mn that is true. You'll probably need to make sure that your best abilities are saved before the final fight then. However, I can tell you now that Nyx's champions are just as strong if not stronger than some of the bosses you see in the final level of the other towers." Tricia warned with a serious face.

"What do you mean?" Shiro tilted her head.

"I meant exactly what I said. Nyx's tower has bosses as guardians." Tricia sighed.

Hearing this, Shiro frowned since fighting one boss was annoying as it is. Having to fight multiple back to back without time to rest would be harder since her True Spirit Nature only regenerates one energy per hour. It'd take her more than 4 days to regenerate everything from 0.

However, the tower wouldn't be as kind as to give her 4 days between boss fights.

"Actually, I have an idea." Shiro sat up as her lips curled up into a nefarious grin.

"What are you thinking?" The three asked at the same time since they didn't like the feeling they got from her grin.

"You know the person who made me this sword and created the attachments?" Shiro asked, summoning the damaged Nivlim to her side.

"Yeah? What about it?" Quella nodded since Maria had been earning quite a bit of money lately thanks to her attachments.

"Well what if I searched for more Blessed Weapons? Like Orion's Arrow or Ares' Spear. If I get Maria to upgrade them, I'll give myself more options during a fight. Plus, since they're blessed weapons, I can store them away without having to carry them all manually." Shiro suggested as the three realised how outrageous this could be.

"But blessed weapons aren't vegetables. You can't just go out and claim a bunch of them." Beril furrowed her brows.

"Indeed. But we can search for clues. Plus, isn't there Hellmouth Valley? With how many monsters are around the mountains, there's an 80% chance that a blessed weapon is there." Shiro said as she sat up straight.

"So here's my proposal. With Quella being able to give us a familiar so that we can talk to each other, we all gather clues and traces of where blessed weapons can be. We'll then go collect them all one by one so that Maria, the one who upgraded Nivlim, can upgrade these weapons as well. Weapons are essentially half divinities so if I collect enough, it should give me enough adaptability to fight off anything that comes my way. Don't worry about power differences since I can bridge that with skill. But trust me, as long as I have a wide selection of weapons, I'll have a 90% chance of clearing the champions without the use of my trump cards." Shiro persuaded the three sisters as they looked at each other before sighing.

"Sure why not. It's not like it's bad for you to begin with. The more blessed weapons you get the better but just know others are also looking for them so you'll probably run into people. Try not to kill them if you don't need to unless they attack you. Are there any weapons that you're looking for specifically?" Beril asked.

"Like I said earlier, Orion's Arrow that pairs with my bow along with Ares' spear. After that, I'd like a hammer, an axe, a polearm and any others that you can find I suppose." Shiro grinned since the champions are going to have a surprise when she pays them a visit.

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