Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 653 Assistant

Shiro managed to kill the Terca without much problems as it was still young. All she had to do was to spring a surprise attack on the young monster and it would be dead. However, she needed to be careful as the spikes could still harm her.

Looking at the dead Terca with the bone short sword and dagger sticking out of his head, Shiro sighed in relief and started to carry his corpse away.

The best that she could do right now was to set up a camp near the edge of the forest and sleep on one of the trees. If she set up camp in the forest, there was a high chance that the monsters could discover her.

Dragging the corpse, which was a little smaller than her, Shiro started to skin the hide off its body along with cutting up the meat so that it could be cooked easier. Setting the wasted material such as the organs to the side, Shiro made a quick fire with some dry branches and started to cook the meat.

While it was cooking, she started to sharpen the bones into small daggers so that she could have some ranged weaponry if they were needed. Though that was highly unlikely should she succeed in becoming Dimos' assistant. However, you never know what life would throw at you so it was good to make some backup plans.

After she ate the meat to fill herself for the night, Shiro checked up on her current equipment.

'I have a short sword and 5 daggers now. I should probably make a belt or something so that I can store them under my hide cloak. It's also annoying if I have to carry these around by hand as well.' She thought to herself.

Threading some tendons through a strip of hide, Shiro created a holster of sorts for each of the daggers and wrapped it around her waist. With her daggers and short sword ready to be grabbed at any moment, Shiro nodded her head with satisfaction.

Taking it off for now, Shiro climbed to the top of a tree and hung the belt on one of the branches as she didn't want to be accidently stabbed in her sleep. Grabbing her short sword, she kept it by her side in case something tried to attack her.


Waking up early the next day, Shiro cooked up some of the left-over meat and started to make her way back into the city.

Thinking about it for a moment, Shiro decided to take a small detour to the butchers and see if she could work something out with the owner there.

That way, she could earn herself some money from the monsters that she hunts.

Due to her scouting on the first day, she had an idea on the layout of the town and the butchers was located in the centre of the town.

After walking for a bit, she could hear the butchers cutting up some meat for the morning.

"Excuse me?" Shiro called out.

"Morning. Are you looking for some meat?" The butcher asked with a smile.

"No, I'm just asking if you can buy some of the monsters I hunt for some food. To my knowledge, Terca's are the most common monsters right? If I hunt them and bring it to you, can you buy them off me?" Shiro asked as the butchers thought about it for a moment.

"Ah I don't know young lady. I'm already buying monsters from a few people." He apologised.

"Hmm… I don't mind if you give me a little less in terms of pay. I just want to sell this since I can't eat the whole monster in a day." Shiro offered.

"I usually buy whole Terca's for 15 coppers. If they're not whole, I'll buy them for 10 coppers. If you really want to sell me Terca's, I'll buy whole ones for 12 coppers and if they're not whole, I'll buy them for 7 coppers." The butcher offered.

"What would you class as not whole? Because I also want to keep some of the meat to feed myself." Shiro asked.

"Hmm… I'll show you."

Grabbing one of the Terca corpses that he had already prepared, he told her about the best meat and which is worth the most on the corpse.

"If these are missing, I'll deduct some copper if that's ok."

"Yeah that's fine. When shall I bring you the corpses? I have lessons in the day and I hunt at night for dinner and breakfast." Shiro asked.

"You can bring it here at night then. I'll wait for you to bring me the monster body." The butcher smiled.

"Are you sure? If you want, I can also bring it to somewhere convenient for you." Shiro asked.

"Nah it's fine. I'm here most of the day anyways." He replied with a laugh.

"Thank you very much. Can I know your name?" Shiro smiled.

"Just call me Vasil. What's your name young lady?" Vasil asked with a smile.


After talking to the butcher for a little longer, Shiro started to make her way back to the school.

Looking at the sun, Shiro figured that Dimos still needed around an hour or so till he arrived at the school.

'I should probably clean up the school a little since I have the time.' She thought to herself.


Cleaning the dust out of the classroom, Shiro nodded her head with a small smile and climbed out the window. Waiting by the door, she saw more and more parents show up.

"Oi, what were you doing inside the classroom without anyone around." One of the parents asked with a glare."

"Hm? I was cleaning up." Shiro replied simply.

"I don't believe it. A beggar like you wouldn't clean up. You must have done something suspicious or you stole something." She frowned and reached out to grab Shiro's arm.

"What are you doing?" Shiro narrowed her eyes and stepped out of her reach.

Seeing that Shiro avoided her grab, the woman seemed enraged.

Reaching out for her once more, the woman was not gentle with her actions at all. Seeing this, Shiro knew that she probably shouldn't act nice with someone like this.

Brushing her cloak to the side, she revealed her set of daggers.

Grabbing her short sword, Shiro used it to parry her grab to the side.

"Don't act violently in a place of learning." Shiro warned.

Glaring at her, the woman was now seething with rage.

"You little sh*t!"

"Stop! What are you doing this early in front of the school?" Dimos shouted out with a frown.

"This little beggar was doing something suspicious in the school. She even threatened me with the sword." The woman explained while glaring at Shiro.

"Is that true?" Dimos turned to Shiro.

"No. I was cleaning up the classroom and the woman tried to violently grab me. I was protecting myself with the sword." Shiro replied coldly.

If Dimos couldn't see right from wrong then she wasn't going to bother with him.

Furrowing his brows, Dimos decided to look inside the window and saw that the classroom was indeed clean.

He also understood that some of the parents here were a little unhappy with Shiro due to the fact that she looked like a beggar so there was a high chance that they're blaming Shiro for any reason they can find.

"Miss Avaros, can you conduct yourself a bit better? They're all here studying about the world and you're causing trouble for no reason. Unless you can behave yourself, I'm afraid you'll have to take your son and leave. I won't tolerate acts like this." Dimos narrowed his eyes at the woman.

"Whatever! Your lessons are a waste of time anyways." She huffed and left the area with her son.

Seeing this, Dimos shook his head.

"Thank you for cleaning up the room." He smiled and patted Shiro on the shoulder.

Raising her eyebrow, Shiro glanced down at her shoulder and shrugged.

Following behind him, Shiro stood near his seat at the front as she was acting as his assistant.

During the lesson, he would ask her to draw out some of the maps she had seen yesterday and Shiro managed to draw them with amazing accuracy.

Seeing this, Dimos couldn't help but be surprised at her memory.

Little did he know, copying something from her database was easy for Shiro. Looking at the slab, she could almost overlay the same image from her memory and all she needed to do was to trace over the image.

Continuing the lesson with Shiro drawing all of the maps and diagrams that he had wanted the draw, Dimos had a much easier time teaching and managed to teach more information that what he normally could as Shiro managed to draw all of the diagrams that he needed quickly.

Once lessons were over, Dimos was quite impressed.

"Good job today." Dimos smiled and left the building.

Chuckling softly, Shiro started to make her way to the forest. She'll be trying to hunt one more Terca than needed so that she could get more money from Vasil.

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