Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 670 Late Night Execution

Looking down at her map to make sure that she was at the right place, Shiro's smile couldn't help but twitch slightly at the statue she could see in the centre of the village.

Despite her distance, the statue still looked huge from her perspective.

"Why the hell does this town have a massive statue of this c*nt." Shiro muttered as the statue depicted the leader of gods, Zeus.

Sighing softly, she was grateful to the fact that this was just a temporary stop as she was only here to collect two other maps. If she had to stay here for longer and look at the statue of Zeus every day, she'd want to smash it down herself.

Arriving at the town, Shiro decided to look for an inn first since she didn't know when the messenger would arrive.

Since they would track her token, she didn't need to worry about anything.

Asking around a little for a place where she could stay for the night, Shiro was sad to find out that the only place that was open was called Lightning Tavern and everything inside was Zeus themed such as the food.

For example, Lightning God's Banquet.

Just looking at the names caused Shiro to cringe and dissuade her from purchasing food from this place.

Surprisingly, they had some imported meat from the other sections but each dish was expensive to the point that she could buy a decent weapon with the amount.

'Hmm… I have 25 silver and 300 copper on me after everything I've done. A decent weapon that most soldiers would use costs around 5 to 10 silver while a dish with meat costs just as much. A night will cost me 25 copper so it's not too bad.' Shiro thought to herself while glancing down at her coin purse.

Pausing for a slight moment, Shiro decided to bite the dust and have a decent meal for tonight. It wasn't as if she was going to stay for multiple nights so a decent meal would be a good change. Plus, with her having to ration the meat that she hunts so that she could keep herself fed on the way here, Shiro was feeling quite hungry.

Walking up to the bar maiden, Shiro tried her best to ignore the paintings of Zeus in the background.

"Excuse me, can I get a room for the night and the Warriors Feast?" Shiro asked as the bar maiden turned towards her.

Seeing a rather young looking girl order such an expensive meal, the bar maiden couldn't help but raise her eyebrow.

"Erm, you do know that the Warrior's Feast costs 8 silvers right?" She cautioned quietly with a worried expression.

After all, she was a young girl with only a short sword. Seeing as how she ordered such an expensive meal, it means that she had some money on her and some of the more bandit like folk might want to rob the poor girl.

"Yes that fine. I can pay for it." Shiro nodded with a smile.

Seeing her confidence, the bar maiden wondered if she had a few divinities but it wasn't her responsibility to inquire about such details.

Nodding her head, the bar maiden noted it down before looking up.

"Would you like me to bring the meal up to your room or would you like to dine here. Personally, I suggest dining in your room as I can hide what you ordered so that the people don't think about robbing you." She whispered the last part over as Shiro thought for a moment.

"Can you bring it to my room then?" Shiro smiled.

"Of course. That'll be 8 silver and 25 coppers. Try to hide the coins when you pass it over so that they can't see it."

Hearing this, Shiro nodded with a small chuckle.

'Kind girl.' She thought while sliding over 8 silvers carefully so that others couldn't see it.

Once she handed over all of the money, she was given a key by the bar maiden.

"Your room on the third floor, second door to the left. There is a bar where you can order drinks if you want. Your food will be ready in 30 minutes. If you desire other services, which I doubt, you can tell me and I'll notify the staff." The bar maiden smiled as Shiro nodded her head.

Glancing towards the bar, Shiro thought about something for a moment before turning to the bar maiden.

"So my alcohol tolerance is very high and I was just wondering if you have anything made by someone with the Divinity of Wine received from the Tower of Dionysus." She asked as she was curious as to what being drunk felt like. After all, she had never gotten drunk regardless of how much she drank and the fact that there are people in the world with a blessing from the god of wine interested her greatly.

"Unfortunately, we don't. Something made by a person with the Divinity of Wine wouldn't be sold out here. You'll find them in large cities and the prices are rather steep since the wine is rumoured to be unforgettable once you get a sip." The bar maiden chuckled.

"Heh~ I see… Well I'll be in my room then." Shiro nodded.

While it was a shame that there wasn't any wine like that in this inn, Shiro could find a chance for good wine at another time.

Walking up the wooden staircase, Shiro found her room and inserted the key.

Hearing the slightly rusty lock, Shiro couldn't help but sigh at the poor security.

'Though I suppose it's also good considering the fact that if anyone was to try to break in sneakily, I'll hear the rusty locks.' She thought about the silver lining before checking out the room.

The room itself was rather small and all it had was a small wooden desk, a wooden chair and a single bed. On the table was a half used candle with a tinderbox placed next to it.

Lighting the fire up, Shiro opened the windows slightly so that a gentle wind blew into her room.

Taking off her jacket, she folded it neatly and placed it on the chair. Removing her weapon belt, she laid herself on the bed and frowned slightly.

'Hmm… the bed isn't bad but it's not exactly the best either. I suppose it's better than a tree branch though.' She mused to herself while closing her eyes to rest for a moment before the food arrived.

After a short rest, she heard a knocking on her door.

Opening the door, she saw the same bar maiden with a tray that was covered by a domed wooden lid.

"I'll place your food on the table. Once you have finished, call for me and I'll take it back to the kitchen." The bar maiden smiled while taking the wooden lid off.

"Ok." Nodding her head, Shiro watched as she left her room.

The meal itself wasn't bad but it was a little bland. Due to the expensiveness of salt, it was only to be expected that a rural town like this would struggle for such luxuries.

Understanding that the larger cities would have salt, Shiro couldn't wait to taste some proper food. However, there was also the concern about whether or not she could afford such a meal and the only answer she had for that was mercenary work after she obtained her first divinity.

Shaking her head, she brought the empty plates downstairs.

Glancing around for a moment, she decided to have a drink just to have a taste of the wine from the forgotten realm.

After paying 50 coppers for a decent cup of wine, Shiro sat down on an empty table and enjoyed her drink.

Taking a sip, Shiro raised her eyebrows since the wine wasn't too bad. Compared to the modern wine that she had tasted before, the sweet taste of fruits was much stronger in this one and it was quite enjoyable.

After finishing the drink, Shiro returned to her room and rested up for the night.


"Are you sure this is the room of that girl?"

"Yes I'm sure. Did you not see how much silver she handed over to the lady? She's filthy rich I tell you."

"Do you think she's the daughter of a rich family from the city?"

"Obviously not. Why would she come to this town then? Just trust me. In and out, 2 minute job. Be quiet or else she might wake up."

Hearing the sound of whispers, Shiro slowly opened her eyes with a sigh.

'I guess I might need to do some clean up. Hopefully not if they're smart.' She thought to herself and carefully sat up.


Yawning loudly on purpose, Shiro could faintly hear the two scurrying away for a moment but they seemed to have hidden themselves around a corner.

'Welp they're insistent on taking my money. Unfortunate for them I suppose.'

Dressing herself, she grabbed her coin pouch and made it easily visible.

Leaving her room, she made sure the two hiding in the corner could see her coin pouch.

Making her way towards the forest, she could sense the two following behind her carefully.

Narrowing her eyes, she flipped her body onto a branch when their line of sight was being covered by a tree.

Seeing that Shiro had disappeared, the two rushed into the forest.

"Say hi to Hades for me." Shiro smiled and summoned her bow.


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