Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 699 Nivlim's Power

"Right so care to explain to me why you're joining? I thought you would send your familiar?" Shiro asked as she glanced towards Quella who was coming along with her.

"Well a familiar can't help you out if you almost die now can it? After last time, I think it's better for me to come with you on the journey." Quella replied with a smile.

"I mean… what about the library? I thought the library is important to you?" Shiro asked.

"Oh of course it is. However, for the only person to have 6 slots without our direct interference along with two blessed weapons, one having improved itself, I can't let you die on your own now can I?" Quella chuckled.

"I suppose not. Do you have anyone else to look after the library for now?" Shiro asked curiously.

"I have don't worry. They were the one who looked after it before you came since I can't stay in the library forever. However, since I hired you to pay off your debt, they were given some time to rest."

"I see… how come I never saw them then?"

"Because the kid doesn't like to talk to woman other than me. He's got a bit of a phobia. Thought that only applies to casual talks. He can do things just fine when it comes to professional standards." Quella snickered as Shiro raised her eyebrow.

"Then why doesn't he just talk to me with professional standards?" Shiro asked.

"Because you're too beautiful? I don't know how the mind of a young boy works." Quella shrugged.

"Aren't you like a few hundred years old? Surely you would understand it by now."

"I'm insulted. Don't casually mention my age like that ok? I may be old but it's still rude." Quella sighed.

"I mean… I'm also a few hundred years old if that means anything to you." Shiro sighed.

"You are? But isn't your body 18?" Quella raised her eyebrows.

"Mental age, I'm a few hundred. Body age I'm 18 right now." Shiro replied with a casual shrug.

"I suppose that accounts for something at least."

"Mn, anyways, our target is in front of us." Shiro narrowed her eyes at the cyclops sitting on a fallen tree in the distance. Despite their distance from the monster, they could get a rough sense of how big it was since it was towering over the fallen three.

If she was to stand next to him, Shiro understood that she wouldn't even be able to reach his kneecaps.

Next to the cyclops was a large wooden club that had been tainted with a slight reddish hue. Most likely from the amount of people it had killed.

"You want a hand? Since I'm here in person, I can do more than just watch." Quella asked.

"Sure, I wanna see what you can do." Shiro nodded her head as Quella smiled.

Massaging her shoulders, Quella snapped her fingers and pushed out with her left palm.

Muttering something under her breath, a giant magic circle appeared in front of her as motes of light appeared around them.

Converging above the magic circle, the lights combined into the shape of a giant golden lion.

"Go." Giving it a simple command, Quella jumped on the lion's back before charging towards the cyclops.

Raising her eyebrow, Shiro only smiled as she unfurled her wings and summoned Nivlim into her hands.

Holding the sword with her right hand and the chains with her left, she followed behind Quella.

Hearing the sound of approaching enemies, the cyclops glanced back and widened its eye in surprise.

Standing up quickly, he grabbed his club and tried to swing toward the incoming Quella.

Clapping her hands together, Quella pushed them out as a large hawk made from light sprang towards the cyclops and grabbed his wrist.

"Arg!!! Let go!" The cyclops roared out while trying to get the hawk to stop biting his wrist. Despite his power, the hawk secured its beaks around the wrist with a death grip, refusing to let go no matter no much the cyclops struggled.

Slamming the hawk against the ground, the cyclops saw its figure shimmer for a moment before returning to normal.

Understanding that he could probably destroy the hawk in a few more hits, the cyclops narrowed his eye and tried to slam it down once more.

However, Quella had already arrived with her golden lion.


Roaring out with anger, the lion lunged at the cyclops, biting away at his neck as it tried to wrestle him down to the ground.

Stepping back a few times and stabilising his body, preventing it from falling, the cyclops glared at the familiars and cracking his neck.

Pulling his head back, he was about to return the lion's bite when Shiro flickered next to his legs with her wings unfurled.

Smirking slightly, she twisted her body and threw the sword portion of Nivlim.

Watching it wrap around the leg, Shiro narrowed her eyes before tugging at the chains as hard as she could.

Due to the grass stones beneath his feet, the cyclops wasn't able to get a stable footing and fell on his back.

Getting the chains to retract, Shiro used the force to propel her body at the cyclops.

Unsummoning and summoning the blade into her hand, Shiro took a deep breath and started to slash away at the fallen monster.

One stack! Two stacks! Three stacks!

While Shiro was applying the stack effects of her weapon, Quella had her familiars attack the Cyclops while she herself was setting up a new spell.

If Shiro was to take Quella back to Earth, the current spell she was preparing could be comparable to something that a peak tier 4/5 being could cast with relative amounts of ease thanks to the system.

Glaring at the cyclops, Quella brought her hands down.

Suddenly, two spell circles appeared on either side of the cyclops.

Two golden serpents emerged and snapped away at his limbs, pinning him in place.

Seeing Quella summon familiar after familiar, Shiro couldn't help but wonder what it would be like should she fight against her seriously.

While she maybe able to get past most of the familiars, if Quella was prepared and summoned them before hand, she could be in some danger since familiars like hers could be sacrificed endlessly.

Should that happen, all she needed to do would be to pin her down and she'll be dead.

To make matters worse, her stacks only apply one target before consumption. Meaning, getting her powerup from a large crowd would be hard since the target could just run away before she could get a large number of stacks.

However, that doesn't mean Shiro couldn't kill her. The only time she would have problems would be if Quella pre-summoned her familiars. If not, she could easily overwhelm the librarian.

'Goodness. When did I make a habit of simulating combat with those that I meet. I can't be thinking about killing them all the time.' Shiro sighed.

She was the mother of three children so she couldn't be a murder hobo all the time now.

But since she was in the trial, she can go murdering all she wants. Thinking of this, her smile slowly curved up into a grin as killing intent flowed out from her body.

Collecting 10 stacks of her Nivlim, Shiro consumed them all as a purple aura erupted out from her body.

+25% Attack speed, damage and armour penetration!

Jumping up into the air, Shiro summoned her bow.

"Stay clear of the blast zone!" She shouted out as Quella immediately looked towards her and understood what she wanted to do.

Summoning a horse, she switched mounts and allowed the rest of her familiars to pin down the cyclops.

Since her stacks only worked with Nivlim, it meant that she couldn't summon an arrow and have the same effects, she has to use the sword.

Notching the sword onto her bow, Shiro narrowed her eyes and pulled back as hard as she could. With her chains having a length of 1 mile, that would be her range limit which wasn't too bad all things considered.

Suddenly, she felt Error 403 stir as the red circuits appeared on her arm.

Seeing the sword, it jumped around in excitement and latched itself onto the blade.


Sending sparks of electricity flying off the blade while red circuits coated the surface, Shiro watched as the aura around her sword intensified.

Chuckling for a moment, she left go of the sword.


Firing out of her bow like a shot from her rail cannon, the sword turning into a streak of black and red.

Smashing through the cyclops head without any problems, it completely shredded up a large portion of his upper torso along with the familiars before burrowing deep underground.

There was no explosion of energy or aftereffects. Just pure brute power that destroyed everything it came into contact with.

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