Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 685 Mercenary Hall

Walking towards the 'tall skinny one' called Faidon, she could see that he was currently forging a set of half plate that only covered the upper half of the torso along with some arm guards.

"Excuse me?" Shiro called out as Faidon glanced over at her.

"Mn? What is it?" He asked with a slightly monotone voice.

Now that she was up close to the blacksmith, she could tell that he was far above 6ft and probably was almost at 7ft. His hair was short on the side but his bangs were long. If he were to have them swept in front of him, he would cover more than half of his face with ease.

He had black hair along with a set of black eyes that seemed a little dull but Shiro could see some liveliness behind hat dullness.

"I wish to commission a set of light armour for myself. Something that will cover my torso, my shoulders, my forearms, my waist and potentially the shin area but that's secondary." Shiro smiled.

"Mn… ok. I've got a few commissions already so your order will be a little late. The cost can be lowered if you bring me the materials. If not, you'll need to pay the full price." Faidon nodded his head while bringing his hammer onto the piece that he was currently working on.

"OK, what materials do you need?" Shiro asked.

"Depends on what you want. If you want a high grade armour, the materials needed will be something that people with two divinities struggle to obtain. How many divinities do you have?" Fadonis asked.

"Just one."

"In that case you should just pay the full price. I'm not keen on selling armour that isn't the best. It just increases your chances of dying if I gave you half assed armour." Fadonis suggested.

"How much is the full price then?" Shiro asked. She didn't have much money on her right now so she'll need to do some jobs to earn some cash.

"Hmm… around 200 gold?" Fadonis tilted his head for a moment before replying.

"200 gold? Ok, when will you need this money?" Shiro asked.

"Around 2 months? I got a bunch of commissions so it'll take me around 2 months to go through them all before doing yours. Seems like you don't have enough money for this armour."

"I don't. I'll go earn enough within these two months though." Shiro chuckled.

"Very well. I'll give you a token for this order. If you can bring this token back to me in two months time along with the necessary gold, I'll start your commission." Fadonis nodded his head.

Setting the armour in his hands aside for now, he rummaged around his boxes before pulling out a metal token. Bringing up his hammer, he slammed it down against one side of the token and words started to appear.

Flicking the token to Shiro, he focused back on his current armour.

Glancing down at the token, Shiro read the contents.

[Order for high grade light armour. Female. Price – 200 gold. Commission number – 839]

Raising her eyebrow, she stored the token away and left the blacksmiths.

The next thing she needed to do was actually earn the money and what better place to do it than the Mercenary Hall.

The Mercenary Hall acted similar to how the Adventurer's Guild acted back on earth. There was a huge bounty board and you can pick up any bounties that you wish to do. Once you accepted a bounty, they'd register you down on a giant notebook.

After they noted you down, you would be eligible for the rewards so long as you bring back a proof of extermination such as a head.

There was a problem of transporting the body due to the materials that some of the monsters had but most of them were near villagers so they could use the postal service to send a message and the Mercenary Hall will send some people to collect the corpse for you and note it down.

Once the completion of the bounty is complete, they will reward you with the gold writing down on the sheet of paper.

Checking the map of the town that was pinned on wooden billboards around the town, Shiro soon found where the Mercenary Hall was and started to make her way towards the building.

When she was roughly halfway to the Mercenary Hall, Shiro felt two gazes lock onto her from a distance which caused her to frown but made no action to show that she'd noticed them just yet. She didn't know their purpose right now after all.

Arriving at the Mercenary Hall, she saw that the set of large wooden doors were already swung wide open. Entering the facility, she could see several bounty boards to the left and a bar to the right where quite a few Mercenaries would sit down and relax with one another.

In front of her was the registration counter and a lady could be seen talking to people while writing things down into the giant notebook.

Next to the counter were stairs on either side which led to a second floor which had essentially the same as the first, only the bounties were now harder than the ones on the first floor.

With a total of four floors, she could guess that the fourth floor was filled with the hardest of bounties that only people with three divinities could complete.

Ignoring the bar, she made her way to the bounty boards.

The bounty board was split into three sections. One for criminals, one for miscellaneous and one for monsters.

The miscellaneous bounty board was filled with bounties that required you to act as a guard or someone's escort through a forest where combat might happen but the chances are low. For criminals, it was obviously an assassination contract so there wasn't much to think about.

However, she wasn't interested in the criminals bounty since hunting down humans was quite annoying. They might have guards protecting them or they might be stronger than what the bounty suggests which just complicates things further.

The best way to earn money would be through the monster hunting bounties.

Walking up to the monster section, she saw some low tier bounties that mainly involved weak monsters on the first floor such as an overpopulation of Terca in certain areas.

Shaking her head, she walked up to the second floor.

Thinking to herself while walking up, she wondered if she should look for the bounty that involved the Minotaur in the section of life. Since she was able to injure its body quite a bit during the last fight, she might be able to slay it for good this time. Plus, she wanted her revenge.

The second floor didn't have any mention of the Minotaur but it did have some bounties that involved flying beasts such as Harpies along with some underground monsters which have been consuming the cattle.

Furrowing her brows, Shiro decided to go up to the third floor where it mostly had bounties fit for people with two divinities.

The moment she stepped to the third floor, she could see that there were lots of bounties. More so than both the first and second floor combined with most of them being monsters related.

Checking the monster section, she immediately found a bounty for a mysterious monster in the Section of Life that was inhabiting an old safe spot but hundreds of travellers have gone missing. They had sent a few people before but they didn't come back so the difficulty was increased to people with two divinities.

As for the bounty rewards, it was increased to 50 gold after repeated failures.

Walking up to the registration counter, Shiro waited in the queue patiently.

After waiting for a while, it was her turn.

"How may I help you?" The lady at the counter smiled after seeing an unfamiliar face.

"I want to take the bounty about the mysterious creature living in the forest near the border between the Section of Life and the Section of Sky." Shiro replied as the lady nodded her head.

"Understood. May I have your name please?"


"Alright miss Shiro, I have registered you down. There has been an update about this bounty and that if you can bring back some information, even if you don't kill it, you can get some rewards." The lady reminded with a smile.

"Ok I'll keep it in mind." Shiro nodded her head and left the Mercenary Hall.

Now that she had registered herself down for the bounty, she wanted to rest up for the rest of this day so that she could commission for the weapons tomorrow and set off for the Minotaur.

However, since her funds were a bit limited right now, she'll need to sleep in the forest again which she wasn't too bothered about.

But before she could leave the city, she saw two ladies approach her with a smile.

"Mind if we talk for a bit?" The lady smiled as Shiro recognised their gaze to be the same one she had sensed earlier.

Narrowing her eyes, Shiro nodded her head after a short pause since it would be good to find out what they want.

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