Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 635 Mio's Sword Skill

"Oh my." Widening her eyes in surprise, Mio was shocked to find out that Shiro was actually the owner of the guns that had been discussed quite a few times. It was something that the frontlines desperately wanted so that even those who were lower level could impact a large scale battle.

After all, one could see how easily it killed high level adventurers in Miriel when Shiro first showed them to the world.

"You're the rogue assassin?" Mio asked.

"Urg, I don't like that nickname but yes. I'm the one with these guns. If you look at my proper class, you can see that it's called Divine Sylph Nanomancer. The Nanomancer part of my class is what allows me to conjure up guns that can help me kill monsters." Shiro explained while handing her hand cannon to Mio.

"What is a Nanomancer?" Mio asked while taking a closer look at the gun.

"Just a mage that primarily uses nanobots to fight. Nanobots can be used to craft a multitude of things as long as you have a detailed blueprint. Essentially, it's a Pyromancers but with tiny robots." Shiro explained.

"Goodness. You'll need to be careful then. The government is keeping an eye out for the guns. If you let them know that you're the owner, it'll be troublesome since at this point, everyone in the world wants it." Mio furrowed her brows before handing it back to Shiro.

"Don't worry mum, I know." Shiro smiled.

"So since you're used to guns, why don't we spar again but you with your preferred weapon." Mio suggested as Shiro shook her head.

"No, because my guns are packed with armour penetration and magic penetration. I'm pretty sure it'll destroy this place and harm you if a bullet hits you." Shiro frowned.

"How about this. If you're worried about mum, I'll equip my best armour and activate my skills so that I can protect myself." Mio smiled.

"Plus, if I see your main fighting style, I can give you better tips no?"

Furrowing her brows, Shiro had a different idea.

"What if we do it in the digital world. That way we don't harm the area around us nor do I harm you." She suggested.

"That could work. We do have a simulator in the house but I don't think it can reproduce guns like yours darling." Mio frowned.

"I can make my own, don't worry."

Pressing her palm against the floor, three simulators started to construct themselves.

"Well isn't that handy." Koji remarked as Shiro smiled.

"It is handy but this class is pretty useless without the blueprints you know? One needs to have an in-depth understanding of what they want to make in order to create it successfully." Shiro chuckled.

"Mn, I suppose that is the drawback of the class." Koji nodded.

After all, despite how powerful it may seem, unless you have the right resources, the class could become useless.

Entering the simulators, the family of three found themselves in the centre of a Colosseum.

���Right then, you should have most if not all your skills mum. I'll probably limit the usage of my skills since I want to rely on my fundamental techniques rather than skills." Shiro smiled, summoning a hand cannon and a dagger.

"Ok, we can start whenever you want." Mio smiled.

Nodding her head, Shiro took a deep breath as her aura completely changed.

Since this was a simulation, it means that she could attack without the worry or harming her mum.

Slamming her hand down, nanobots started to spread through the colosseum like a spider web as Shiro threw her dagger towards Mio.


Parrying the dagger with ease, Mio raised her eyebrow but smiled when she watched as Shiro's body flicker away.

Raising her sword behind her, she flicked her wrist and slashed towards Shiro's dagger since she had seen many assassins do the same.

Surprisingly, her sword missed Shiro as she wasn't there.

'Oh my.' Mio thought with mild surprise but kept her guard up.

Feeling danger about her, Mio quickly looked up to see a barrage of bullets.

Crouching down slightly, she took a deep breath and slashed towards the bullets with her sword.

Dancing through the hail of bullets, Mio managed to dodge most of them. The ones that did come into contact were only able to cause a scratch.

Seeing this, Shiro couldn't help but marvel at her mother's eyesight and reactions to be able to dodge such a barrage.

However, despite her amazement, she didn't waste any time.

Snapping her fingers, gun barrels formed from the web that she had set out previously.


Firing another barrage, Shiro took this moment to construct a tier 5 magic circle and had a sniper set up so that it would fire a powerful shot towards Mio.

However, before her sniper could have a chance to fire, Mio was already in front of Shiro and had slashed the sniper in half.

"Tsk." Clicking her tongue, Shiro flipped her body back and raised her hand cannon towards Mio.

Sensing danger, she quickly morphed the hand cannon into a dagger and parried Mio's blade just in time.

"So you can switch between weapons quickly, good to know." Mio smiled, surprised by her daughter's mastery over her own class.

"You have to be able to do this much if you want to survive the sh*t I've been through." Shiro laughed.

Twisting her body, she kicked towards Mio.

Blocking the kick, Mio was surprised to see a gun barrel appear on the heel of Shiro's boot as she quickly backed off and dodged the bullet just in time.

Without hesitation, Shiro dashed towards Mio and threw her dagger.

Connecting a nanotech wire around the dagger, Shiro swiped her hand and had it wrap around Mio's body before sending lightning through the wire.

Snapping her fingers, spikes started to appear on the wires as Shiro conjured up an army of guns which floated around her.

Commanding them all to fire in tandem towards Mio, Shiro narrowed her eyes and used this chance to construct a large scale magic circle, if she was given enough time, she MIGHT be able to construct a tier 6 magic circle but it depended on what she wanted to do.

However, hearing the sound of bullets being slashed apart, Shiro knew that this barrage did nothing to her mother.

Shaking her head, she gave up on the tier 5 magic circle since continuing would mean that she exposed herself to danger.

Charging towards the centre, she halted the barrage and appeared before Mio.

Twisting her body, she wrapped her legs around Mio's neck before throwing her body back down towards the ground. While Mio was falling towards the ground, Shiro summoned her hand cannons and fired towards her.


Crashing against the ground, Mio's body dispersed into mist before reappearing next to Shiro.

But despite seeing her mother about to slash towards her from the right hand side, Shiro felt a slight tingle of danger to her left and decided to trust her instincts.

Firing her hand cannon towards her left, she watched as the figure of her mother appeared. She had barely blocked the bullet that would have pierced her throat.

"Close but not quite." Mio chuckled.

Confused, Shiro furrowed her brows as she felt a sword pierce her shoulder.

Glancing behind her, the 'Mio' that she had ignored was still there with a smile.


"It's my loss." Shiro sighed, understanding that if this was a real fight, her mother could have taken off her head with that move.

"It wasn't a bad attempt you know? I may or may not have cheated a little since I chose my best skills." Mio chuckled.

"What do you mean?" Shiro tilted her head.

"Sword Skill – Absolute Defence. As long as I can see and act against an attack, I can block it instinctively. This works especially well with barrages since it synergises with my sword domain. The only downside to this was that it drains a lot of stamina but I have a lot of stamina replenishing skills." Mio smiled as Shiro's smile twitched.

"What the hell? Isn't that skill a little broken?" Shiro asked.

{£&^%£$&^£!!! YOU CAN'T SAY SH*T ABOUT BROKEN SKILLS!"} Nimue retorted instantly as she wanted to uproot one of the islands and throw it across Shiro's mana realm.

"Well the steps I had to go through to get this skill was quite tough you know? Plus, it doesn't work too well against hidden attacks. If I can't sense it, then my skill wouldn't work." Mio explained.

"However, your mother does have a second skill which allows her to fend off against hidden attacks from assassins. In a way, it's similar to future sight. Despite the intensity of your attack, there were a few close calls since there is still a limit to how your mother can react. But with her second skill, she can peer slightly into the future and path out the best way to move so that she can dodge the attacks. There is a gap between each cast hence when some of your bullets managed to graze her during the barrages." Koji explained as Mio glared back at her husband exposing her like this.

Hearing Koji's explanation, Shiro had a strange sense of déjà vu as she had done the same with Silvia when explaining how Grace worked.

"Anyways, ignoring your father, I think I have the perfect training plan for you." Mio grinned.

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