Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 534 Next Destination

Aiming her sniper towards where the monster was currently, Shiro narrowed her eyes and fired a shot.


Watching the black bullet fly through the air, Shiro dismantled her sniper and summoned her new and improved Athera.

Thinking about it for a moment, she decided to follow it up with a few buffs to make it so that she could kill the monster in one hit. Activating her Celestial Raiment, she chose the lightning element so that it could amplify her Takemikazuchi technique.

Smiling softly, Shiro narrowed her eyes and prepared to teleport to her bullet.


Activating the portal, Shiro's body disappeared from her spot and reappeared just above the monster's location.

With sadistic intent glimmering in her eyes, Shiro slammed her hand down and activated her Tectonic Quake attunement.


Suddenly, the ground split apart as large pillars of earth slammed against the monster, pushing it up into the air.

Looking at the monster known as Vicera up close, Shiro couldn't help but notice how disgusting it was.

"Sorry, I'm doing everyone a favour by killing you because goodness, you are ugly as f*ck." Shiro grinned and swiped with her sword.

Activating her Takemikazuchi technique, lightning flickered off her body as her sword lacerated deeply into the monster's body.

Funnelling mana into her sword, nanobots surged into the monster's body and started to consume his internal organs.


Crying out in pain, the Vicera started to thrash its body around in pain. However, as it was currently being launched through the air, it wasn't able to do much in its defence.

Snapping her fingers, the nanobots started to eat the joints at the base of all of his limbs.

Looking at the now crippled monster, Shiro narrowed her eyes and decided to finish it off with Force of Elements.

Mixing the mystery element into the mix, the sword started to glitch out.

"Now I'm not sure how this would work so why don't you be my little test subject?" Shiro asked with an evil smile.

Sitting on a tree branch, Shiro crossed her legs and controlled the sword to stab into the monster's chest.

Immediately upon impact, a circuit like pattern started to spread out from the Vicera's chest. This time, unable to scream, the Vicera could only watch in horror as his body slowly crumbled away.

While she watched this happen, Shiro could somewhat feel a tugging sensation in her mind. As if it was trying to extract the code but stopped because she didn't use the Extraction skill.

"Hou… seems like using the mystery element in a skill has the same effect only weakened. Maybe I've damaged their main code rather than extracting it completely?" Shiro muttered in curiosity. Shaking her head, she cancelled out her Celestial Raiment and hopped down from the tree.

Looking for anything she could use as proof for the kill, Shiro's smile twitched when she realised that since it was now ash, she could not collect anything. No loot or proof.

'Ah sh*t…' She thought to herself since she could have gotten a few items that might have helped her class up though she wasn't sure. With an unknown class as her next target, she didn't even know how to start.

If anything, she knew that she'd probably need to research a bit about other people's class up and see how and why they would experience such a phenomenon. Plus, it would be better for her to discover it herself rather than relying on the system. After all, the system had admitted not knowing what was going to happen, meaning it wasn't omniscient as many people believed it to be.

While she was examining the ash, Nan Tian Cai Xiu and Huan Er soon arrived on the scene.

"Unfortunately, I've reduced the monster to ash." Shiro chuckled while glancing back at the trio.

"I figured as much. Did you at least get some decent exercise?" Nan Tian asked with a smile.

"Eh, somewhat. Since I took it by surprise, the fight was rather short and it didn't pose much of a threat. To be fair, if I wanted to get a decent fight, I would have let it attack me a bit but honestly, from what I've seen before, it might just run away again." Shiro shrugged before dusting herself.

Stretching her body, she yawned softly before bringing Attie back out of her mana realm and held him in her arms.

"Wait what?" Huan Er and Cai Xiu paused in surprise. They didn't expect her to suddenly pull her son out of thin air.

"Mn? What?" Shiro tilted her head.

"Nothing much, they're probably wondering where you keep Attie." Nan Tian chuckled as Shiro was about to reply with 'Inside me.' However, immediately realising that it sounded extremely wrong, she corrected it.

"I keep Attie in a separate dimension when I fight so it doesn't affect him." She replied.

"Ah I see." The duo nodded their heads since it made sense. However, they were rather surprised that Shiro had access to another dimension. While Huan Er understood that she was able to use the dimension to travel around, she didn't realise that it could be used to keep people safe.

"Anyways, since the monster had been dealt with, we'll be on our way now." Nan Tian smiled.

"Understood branch master, take care." Cai Xiu bowed while Huan Er hesitated for a moment.

Eventually, she sighed and said the same. Initially, she wanted to ask if she could join them but seeing as how he was with Shiro, he would most likely be annoyed by her presence.

Nodding his head, Nan Tian glanced towards Shiro.

"Shall we go?" He smiled.


Walking away from the area, Shiro started to look through her inventory for the card that Sharis had given her.

"Let's see… if I remember correctly, she told me to break this in the rift when I'm ready for business. Since it has something to do with Yin, I'd rather her be with us while we're doing this." Shiro said while pulling out the card.

"If you want, I can get one of my subordinates to escort Yin to where we'll be going. That way, we don't hinder the rest of the party from clearing dungeons." Nan Tian suggested.

"Hmm… I don't see why not. Though I'll need to see what the woman says first." Shiro replied before putting her hand on Nan Tian's shoulder.

Pulling the two of them into the rift, Shiro broke the card and watched patiently.

As she broke the card, the pieces started to float in the air as a portal was formed.

"You really have an odd sense of timing huh? I was just about to have a shower." Sharis walked out with a twitching smile.

Currently, she was wearing her pyjamas and had a towel in her hands.

"Oh my, seems like you've even snagged yourself a man since the last time I've seen you." She raised her eyebrows after looking at Nan Tian.

"Enough with the chitchat. Like you told me, I snapped this card when I'm ready for business. Where are we going exactly?" Shiro asked since she wasn't too keen on talking with this woman.

"Fine fine, the faction master did tell me to take you to the faction once you're ready." Sharis shrugged.

"Before we go, tell me the location so that I can get Yin to rendezvous with us."

"Sure, we're going to go to a country called Bali that was created after the system appeared. The faction master has moved to a different office after some of the members discovered a temple of sorts that had a relation to the faction's past. One that has ties with your daughter. As for the city, it's the city of Clomore and luckily for you, it does have a teleport shrine." Sharis smiled as Shiro nodded her head.

Glancing towards Nan Tian, she didn't even need to ask when she saw that he was already typing away on his phone.

"I've already notified my subordinate to go pick up Yin now. They should be in Clomore by the time we arrive." Nan tian said with a smile.

"Well that makes things easier."

"Ah right, before we go, can you at least let me go for my shower? A woman's got priorities ok? I'll give you another card and you get to break it in about an hour or so ok?" Sharis smiled.

". . . Ok." Taking the second card, Shiro decided to spend the next hour at a café where she got some snacks.

Seeing that Shiro enjoyed eating the snacks from café's quite a bit, Nan Tian made a mental note of it so that he could learn how to make them for the future.

After an hour, Shiro broke the card once more and Sharis appeared once again but this time she was properly dressed.

"Right then, let's go to the city of Clomore shall we?" Sharis smiled as the three of them made their way towards the teleport shrine. 

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