Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 522 War God

After calling out the name of the ritual, several red tendrils of energy shot forth from the sword and wrapped around the sun that Aekari had created.

Absorbing the mana away from the sun, the light from the sword was intensified as an illusionary figure started to form.

Seeing the figure, Aekari gritted his teeth in annoyance.

'Damn! Why does it have to be this war mongering freak!' He cursed in his mind.

Before he could make a move however, he felt thousands of spells target him once more.

"Tch!" Clicking his tongue, he swiped his hand and sent out several beams of light to intercept the spells.

Unfortunately for him, before the lights could intercept the spells, several tanks activated their defence skills and blocked his attack.

While this was happening, the second wave of tanks targeted him with their taunt skills.


Feeling his anger increase with every passing second, Aekari was starting to get sick of this charade.

Gritting his teeth, he activated a tier 6 barrier that blocked the ranged spells before transforming the barrier into an area of effect attack spell.

Pushing his hands out, the barrier expanded in an instant and slammed against the tank's shield.


Shattering a few shields to pieces upon contact, Aekari was able to make some room for himself.

Raising his hands towards the sword, a multi layered tier 6 spell was constructed.

Narrowing his eyes, he was about to fire his spell when a bullet of sorts could be seen from the corner of his peripherals.




"Bingo." Shiro grinned as she managed to break one of the more important components to Aekari's spell.

Just by breaking that tiny piece of the spell, she could delay the cast time by a few moments, allowing the disruption mages to do the rest.

Normally, this would have been easier for her if she had just used her hand cannons and fought him in hand to hand combat. That way, she could cancel out all of his spells with her reaction time. But since she was much weaker than him right now, she could only snipe his spells from afar.

Loading a second bullet into her orbital rail gun, Shiro looked through the scope and wanted to aim at another part of his spell.

However, just as she looked through the scope, she could see Aekari's malevolent glare as warning signs rang out in her mind.

Quickly tilting her head back, she was able to narrowly dodge a tiny ray of light that would have pierced her head had she not reacted in time.

Jumping back, she quickly dismantled the rail gun so that she could be refunded the MP used.

While it was good for the first hit, Aekari will now be wary of the location so hitting the target would be much harder. Plus, he could also attack her like he just did now and she could be killed with a single hit.

In this fight where she was heavily under levelled, she needed to be careful of what she did or else instant death.

However, it seemed like she was able to have a short period without worries since Nan Tian's ritual had finally finished.

Standing in the air and towering over the battlefield, an illusionary image of the War God had been formed.

His hair flickered in the wind as his presence felt like a mountain on the attack force. Crossing his arms, the War God looked down at the battlefield and spotted Aekari standing there with a displeased expression.

"To think you had actually created an avatar in this world. Are we not breaking a few rules here?" The War God questioned as silence reigned the battlefield.

"Heh, what about yourself." Aekari retorted as the War God had actually allowed such a high level relic to be accessible in the garden before the new age had even started.

"I have my means haha. However, you must have paid quite a price to make your avatar right? I wonder how your physical body is doing right now." The War God smiled.

"Even if I had to pay a big price, I can still kick your ass back to your divine realm you warmongering piece of sh*t." Aekari snapped back as he could still remember the battle he had against this god when he first ascended into tier 8.

"Regardless, I'll get my revenge now." The War God grinned and charged towards Aekari.

Bracing himself with a few light swords, he was about to intercept the War God when several ice chains wrapped around his body.

With hundreds of mages in the attack force fuelling the same spells, it was very difficult for Aekari to escape. Not only that, but the War God was also charging at him with full force so the best thing he could do is to just brace himself for impact.


As the punch collided with Aekari's body, he could feel blood gush up his throat from the impact.

Gritting his teeth, he pressed his palms against the War God's body.

"HA!" Sending out a beam of light to infiltrate the illusionary figure, Aekari forced his magic to start tearing away at the source of the illusion. The sword.

However, before his attack could even reach the sword, the War God twisted his body and elbowed him in the side of his face, sending his body crashing down to the ground.

"Oi, the one who summoned me through the ritual." The War God called out as Nan Tian flew to his side and bowed respectfully.

"I'll tell you now that I cannot kill him in the time that I'm able to manifest this form. The most I can do is weaken him." The War God said with a serious expression. As he had already fought Aekari in the divine realms, he knew that killing this man was much harder than ascending to tier 8. Unless they had something to completely erase him in one go, the fight was going to be a tedious one.

Hearing that not even a tier 7 relic could stop this man, Nan Tian had a frown on his face.


Hearing this, the War God nodded before charging at Aekari once more.

As the two gods clashed repeatedly, the attack force was in an awkward situation. It was hard to target Aekari with their spells due to the fact that he was being thrown around by the War God so they could only watch the scene awkwardly.

While this was happening, Shiro had already made another orbital rail gun in a different location and activated the camouflage function.

Looking through the scope, she had prepared an extra special bullet so that the War God could inflict massive damage to Aekari's body.

The bullet was made from her void star element and the moment this bullet comes in contact with Aekari, it would form a zone of darkness around them. Hopefully, this would negate quite a few of Aekari's passive skills so that his defences were weakened.

However, Shiro knew that they were just grasping at straws now. The attack force didn't have enough power to push Aekari to the brink while his reactions and barrier made it hard for Keiko to land a good hit. With the War God in the mix, the elders couldn't find a good time to interfere either since it was difficult to keep up.

Looking through her database for anything that she could use, she glanced past a few notes that she had made and couldn't help but widen her eyes.

If they can't deal enough damage, maybe the system can. 

The unknown element that she had created during her fight against the gorgon. It was forcefully cancelled by the system so she doubted that she could access it using the same method but what if she had a different way to reacquire said element? The Mythic Skill Stone, one that allowed her to create a skill as long as her mental image of the skill was detailed.

Since she still had records of the unknown element that she had used during the fight, replaying them during the item's activations should provide enough detail for the skill to be formed.

While she did say that she wanted to avoid relying on the system in case it was to disappear, their situation was dire so doing so was necessary.

'I didn't want to use this so soon but we'll lose if this continues. It's not a loss for me either since the gods will have their own code. Who knows, maybe I can extract something from them in the future.' Shiro thought to herself while pulling out the skill stone.

Activating the stone, a blaring radiance erupted out from her as she immediately played all the records she had of the unknown element. 

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