Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 617 Zyn

Letting go of the man's neck, Shiro sat on one of the chairs and crossed her legs.

"The information that Dominic wanted was about the Queens along with every bit of information I can provide to him about the Vatican City. The level of adventurers, the defence, the weak points of their defence and even some information on the demons." The man replied while rubbing his neck.

"Do you know what he wants to do with all that information?" Shiro narrowed her eyes.

While she knew that he wanted to destroy Vatican City, she wanted to know more of the situation so that she could see if there were any mastermind behind all of this.

"I know that he has a grudge with the pope of the place. They used to be friends when they were younger I believe. Not sure how far this grudge extends to since I never looked too deep into it. But I'll tell you one thing though, he's very curious about someone called the Dragon Queen. I haven't got much information on her except for a few tidbits I collected from people who have already joined Thiria's faction."

"Oh? And what kind of information is it?" Shiro raised her eyebrow in curiosity.

"It's about where you can find the Dragon Queen. You see, some have spotted her domain near the flaming continent which isn't surprising considering the fact that the flaming continent is the home base of dragons. Unfortunately, the flaming continent is far into the unexplored territory so not many have mapped out the place. If I had to guess, only around 5% of that place is mapped out."

"And why does he want to meet the Dragon Queen?"

"Probably to pledge allegiance towards her or something haha. Even though he's already in the Black Monarchy, he wants to jump ship." The man snickered.

"Hou… So you said that you had information on the demons, care to share?"

"Of course. You see, the demons are in the Vatican City because they discovered something that is highly attractive to them. Most would presume it's the angel that had recently appeared but it doesn't seem like it. You see, I have a few… 'connections' to tradesmen from the demon race. Apparently, they have discovered the descent of one of the demon gods and she's currently in the process of awakening her power. The bloodline is pretty weak so it's hard to detect them but they managed to find her by chance and now, they're trying their best to recover her.

"As the city is quite far from the front lines, they're struggling to transport high level demons to come assist but I think they're going to strike a deal with Dominic. After all, that man commands a dragon army of his own."

Staying silent, Shiro furrowed her brows.

She somewhat knew who they were talking about since Madison had the Demonic Valkyrie Class. In addition to this, it seems like she awakened her demon bloodline after her hidden class up. If not for that, she would have received a normal class.

"Where can I find the demons?" Shiro asked.

"You can find them underneath the Vatican City. Currently, they have around 100 A classed Demons and 200 B classed demons which is more than enough to destroy the Vatican City. However, they're being careful due to the angel hence why Dominic thinks this is a perfect chance for him to strike a deal." The man replied.

"I see. Tell me your name."

"Call me Zyn." He replied with a smile.

"Alright Zyn, how good are your connections?" Shiro asked.

"Second to none if you're talking about demons. There are only a few who are better than me when it comes to information gathering in human domains." Zyn chuckled.

"That will do. What do you think about working for me?"


"It's either that or I kill you. The black market isn't exactly filled with people who are good after all." Shiro narrowed her eyes.

She had already embedded dormant nanobots into his body which would monitor his moves. The moment he plans against her, she'll notice and the nanobots will activate.

"I give, I give. I'll serve under you. May I know your name then?" He raised his hands.

"No need to know. I'll contact you when I need you." Shiro said while throwing him a phone.

Flickering out of the room, she allowed the guards to move once more.


Furrowing his brows, Zyn clicked his tongue. He didn't know who that person was but he could tell that the person was in the early stages of A class.

Pulling out his own phone, he dialled up his main client in order to inform him about some… slight changes. Hopefully, she'll be able to resolve it for him as he was just a scout and a tradesmen. His combat ability was on the low side which is why he served under powerful people.

However, just as he pulled out his phone to call his boss, he felt a surge of mana erupt out from within him and blood started to pour from his orifices.

"ARGG!!!!" Screaming out in pain, he started to claw away at his face. Nanobots started to chew through his skin before spreading to the guards.


'A shame. I was actually hoping he'd serve under me too. That way I could get some information on the demon continent.' Shiro thought with a sigh.

{He wasn't exactly the nicest folk either so it was to be expected. So what are you going to do now?} Nimue asked.

'I think I'll kill Dominic now and then disguise myself to get some information from the demons. After all, this is something quite important for Madi.'

{True. Who would have thought that the only person who thought she was normal in the party was actually a descendant of a Demon God.} Nimue shook her head with pity for the girl.

'Indeed. Though I suppose it's to be expected since Demonic Classes are very rare and can only be obtained through specific qualifications. I had dismissed this though because she gained it as a hidden class but to think that It's actually due to her bloodline. Do you think I should break the news to her or should I let her find out herself?' Shiro asked.

{You should probably let her find out herself. Maybe you can stage a raid on the demons with the party? They want to follow you as a party more often after all.} Nimue suggested.

'That doesn't sound too bad.' Shiro nodded her head as that was her next goal after killing Dominic.

Searching for Dominic's signal, she discovered that he had already left he Black Market and was making his way to Vatican City.

'This is perfect. There's a countryside past the Vatican City so I can probably drag him over there to avoid unnecessary casualties.' She thought with a smile.

Dashing out of the Black Market using her Rift Strider, she managed to see him jump onto a dragon.

Without hesitation, she stomped down and launched herself towards him.

"Mn?" Noticing her presence, Dominic was surprised to see a cloaked figure charging towards him.

Grabbing him by the face, she dragged him into the Rift.

Before he could even speak, Shiro slammed his body against the ground.

But just as she did this, a pair of dragons suddenly appeared through a portal and chomped towards her.

Pivoting on her foot, she was able to dodge the jaws narrowly as the speed of the dragons surprised her. Especially since she was now a tier 5 being.

"I don't know who you are but it seems like you've got a bone to pick with me." Dominic frowned.

Without saying anything, Shiro created two hand cannons and pulled the trigger.


Widening his eyes in shock, Dominic watched as his dragons barely managed to block the shots as blood poured out from the large cavities that suddenly appeared on their chests.

Flickering in front of him, Shiro twisted her body and roundhouse kicked him out of the Rift.

Flying out of the portal like a speeding bullet, Dominic's body was almost folded up in half due to the power of her kick.

Summoning another dragon, he quickly jumped on its back and started to flee.

Seeing this, Shiro only grinned as this was exactly what she wanted. After all, he was fleeing towards the countryside where she could go all out without giving a sh*t. Of course, it's not like this required her to go all out but seeing as how Rakurth was quite powerful, it would be good if she took things with caution.

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