Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 697 Ophrit

Landing roughly, Shiro furrowed her brows and coughed up a mouthful of blood. She was still a while away from the town of Ophrit but if she kept flying, she could almost pass out in the air and fall to her doom.

Sitting next to a rock, she glanced down at the blood that was escaping from her wound and frowned.

[Come on, just a bit further. The town isn't too far away.] Quella encouraged as Shiro only rolled her eyes.

"Yeah yeah I know, but it's kinda hard when I can barely feel my body." Shiro rolled her eyes before trying her best to stand up again.

Summoning her bow, she used it as a crutch and started to limp towards the town.

With a trail of blood behind her, her face was turning pale as her vision started to blur but Shiro gritted her teeth and powered on.

"Say, Quella, will the medicine be there when I arrive? Because if it doesn't, I'm actually gonna die." Shiro asked.

[It will. I've paid extra to have them use it on you the moment they spot you.]

"How would they know it's me?" Shiro asked with a forced smile as she needed something to distract her so that she could keep going forward.

[There aren't any white haired girls on the brink of death other than you.]

"Fair point." Shiro chuckled which only caused her to cough up some blood.

"So laughing's probably advised against." She joked while taking another step forward.

[I think there are many things that should be advised against but yes, laughing is one of them right now but I doubt that's your main concern.] Quella sighed.

"I know it's not my main concern but I need something to distract me ok? Having the constant thought that my stomach is f*cking bleeding doesn't help." Shiro forced a smile.

[Ah right, sorry.] Quella nodded as having a distraction from your impending doom is rather beneficial in pushing yourself to go further.

Walking towards the town, she was roughly 10 minutes away when she collapsed against the road side.

"You have got to be kidding me." Shiro muttered as her consciousness became faint.

Gritting her teeth, she tried her best to muster her strength but it was to no use.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in the distance and was currently running towards her. Despite not being able to see his appearance properly, his figure reminded her of Nan Tian.

Sighing softly, she closed her eyes since her body had no more strength.


Waking up, Shiro snapped her eyes open and sat up straight. Summoning her chains, she glared at her surroundings with caution.

"So aggressive for someone who has just woken up." Quella sighed as she walked into the room.

"Oh it's just you." Shiro sighed before looking down.

However, when she saw that she was bandaged from the neck down, her heart stopped for a moment.

"Who bandaged me?" She asked with a low tone.

"Don't worry, it was just me. The guy who carried you here was the one who carried the medicine. While you were on your way here, I had been running here as well so don't worry, no one saw you but me." Quella reassured as Shiro sighed in relief.

Moving her body a little, Shiro furrowed her brows when she felt some pain coming from her waist.

"Ah don't move too much just yet. The medicine is working away at your wounds but they don't magically close up immediately you know? It still takes a bit of time." Quella stopped her from getting off the bed.

"How long was I out?" Shiro asked.

"Don't worry, it's only been 3 hours. You need to recuperate a little then you should be back in shape." Quella said as Shiro nodded her head.

"Do you happen to have an outfit for me? My old one was kind of…"

"Horrific, ripped and bloodied?" Quella finished with a soft chuckle.


"I brought some spare clothes that I had lying around. They should fit you but they're a bit big in certain areas." Quella said as Shiro tilted her head.

"What do you mean?"

"The bosom. Mine are a little… larger than average so the clothes might be a bit big." Quella replied as Shiro sighed.

"Now you see, if you said this half a year ago, I would have hit you since I had the body of a child. Lucky you." Shiro shrugged however this response only confused Quella.

How could one be in the body of a child half a year ago? Did they suddenly grow up?

If she had asked Shiro that same question, she would have said yes.

After resting in the bed for a little longer, Shiro got up and removed all of her bandages. Looking at her body, she sighed in relief seeing that there are no scars.

"Oh my, who were your parents? They must be very beautiful to have someone like you as their child." Quella raised her eyebrows as Shiro nodded her head.

"Mn my parents are indeed beautiful. As for their relationship… It's a little too vigorous considering their age." Shiro's smile twitched slightly when she remembered that her father was punished with quite a long dry spell thanks to her leaving the house. Which meant that they were rather active before that.

Shivering from the image of her parents doing it in the bed, Shiro cursed her mind and started to get herself dressed.

The worst part was that her memory was basically perfect and she even remembered some scenes from her childhood when she accidently walked in on her parents.

Before that memory could fully resurface, Shiro slammed the breaks and sent both thoughts into the deep crevices of her database where she hardly visits. That way, they won't be occupying their mind.

After changing into Quella's old clothes, Shiro looked down with a blank expression before looking back at Quella.

"Are you making fun of me?" Shiro asked as the size of the chemise was quite big and the bottom reached her knees. It was like when a child borrowed their parents clothes and wore it for the first time. 

Shaking her head with a small snicker, Quella excused herself and went to make some food.

Sighing softly, Shiro put the rest of the clothes on. Once she changed into the outfit, she looked kind of like a nun mixed with a mage thanks to the robe. There were some accessories on the outfit but not much.

Moving around a little, Shiro wasn't too bothered by the spaciousness of the chest since it was sorted out thanks to a few more layers.

Walking into the kitchen, she saw some food set up on the table.

"I'm surprised." Shiro raised her eyebrows since the presentation of the food was much better than the food she had seen on Earth.

"After spending a few hundred years as a librarian you'll figure out a few things here and there. One of the heroes of the past really enjoyed food so I cooked for her often." Quella smiled and set the final plate on the table.

"Mn, so do you own this house or something?" Shiro asked while glancing around.

"Nope. I borrowed it from this family for a day after paying them some money." Quella replied as Shiro paused for a moment before shrugging.

If she was poor and someone offered her some money to borrow their house for a while then she would say yes as well.

"We'll start going back when we finish the meal. I've got more bounties to complete so that I can actually afford the sword and armour." Shiro sighed.

"If you don't have enough money by the end of the deadline I can lend you some. Me and my sisters have been saving up for quite a few years so we have some spare funds. Though there are only a handful of people who are richer than us in the world." Quella smiled.

". . ." Staying silent, Shiro somewhat understood how her party felt. You don't just casually announce that you're basically one of the richest people in the world starting with we have some 'spare funds'.

Finishing her meal, Shiro and Quella started to make their way back to Vox.

Since it was taking a while, Shiro eventually picked Quella up in a princess carry and flew the rest of the way.

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