Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 682 Champion of Strength

The Champion of Strength was a large muscular man who wore nothing else other than a pair of gloves, some pants and a metal helmet which covered his face.

Without saying anything, he stomped towards Shiro and threw one of his axes without warning.

Widening her eyes, Shiro quickly ducked to the side.


Glancing back at the axe that was firmly embedded into the wall, Shiro couldn't help but feel a chill down her spine. The speed of that axe was comparable to one of the Minotaur's attacks which meant that his strength was much higher than what she had expected.

However, that's a given when one remembers that the Divinity of Nike is usually taken as the second divinity. Meaning the person had already been reinforced by one divinity. Their physical prowess would be much higher than Shiro so the Champion must provide them a suitable amount of challenge.

'This might be harder than what I had expected.' Shiro mused to herself while raising her spear to parry the incoming attack.

Shifting her body so that the axe would slide off her spear, she redirected the attack to the ground.


Without even reacting to his failed strike, the Champion turned his body and slammed his fist directly against her spear.

Feeling the force of his punch through her spear, Shiro could see the metal bending slightly from the punch as her body was launched away due to the force.

"KUAH!!" Crashing against the ground, Shiro coughed a few times before standing up.

Wiping the blood that was flowing down the corner of her lips, she narrowed her eyes towards the Champion. When he punched her, it felt like it was instantaneous as he didn't hesitate to punch her.

Watching him walk up to the axe that was embedded into the wall, Shiro wondered how she could counter his attacks with the exception of forcing him to run into her spear.

With his reaction speed and power being superior to her, she had to try her best to find a gap.

'Since that's the case, I'll try to overwhelm him first.' She thought to herself and dashed towards him.

Seeing this, the Champion swung his axe towards her as it made a whistling sound from the speed of which it cut through the air.

Stabbing her spear into the ground, she vaulted over his axe and slashed her spear against his shoulder.

Widening her eyes at the small cut, Shiro clicked her tongue and used his forearms as a platform and jumped away, making some distance between the two of them.

'His body is quite tough thanks to his muscles. If I want to harm him, I need to hit the areas that aren't protected such as the gaps between his muscles.' Shiro thought to herself with narrowed eyes.

Glancing at his body, her next target was going to be the area between his forearms and biceps. There were no muscles protecting that area and it might even disable one of his arms depending on how good his pain tolerance is. Of course, if she gets a good shot in, she might even be able to pierce through and destroy his elbows which would truly give her an upper hand in the fight.

Stomping down, she dashed towards him and twisted her body.

Slamming the tip of her spear against the axe, she tried her best to knock it to the side so that it'd open his arm for her attack but the Champion's grip on the axe was firm and it refused to move out of the way.

Clicking her tongue, Shiro pushed the pommel against the ground and used it as a pole to help her kick against his chest.

However, his body was unmoveable like a sturdy wall.

No matter how hard she tried to kick, he didn't react at all.

Pushing herself away from him, she quickly raised the spear above her and pushed his axe to the side before it could cut her in half.

Using the pommel of her spear, she slammed it against the Champions crotch.


Finally getting a reaction out of him, Shiro watched as he started to stumble back from the pain.

'Well would you look at that? A man's biggest weakness.' Shiro raised her eyebrow and charged at the Champion without giving him a moment to recuperate.

Piercing his arm, she made sure she stabbed it as deep as she could before kicking towards the Champions crotch area once more.

Unfortunately, her kick was grabbed by his large hands.

"Ah… erm… can we talk about this?" Shiro forced a smile since she couldn't retract her leg.


Feeling her bones creaking on the edge of breaking, Shiro knew that she needed to force him to let go before her leg is disabled. Once that happened, she'd be a sitting duck, literally.

Using her spare leg to push up his helmet, she stabbed towards his throat with her spear.

Before her spear could stab his throat, he let go of her leg which caused her body to fall down and the spear hit his chest instead.

Seeing that only a little bit of the tip pierced his muscles, Shiro's smile couldn't help but twitch.

"Muscle bro, why are your muscles so hard? You can literally not give a sh*t about weapons you know?" Shiro asked while making some distance between them.

Hearing no reply, she only shrugged and charged towards him before he could grab the axe that he had dropped in order to catch her foot before she could kick him in the crotch.

Slashing towards his wrist, she used the pommel to block the other axe he had in his spare hand.

But just before she could attack, she felt danger in front of her and flipped her body up into a handstand using the spear as a bar.

Seeing the Champion's foot where her body was a moment ago, Shiro knew that her ribs would have shattered if he kicked her at full force.

Pushing her body off the spear, she stood on his shoulders and sat down as if he was giving her a shoulder ride.

Crossing her legs, she tried her best to strangle him while pulling against his helmet.

Seeing the Champion drop his axe and reach towards her, she uncrossed her legs and pushed against each of his arms, stopping him from reaching out to grab her.

The harder he tried, the easier it was for Shiro to take off his helmet. Once that happened, she'd be able to target his eyes and mouth as a weak point.

Gritting her teeth, Shiro had to try her best so that she could keep a good grip on the helmet.

"Why don't you help me take off your helmet? Not many people get to enjoy the feeling of my legs you know?" Shiro taunted.


Hearing the sound of something unclipping, the helmet suddenly came off as her body was pushed off his shoulders.

Throwing the helmet to the side, Shiro dived around his legs and grabbed her spear.

Stepping away from the Champion, she twisted her body and launched the spear toward his head.

However, when she saw his face, she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

One of his eyes were sewn such with some strings while the other was bloodshot and his mouth was completely destroyed.

Now that she had a better look at his throat, she could see large scars wrapping around his entire neck.

While she was curious about the circ.u.mstances, her main focus was to kill him and finish this trial so that she could obtain her Divinity.

With her spear flying towards his head, the Champion quickly grabbed it and saw Shiro dashing towards him.

Throwing it back at her, Shiro ducked to the side and jumped towards his head.

Using her index and middle finger, she gouged towards his only working eye and ripped out his eyeball in one swift movement.

Hearing a muffled cry of pain, Shiro kicked off his head and jumped back towards her spear.

Without his sense of sight, the Champion wasn't able to locate her and the best he could do was to thrash around him in hopes of hitting her.

But now that he was just throwing punches around at random, Shiro could easily bypass his defences.

With a single thrust of her spear, she pierced through his head starting at the empty eye socket where she ripped out his eye.

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