Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 550 Vampiric Death Worm

"Ah f*ck." Shiro muttered as she brought out her sword. Back then, she was still low level as Kuromi so she didn't participate in the raid against an a.d.u.l.t Vampiric Death Worm but she could remember her parent's serious expressions after the raid.

Even with her mother and father being near the peak of tier 5 had troubles since their basic attacks could barely harm the natural defences of the Death Worm. Even now, she could still remember the advice her father gave her when she asked about how one should deal with the Death Worms.

'You want to avoid its a.d.u.l.t form as much as possible and if you see one in the wild, kill it before it matures. It's most vulnerable as a juvenile. At that point, even a C class adventurer could kill it.'

However, there was something strange about this giant hive of Death Worms. There were simply too many. From what she remembers, the birth of a Death Worm was rare. It should only occur when a Vampiric Reaper mutates with a parasite. Once that happens, 5 Death Worms will appear inside the Reaper's body and fight until there is only one left. For this many to be here, it meant that someone was nurturing an entire farm of Death Worms.

"We're killing these f*ckers immediately. If we let any of them escape the area, it'll be troublesome." Shiro narrowed her eyes.

"Agreed. However, there is something special about these Death Worms. You see, the man I'm talking about is from Black Monarchy and he's the same person who kidnapped me when I was a kid. From my understanding of him, he always goes that extra length to make things complicated. An example would be the totem incident where I couldn't participate because I would be helping the monsters instead." Nan Tian shook his head.

"Regardless, we have to deal with them soon. Just one Death Worm is a serious danger never mind a huge hive like this one. Also, how the hell did Black Monarchy get their hands on so many of these guys? It's simply ridiculous. It's not like there's a queen that can just give birth to a whole bucket of these worms." Shiro frowned as there were no records of a Death Worm queen of any kind.

"I'm not sure. During my time in Black Monarchy, I never heard anything about the Death Worms. Whether that's because it's a high level secret or not, I don't know." Nan Tian shook his head as Shiro thought about it for a moment.

"Do you want to keep one for research? We'll destroy the rest and see if these are any different compared to a normal Death Worm. There must be some physical differences if this many are produced." Shiro suggested as Nan Tian frowned.

As much as he wanted to agree, leaving even one was dangerous considering the nature of Black Monarchy.

However, before he could say anything, he felt a surge of mana signatures appearing within the body of the corpse in front of them and quickly pulled Shiro back.

Rolling out of the way, they watched as the corpse exploded out with juvenile Death Worms.

"What the hell!" Shiro widened her eyes since that was clearly abnormal. Death Worms should not be appearing within a person's body like that.

[Death Worm Juvenile – LVL 1]

HP: 100/100

MP: 200/200

Despite their strangeness, she could confirm that they were indeed Death Worms which only made things weirder.

Crawling out from under Nan Tian, Shiro sent out a wave of Phoenix Fire and turned the newly born Death Worms to ash.

"Ok we need to seriously do something about this. If they can be born from human corpses then this place is a giant f*cking breeding ground." Shiro looked around with a frown.

"I know. We might have to give up on finding out their physical differences since this could be infectious. If we brought it back to a place where there are more people, we could accidentally create a breeding ground bigger than this one." Nan Tian furrowed his brows.

"Mn, let's just kill all of them. Since there are a few underground, I think I might have to make some geographical changes to the map. We can't let any of them escape." Shiro nodded and pulled out her Asteria's Embrace bow.

"Alright, are you going to use the spell you used in Kyoto? You know the one that obliterated all the shrines." Nan Tian asked.

"You know about that one?" Shiro raised her eyebrows.

"Yup. I got eyes in every city after all. If you're going to do that, I can help you upgrade your magic circle so that it's more potent." Nan Tian suggested as Shiro immediately shook her head.


"Eh? Why?" Nan Tian tilted his head.

"Remember what happened back in New York? Then who knows if your help will make it so that you cannot kill a final boss should it appear. We'll just use the bare minimum force needed to kill all these worms and it'll be fine." Shiro reminded as Nan Tian paused.

"Fair enough. There was more damage done to New York than what I had anticipated since I couldn't participate due to the circ.u.mstances. It's all on you then." He smiled and stepped back with Yin.

Nodding her head, Shiro looked around for a good spot to set up her spells and found a small hill to the south of their location.

Flying over to the hill, she slammed her hand down and created several nanotech amplifiers. Once the amplifiers were created, she snapped her fingers and a giant tier 5 magic circle started to expand with her in the centre.

With the preparations complete, she raised her hand into the air and started to recreate the magic formation that she had used in Tokyo.


It's really impressive now that I see it from this close." Nan Tian muttered as Yin nodded her head.

A tier 5 magic circle was hard enough as it is for B ranked adventurers to create while formations were a whole new level. For Shiro to be able to do this with such ease, Nan Tian could tell that her analytical power was at the extreme. However, that's to be expected when she can literally create a computer that holds all her memories about magic circles in a flash.

Reaching out with his hand, he could feel the mana drain from the surroundings as it surges towards Shiro.

"Fu…" Breathing out softly, Shiro activated her Celestial Raiment and chose Void Star as the base element. If she wanted a wide attack to kill an army, she could use Cosmic ice since the passive skill of this bow would be enhanced. However, since she only needed to obliterate a single area, using Void Star would be best. Especially considering that it was still day time so her bow would fire out a single powerful arrow rather than an array of them.

Spending the next few moments to build up the tier 5 magic formation above her, Shiro raised her bow and pulled back on the strings. At this point, everyone in the waste land could see the formation due to its incredible size.

Even if they were blind, the sheer amount of mana being gathered would send chills down their spine.

Opening her mouth, Shiro started to chant in the ancient spirit language in order to activate a few of her passive skills.

{Mighty bow of Asteria, siphon the radiance of the sun and send down her wrath. With a single shot, erase their essence of life and reduce them to ash.}


Letting go of the strings, the sudden burst of mana caused the ground around her to collapse as her amplifiers were fried in an instant.

Passing the magic formation, the arrow grew in size and absorbed all the mana stored within. In a few short moments, the giant body of mana which caused chills down people's spines suddenly disappeared as Shiro dismissed her bow. After all, she could already guess what was going to happen.

As she cleaned up the surroundings, the temperature of the place started to soar as the plants were drained of their hydration and turned to ash.

Suddenly, a pillar of radiance descended from the sun, colliding with the area that Shiro had designated.

Despite her being a phoenix, even Yin started to sweat from the heat as Nan Tian activated an item and ice started to form around them. However, this only lasted a short moment before it was reduced to steam.

Raising his eyebrows, Nan Tian couldn't help but wonder if there was anyone in the world that could have even come close to the amount of firepower that Shiro could control. To make things worse, he knew that this wasn't her full power either.

After a short moment, the radiance finally disappeared while the heat remained. As for the site that was filled with Death Worms, it was now nothing more than a giant crater where the bottom could barely be seen.

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