Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 637 First Week of Training

Watching the arrow crash against his tier 6 spell, Stanley was shocked by the power it had contained but he wasn't too worried.

Snapping his fingers, he started to edit his magic circle while it was under barrage.

After a very short pause, he smiled.


Shattering into dust, the partials reformed themselves into a different magic circle and sent the attack high into the sky.

Seeing this, Shiro had a look of disbelief on her face.

"Wait how????" Shiro asked.

To her knowledge, editing a magic circle while it was under attack was impossible. That was because the moment the integrity of the spell was broken, the attack would pierce it like nothing and strike towards the caster. The fact that her teacher had changed his spell during the activation was pure insanity.

"I would say that it's simple but it's really not. There is a risk to this technique but if you can master it, it'll allow you to adapt your spell to whatever your enemy is trying to do. My initial spell was to block the best shot you could fire but since it exceeded my calculations, my next best option was to just redirect the spell away from me. If it was within my calculations, I wouldn't need to change it.

"In a combat situation, if my spell could handle the attack with ease, you can then use this technique to instantly launch a counter attack. But since you're practicing with the sword now, I suppose you can just charge in while they're stunned. Remember, use this as a last resort since it could backfire if you don't accurately judge the power of their attack. So tell me, why does this work? If you can accurately figure out how this is done, I'll give you another reward." Stanley smiled.


Furrowing her brows, Shiro closed her eyes and remembered the activation of Stanley's magic circle.

Checking through each of the tiers, Shiro couldn't find anything off about it. However, when the 6th tier appeared, she finally noticed a pattern which stretched across all 6 layers.

"You snuck in a second magic circle in the different tier layers. I don't know what kind of spell it is but from what I can see right now, it's one that analyses the power of the attack right?" Shiro asked as Stanley smiled and nodded his head.

"Yes you are correct. I did indeed sneak a second magic circle into the tier layers so that it may assist me with calculating how powerful an attack is. After all, one may try to trick you by hindering your senses which causes you to misjudge. But if there is a hidden spell circle doing the same job, it limits the errors that could occur." Stanley explained.

"And as for your reward-"

"I don't need one. Can you teach me how to do what you did? Because from what I know, it should be impossible to accomplish but since I've witnessed it with my own eyes, I now know that it's possible." Shiro shook her head.

"Ah? I was planning to teach you this regardless. Are you sure you don't want a reward?" Stanley titled his head.

"Mn, I'm sure. Plus, I've already received this Rainbow grade item from you so I'm satisfied." Shiro grinned as Stanley sighed softly before nodding with a smile.

"I'll only show you the fundamentals today since it's getting pretty late. We'll continue this tomorrow at the same time."

"Are you sure? Isn't it tiring to teach for the entire day?" Shiro asked with slight concern since he was also teaching Aarim, Silvia and Yin.

"Don't worry about your teacher. I can handle it. But I must say, I was rather surprised to see that you have a sibling. Your father had never told me about her." Stanley patted Shiro's hair with a chuckle.

"She's not my sibling, she's my daughter." Shiro corrected him.

"Eh? She's quite old to be your daughter isn't she? When did you even have her?" Stanley asked with confusion.

"She's a special case. I say she's my daughter but that's because we are indeed related by blood. You see, before she was born, I made a blood contract with her while she was an egg. Yin is actually a phoenix and she's not even a year old yet." Shiro explained as Stanley blinked to make sure he wasn't in an illusion before furrowing his brows.

"She's not even a year old yet?" He asked.

"Yup." Shiro nodded.

'And to be fair, neither am I.'

{Imagine a god who hasn't even been born for a year.} Nimue laughed.

'Mn, wouldn't that be interesting. Though I doubt I can become a god before my birthday.' Shiro shook her head.

{You never know. Though if it did happen, poor Madi is gonna cry.} Nimue shrugged.

'True.' Shiro smiled.

Focusing back on her teacher, she saw that he was in deep thought before sighing.

"No wonder her mana felt different to normal people. It was because she's a phoenix. What about you then? Your mana is rather… unique." Stanley asked as Shiro only shrugged.

"Things happened and my class has changed. It's still magic based so you don't have to worry." Shiro replied as Stanley nodded his head.

"Anyways, let's begin our lessons on the fundamentals of this spell."


For the next week, Shiro's training consisted of trying to achieve a similar technique as to Mio's Absolute Defence and to do so, both Koji and Mio would attack Shiro simultaneously in the simulation from all angles.

To make sure that this worked properly, she was not allowed to use any skills or speed enhancing tools. She had to clear it with her base stats only along with a single blade.

In addition to this, she had to also improve on handling her weapon better so that it would not be as easily disarmed.

Naturally, the training was harsh especially since it was her parents training her. With the knowledge that this was the digital world, they didn't need to worry about truly harming Shiro.

After a round of training with her parents, there was also Stanley's training in the mysterious mountains.

Thankfully, due to her strong mental fortitude and the help of the passive from Rejuvenation EX, she was able to complete everything without too many problems.

HOWEVER, the same could not be said for the rest of the party. Especially for Chen Yu as he always returned to Silvia in a wounded state.

While the party was taking a break from the first week of training, the teachers sat around a conference table to discuss their improvements.

"So how is Chen Yu? I've seen his state and it looks like you've done quite a number on him." Koji asked as Fin only laughed.

"What can I say? I like the kid, he's got potential and drive. Assassins die quickly if a mistake is made. I have to keep him near death and get him used to the feeling. That way, he knows when to leave if sh*t get's real. His girl is a healer so she can help him if things get out of hand." Fin replied.

"Try not to let it get TOO out of hand." Koji shook his head.

"What about you Lin? How are the girls on your side?"

"They're fine. The girl called Lisandra has an abnormally high affinity for the Light Element so her sword arts are highly aggressive while Lyrica has adaptability. I can probably get them to front line level by the end of the three weeks since both girls are very talented. The only thing they will lack by the end of this training will be levels." Lin replied.

"Since you talked that much about them, you must like them quite a bit too huh?" Koji smiled as Lin preferred action over talking. Since she talked this much about the girls, it means that she had properly accepted them as her students.

"They're focused and they want to learn. They're eager but know how to be patient." Lin replied before gesturing that she won't speak any more.

"How about you Chelsea?"

"Before I say anything, can you tell me why the girl has a demon class?" Chelsea frowned as her family was killed by the demons when she was stuck in the demon continent.

"Special circ.u.mstances but I can assure you that she's friendly."

"She better be." Chelsea narrowed her eyes.

"But setting that aside, how are they?" Koji asked.

"They're good." Chelsea replied simply before closing her eyes, showing that she didn't want to speak more about this.

Shaking his head, Koji looked towards Stanley.

"They're doing ok. Just let me do my thing and I'll get them up to standard since they're willing to learn. Also, try not to tire out Shiro during your training or else she won't be able to focus as well during mine." Stanley sighed.

"It's either that or you can stop your lessons and stop kidnapping my daughter to a mountain in god knows where." Koji retorted with a twitching smile.

"Does your mansion look like it can provide enough mana for me and her to practice with? The mountain is a holy land for mages. There's no way I'm going to give up the chance of letting Shiro receive the benefits of staying in such a mana rich place." Stanley frowned.

Seeing that the two were about to argue once more, Lin, Fin and Chelsea decided to leave the room and let them argue it out. 

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