Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 720 Surprise Attack

After receiving the information on how to make a portal between the two realms, Shiro had Lamira return to her castle for now since Shiro was going to see if the path of violence was what she needed to cultivate this sapling.

Naturally, Ran followed Lamira but she was having some trouble comprehending what she had just heard. After all, the one whom she called a new a.d.u.l.t/child was actually someone that could kill an avatar of a god at her current level.

Once she was alone, Shiro focused her mind and muttered an incantation under her breath.

Unlike her Rift Strider, it takes a moment for a person to travel between realms so she wouldn't be able to use it in combat at her current level.

Finishing her incantation, Shiro pushed her hands forwards and a portal was created.

Walking through the portal, she reappeared at the base of Gaia's tower.

Surprising quite a few people, Shiro ignored them and walked away after making sure the portal closed up.

For all they know, it could have been a product of her divinity.

Making her way to Beril's place, she was going to inform her about what she's discovered so far.



Just as Shiro appeared at the base of the tower, a woman narrowed her eyes towards the tower and saw the portal.

"Did you feel that?" She muttered as the people besides her nodded their heads.

"Seems like she's an a.d.u.l.t spirit." The woman grinned.

"Do you think she'll fetch a better price than last time?" A man asked.

"Well she looks appealing enough. Though make sure you keep your guard up. There was a spirit releasing her power not too long ago and we haven't found the culprit yet. Try to run if you find the culprit. If not, try to get this spirit girl then we run." The woman ordered as they nodded their heads.


Arriving at Beril's home/shop, Shiro knocked on the door.

"Who's there?" Beril's voice called out from behind the door.

"It's me, Shiro. I got some more news." Shiro replied as Beril stayed silent for a bit before walking up to the door.

Hearing the sound of the door being unlocked, Shiro saw Beril opening the door.

Thinking about it for a moment, Shiro decided to reach out and get a head pat in.

"No pats until you get the skip. That's what we agreed on." Beril ducked out of the way and walking inside.

"Che, stingy. I have got more information on the skip though. More precisely, the three steps to skip the levels." Shiro smiled and closed the door behind her.

"Oh? What do you mean?" Beril looked back in shock.

"First, you need to offer nutrients to the and near the tower and you'll gain this seed. By nutrients, I mean a large amount of Life Essence. Last time the person didn't give enough so the most he got was a small reaction from the tower but that was it." Shiro smiled, pulling out the golden seed.

Seeing this, Beril paused.

"Can I see it in closer detail?" She asked hesitantly.

"Sure but first…" Shiro grinned and sat on the couch.

"Come sit on my lap so I can pat your head while you look at it." She smiled and patted her lap.

Staying silent, Beril considered her options for a moment before pouting slightly and sat on Shiro's lap.

Grabbing the seed, she started to observe it while Shiro held her with her left hand and patted her hair with her right.

'Fufufu, no wonder big sis Kuro liked to pat my hair. This is quite nice.' Shiro thought to herself

"Hmmm… don't pat me so roughly. Che, no technique at all. Big sis is better at patting after all. I can't concentrate with how rough you're patting me. This is why I don't like inexperienced patters che." Beril complained while furrowing her brows.

Hearing this, Shiro tried to go a bit gentler while Beril focused on examining the seed.

After a short moment, she sighed.

"Mn, this is indeed filled with the same energy I feel from the Tower. After giving nutrients to the land what else do you need to do?" She asked while handing the seed back to Shiro.

Attempting to hop off, Beril found herself restrained on Shiro's lap as the patting continued.

"Well after it said that I needed to cultivate it into the blossom of life which I'm not sure about yet so I'm trying to find out. As for the last step, it was nurture the great deity's child." Shiro replied as Beril contemplated about the possible meanings of each step.

"What are you planning for the second step then?" Beril asked.

"Well I'm going to kill a few things and see if their blood or something can cultivate this seed. Since Gaia's myth tells us that she orchestrated two wars, I can guess that she is not exactly the peaceful type. If killing enemies doesn't work then I don't know." Shiro shrugged.

"Hmm… If you can let go of me, you should probably go do the second step now." Beril complained as Shiro sighed and let Beril go.

"I should. Hais… I'll get better at patting next time~" Shiro smiled before leaving through the front door.

Clicking her tongue, Beril locked the door.

After leaving Beril's home, Shiro made her way out of the city since she wanted to find a few monsters to kill and see if the seed accepted monster blood.

However, just as she left the city, she noticed people following her and rolled her eyes.

'When the hell can I leave a city without a group of people trying to kill me??? I didn't even provoke anyone this time!' She complained in her mind as she was somewhat annoyed.

But just as she thought of this, her annoyance soon turned into happiness since this was good for her. After all, this just means she gets to test out human blood too.

Narrowing her eyes, Shiro decided to speed up her travels a bit so that she wouldn't affect the city.

Before she could even call out on her assailants, Shiro felt danger all around her as arrows started to fly towards her.

Widening her eyes, Shiro summoned Nivlim and slashed around her.

Cutting the arrows that would have pierced her, she kept her guard up.

"Who's there? Why don't you come out if you're trying to kill me." Shiro furrowed her bros.

While she knew where they were, it's better for them to think that she doesn't so that she could sprint a surprise attack on them.


Splitting the Earth apart, a pair of hands tried to grab Shiro's ankles while people launched towards her from all directions.

Narrowing her eyes, Shiro quickly jumped up and twisted her body before kicking toward the closest guy who lunged towards her.

But before her foot could come into contact with him, a barrier surged around the man and reflected her foot.

Narrowing her eyes, Shiro activated Nike's divinity and unfurled her wings. Using to push the people around her away slightly, she quickly hopped back to make some distance. She didn't use Ouranos' Divinity yet since she wanted to know who these guys were. If they were trying to get her bounty from the organisation, then she'll kill without mercy.

Just as she moved back, a magic circle appeared beneath her as rope shot out of the ground.

"TCH!" Clicking her tongue, Shiro let go of her sword before grabbing the chain.

Lashing at the ropes surrounding her, she managed to cut them all up before returning the sword back to her hands.

While she was focusing on not getting restrained, the members in this group didn't waste any time to begin attacking her again.

'Seems like this is a group of pros. I might get a decent challenge.' Shiro thought to herself.

Twisting herself out of their lunge, she threw the sword towards a tree before pulling herself out of their encirclement.

Landing on the branch, she deflected a few arrows when a black haired woman appeared next to her with purple aura surrounding her hands. Feeling the same kind of aura as the one that radiated from her sword, Shiro understood that this was probably an ability related to Hades or the soul.

Bending her body back, Shiro barely managed to dodge the grasp as the woman adapted to the situation and punched towards her stomach.

Smiling softly, Shiro's eyes seemed to glow menacingly.


A torrent of wind exploded out with her in the centre as the woman was blown back by the force.

Flipping through the air, the woman furrowed her brows and looked towards Shiro.

Seeing the wind surrounding her body, the woman understood that this spirit was the one who had been releasing the aura previously and knew they messed up.


Before she could even shout disperse, Shiro flickered in front of her.

"Don't be like that, stay for a while." Shiro grinned as her eyes flickered with a sadistic light.

Wrapping her chain around the woman's neck, she flipped over her shoulders and tugged as hard as she could on both sides of the chain.


Crushing the throat, the chains ripped through the woman's neck as her head was sent flying through the air. Smiling under the rain of blood, Shiro dashed towards her next target.

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